Trannie Stories

Trannie Stories


Trannie Stories

Here are a few stories that showcase the sheer will, strength and love that some people (irrespective of their gender) have for each other, while other stories showcase how difficult it can be.

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You’d think that the marriage of transgender would be so full of drama and spice…. But the truth is quite far from that. Transgenders are normal people like us – the only thing that differentiates us from them is the manner in which they are treated by society. So what exactly does it feel like to be in a transgender marriage?
After 6 years of marriage, my husband Jason popped the question no woman would ever want to hear -- “Sally, I’m a transgender, and I'm just wondering what you’d think if I undergo an operation?” My world crashed all around me. I locked myself in my room for 5 days and didn’t come out. It had Jason and my kids worried, but I was thinking only for myself. On the 6 th day, it dawned on me – what would change if it was only Jason’s physical appearance. On the inside, he’d still be the same funny, loving, caring but naughty person that I’d fallen in love with.
So I apologised to him for behaving the way I did, and stood by his side when he became Jenna. I hope our stories can inspire and encourage people who are facing similar dilemmas.
My wife came out to me 3 years ago and I can honestly say that was the worst period of my life. I could not even begin to accept that I would not only share my life but my bed with a man. It was completely unacceptable to me. I remember constantly finding excuses for delaying her operation, but one fine day she confronted me and I was forced to tell her the truth.
Needless to say, she was unhappy with what I thought and filed for divorce the very next week. I still follow her... sorry, him on Facebook now and he seems very happy with a new partner. Not sure how I’m supposed to react to that.
Not all transgender marriage stories torture those who are involved that much. I’ve always been a very proud gay guy. I’ve been guilty of doing every stereotypical gay thing that you can imagine, which is why it came as a huge shock to me when my gay partner, Jerry, chose to come out as a transgender female? Gotta be honest – Jay had always been a lot more effeminate than the most effeminate gays in our circles, so everything seemed to fit right into place when he came out to me.
And who the hell am I to judge others on the basis of their sexuality? It did take me a while to come to terms with everything, but this proud gay man stood by his ex gay partner who is now a very pretty 32 year old woman called Janice. I stayed because I can’t imagine my life without her. Simple as that.
My husband confessed 5 years ago and even though outwardly I was supportive of his transition, on the inside I was dying because I had 100s of doubts and questions racing in my mind. His surgery could not take place within 3 years because of our autistic son’s high medical bills (he used to be sick all the time) but the operation finally took place in the 4 th year. The change was hard, but the sex was the hardest to figure out. Today, we hardly ever have sex and I suspect my “wife” is cheating on me. I don’t blame her. I’m cheating on her myself.
It’s tough, you know. This is among those transgender marriage stories where we have our good days and our bad. On our best days, we’re best friends reminiscing about the time when things used to be different. On our worst days, we have trouble adjusting our lives because come on – a transgender change is a HUGE deal, especially emotionally for both involved.
Sometimes I find her questioning our marriage and I have to sit down and make her see the light at the end of the tunnel. But the truth is I myself have been having doubts. We’re great as friends – we just suck as a couple. Living with a new trans partner is extremely challenging, let me tell you. I don’t know what we’ll do about it. I’m very afraid to think of the future.
Kendrick was my best friend in the whole word, the one I thought I knew everything about. We were the type of couple that used to finish each others’ sentences. This is why his coming out story came out as the biggest surprise of my life. I was shocked, angry and hurt. Why the hell didn’t he tell me this before marriage? Why did he have to ruin MY life and what right did he have to do so?
One day I took it all out on him and he listened to me patiently for one hour. After I was done, he stood up, hugged me and told me his side of the story. I listened to it and with every passing minute, I felt my anger fading. I really realized this is still the person I’d fallen in love with. After all the drama, we go now back to the normal life as a couple and as sisters.
I was very much in love with my wife – we had been high school sweethearts. But this is one of those transgender marriage stories where things are really different from imagination. I have to be honest that now I’m neither as open minded nor as happy as I thought I would be. Yes I am happy that my wife-now-husband is finally who he was meant to be, but at the same time, I miss the presence of a woman in my life. Things just aren’t the same anymore. Sex, especially is a huge task in itself. There are challenges coming in all aspects of our life, but we are still trying very hard to figure out how to make this new relationship work. I think with love we can finally make it, maybe.
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How I Lost My Virginity As A Transgender Woman
a touchpoint true story by Corey Rae
You Were the One Who Tainted My Skies
My Boyfriend Cheated On Me With His Best Friend
