Training Wife

Training Wife


Training Wife
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"The wise woman builds her house…" Proverbs 14:1

Read Wife School and go through the 22 week Wife School Study Guide to learn how to excel at the art of being a wife. Rejoice that you will have the skills and knowledge so that someday your husband will say to you, “Many (wives) have done nobly, but you excel them all.”

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I’m so glad God didn’t leave us in the dark as far as how to be an incredible wife. The Scripture pours out information on how to excel at this art. It loudly and clearly tells us what to do and how to think. We have access to the mind of God about being a wife! We don’t have to hope we get this right, we can get it right! We have the key to the Treasure Room with all the gems and jewels of knowledge and wisdom—the Bible!
Here is what a few grads had to say about Wife School and the Wife School Study Guide …
“I DO want to mention that the change in (husband’s) attitude toward me continues to be so amazing! It’s as if he’s “drawn” to me!!…I. love. it! His affection toward me meets MY deepest need.”
“I have to brag about something that my husband did. So, last night one of the sister-in-laws…told me that my husband was bragging to her husband about how much Wife School and the Wife School Study Guide has helped our marriage and that I have become a better wife. This truly melted my heart.”
“I love the new me and so does my husband. He is amazed at my transformation. He thought it was all an act until recently he realized I really did transform.”
“I just finished Wife School and the Wife School Study Guide and I want to thank you for opening my eyes. I noticed a difference in just two days of giving my husband the 8 A’s. I am so excited for my new future with my husband because I know now it will only get better. I was online looking for a studio apartment for myself so that I could leave him, when I stumbled (on your website). This definitely was God sent. No doubt! I am truly grateful to you for the gift of this book. I am sure you saved thousands of marriages. God bless you Julie and THANK YOU!”
Read more of what readers of the Wife School and the Wife School Study Guide had to say on the Testimonials page.
Julie, Hi I have been in touch with you some time ago. I would like to make sure I’m registered for the next WSO, also Skinny School. (need both) =)
I have my book and I have been reading it everyday, or at least one of your posts.
how can I sign up for WSO? Is it too late ? Thanks!
I would love to signup for WSO. How do I do that and where can I get book and journal. Thank you!!!
Michele, Good morning! So glad to hear from you. Lesson 1 went out this morning in Wife School Online and I will forward it to you today (I will also send you a Welcome email that went out 2 days ago.) You can order the textbook, Wife School, Where Women Learn the Secrets of Making Husbands Happy, from The class is 22 weeks long. People learn best when they discuss “material they are learning” with others, so try to find an older godly mentor, a group of godly peers, or at the least, a BFF, to discuss the assignments with. You are now signed up! Blessings to you! Julie
I also would like to sign up. Thank you
If it’s not to late, I would love to sign up, I just saw the post this morning.
Hello Everyone. I am hosting a group of ladies to study together, pray, encourage one another and help hold each other accountable while we venture on our journey of Wife School. We will be meeting in Collierville, TN (Memphis area) on Friday mornings at Central Church. It is free with FREE childcare. Our first session is March 20, with an intro March 6. Please email if you are interested in attending. I look forward to meeting you. Kathryn Sneed
I would like to sign up for wife school please.
If it’s not too late I would love to sign up. I sent and email to the address above. Thank you.
Can I please sign up?
Just heard about this from a friend! Can I still join the session?!
Yes! I just sent you the Welcome email and also Lesson 1. Glad to have you!
When is the next session supposed to start? I just heard about this and am dying to start!
We will begin another session of Wife School Online this summer. I signed you up and I will email you before we start. Glad to have you!
Please add me to the list for both Wife School and Skinny School! Thanks!
[…] ~ If you’d like to find out more about Wife School, you can do that HERE. […]
I would love to sign up for your wife school! I’m always willing to make my marriage better. We just celebrated 16 years yesterday!
Will u also sign me up for skinny school also?
Heather, I tried to reply but the email got returned. Please email me at . Thanks, Julie
Hi Julie, I stumbled across your blog today and I am most CERTAIN that this is a tool that my marriage will benefit from. I pray that it isn’t too late to get signed up for the Wife School. If it is when am I able to sign up for the next online class?
Anicia, So glad you wrote me. To register for the free Wife School Online class, send an email with your name to by this Monday, August 24. Excited to have you in the class.
I loved your book! Are you not holding any more wife school sessions? Also, my husband and I are eagerly awaiting your husband school book. When can we expect that to be available?
It seems as though every thing on your website came to a halt earlier this year. I hope everything is all right. I hope to hear from you soon.
Hi, Michelle. Husband School will hopefully be released by Thanksgiving. If you are signed up for my blog, you will be notified. Thanks for writing. There has been a lot of severe sickness in our family but hopefully, I’ll be back to blogging soon. Thanks for your interest. Julie
Thank you for the heads up on the book dropping date! I’m sorry to hear about the sickness in your family. I hope things get better soon.
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Authority In Mind Control Attraction Strategies
Is your girlfriend giving you shit?
Is she walking all over you, pushing you around , telling you what to do?
Is she downright disrespecting you by being a downright bitch at times?
Want her to be more subservient and obedient to you?
I feel you. And I’m sure millions of other guys around the world feel you, too.
And guess what – this Shogun Method guide is written for guys just like you.
I’ll teach you how to train your girlfriend and turn her into a submissive chihuahua in no time at all.
Firstly, how would you know if you need to train your girlfriend?
Here are some signs you MUST train her, and FAST:
If your girlfriend is showing any of the signs above… then yes, you MUST train her.
Otherwise, your relationship WILL end… by her hand or your own.
Besides – and most men get shocked when they hear this for the first time – it’s your RESPONSIBILITY to train your woman.
And if you don’t, as this Shogun Method guide will show you, she’s going to be one miserable woman. And you don’t want that to happen, right?
Let’s start with the first and most obvious question:
WHY should you train your girlfriend?
I’ll say it again: Because it’s your DUTY.
If anyone in your party acts out of line, it’s your job to correct them and put them in their place.
Feminists, social justice warriors, and latte-sipping soyboys might scream:
“Fuck you Derek Rake. That’s SEXIST!”
And you shouldn’t give a fuck either.
Your relationship is failing, and you’re worried about what some strangers think?
Right now, you’ve got more important things to give a shit about.
It’s a no-brainer. If you want to fix your relationship , you must train her. Trust me on this.
Being tied to a strong, dominant man she can’t push around will be the BEST THING to ever happen to her.
There are two ways to train your girlfriend:
The short-term way and the long-term way.
Let’s start with the short-term way on training your girlfriend…
The short-term way is by using a technique called “Operant Conditioning.”
Operant Conditioning is simple. It uses positive and negative reinforcement to:
Now, the same feminazis and “ beta males ” would be the first to scream:
“Hey, asshole, women are not dogs!”
Operant Conditioning works equally well on girlfriends (and wives).
Here’s the catch – Operant Conditioning works only for the short-term.
The rewards and discipline may “stick” with a child or a dog. But not with women. Not for long, anyway.
Because of an inherent flaw in the female mind:
The need for emotional rollercoasters.
Women NEED emotional rollercoasters in their lives.
They feel unstable and unbalanced without it.
And they go looking for it. If they can’t find it, they’ll CREATE it.
The most common way is by creating drama in a relationship.
She’ll nag you, argue with you, criticize you, disrespect you… just to get a reaction from you…
…so that she gets the emotional rollercoaster she desperately craves .
Now, here’s what