W e’re expected to lose our virginity on a special night with someone we love, so we can remember it forever. Like many high schoolers, I couldn’t wait to lose my virginity. But unlike any high schooler I knew, I had extenuating circumstances that prevented it: I was born transgender .
Ever since I was six years old, I fantasized about what my life would be like as a woman. I had no interest in losing my virginity — or doing anything sexual — as a “boy.”
Having sex with the body I was born in didn’t feel right; I was uncomfortable with myself, and I knew I wasn’t “gay.”
So while I had opportunities to have sex prior to transitioning, I was disinterested, and I’m proud that I waited.
I was in 8th grade; he was in 6th. I was his homeroom mentor. The first day of school, I remember thinking how cute he was. Even then, I appreciated a good piece of eye candy. At our respective young ages we could feel the strong energy we shared, but neither of us knew how to act upon it.
While he was making the transition from middle to high school, I was beginning a transition of my own: from male to female.
This didn’t prevent me from having many of the same experiences as my peers, including hooking up. He was the first person to kiss me with passion. The first to kiss my neck, my chest, up and down my body. The first to try unbuttoning my shorts — and the first to be denied. The whole experience was invigorating. But as excited and anxious as I was to release all that built-up sexual tension, I was still wishing I could fully experience a “normal” hook up.
It was the summer between my freshman and sophomore years at Hofstra on Long Island.
I had undergone the painful and extensive process of gender reassignment surgery. I was nineteen years old.
Regardless of the unpleasant healing process, I was ecstatic to get up every morning and put on whatever clothes I wanted. Especially thongs! After wearing a Victoria’s Secret bikini, it was time for me to conquer my next big step as a woman: have sex with a man.
I had to wait at least eight weeks to do any physical activity, so as I counted down the days, I planned. My high school fling and I had kept in touch over the years, making out a couple times, and he was intrigued that I had completed my surgery. He was my first choice to take my virginity, and when he invited me over, I rushed to his house. We made out for a while, and I took pleasure in pleasuring him. Then, finally, he fingered me…and…
I had waited so many years to be played with yet all I felt was an awkward tickle. I think he was nervous to go farther, but I couldn’t wait any longer. I knew the opportunity to have him as my first might not happen again. Plus, I had no interest in going back to Hofstra a virgin; decent guys were slim pickings there. So after some hesitation, he put on a condom.
Eleven minutes and two positions later, it was over. And it was…weird.
Not painful like I expected, but it definitely didn’t feel as good as I thought it would.
On the drive home, I sang as loud as I could to the song “ I Just Had Sex ,” which was probably the most enjoyable part of the night.
With the weight of virginity finally off my shoulders, I began to make up for lost time, having sex with practically any attractive guy who looked my way. Sex was great, and a lot of sex was even greater. Although I know now that most of them were never deserving of me, I don’t regret it. I learned so much about myself through my sexual explorations in college.
The timing was never right. And though on occasion we Snap each other, I have no plans to see him again. If our paths do happen to cross, and the timing is right for a fun night, I will absolutely have sex with him again. For the story. And the orgasms .
Yes, the orgasms. There’s a big misconception about how transgender people have sex. Some never have surgery and are satisfied with their natural born parts, but want to be perceived as the opposite gender. Those who have surgery, like me, sometimes don’t have the same positive results. Some may never be able to get wet on their own. Some can’t open up their vagina without dilation (they use a dildo with lube to stay open). Some don’t have any vaginal or clitoral feeling at all.
In general, the younger someone properly identifies with their preferred gender, the better the results of hormone therapy and surgery.
I’m lucky to have gotten the surgery when I did. Lucky to not have any of those complications. Lucky to be able to have and enjoy sex. Like many women, it takes a lot to get me off, but I feel blessed to have a beautiful vagina with feeling.
I’m now waiting for the day where I meet a guy, we start dating, and I can express to him (or he could read and know from this) that I want the first time with him to be romantic, I want it to be special. I want to get to know him, make that connection, enjoy our sexual tension, and then finally be able to have him in me, and then have him forever (or until our relationship runs its course). I long for that. I am so lucky to be able to have sex as a woman, and now I can’t wait to have it with the right man.
Ps. Because we’re accustomed to identify as either boy or girl when we are very young, we transgender individuals often say “I’m a girl trapped in the wrong body,” etc. But really, we’re just transgender , something that has been around since the cavemen.
The Aztecs, Incans, and Mayans, all had gender nonconforming or all-gender sex-related beliefs and fetishes (examples of this can be found on their pottery and other art made from clay.) The Indonesians recognize a third gender, “Intersex.” It is recent in our history that we’ve become so closed minded to anything besides “straight and male and/or female.” Gender is over, and someday transgender individuals will be treated like everyone else.
I wasn’t born a boy, and I wasn’t born a girl; I was born transgender, and that in itself is a very real lifestyle.

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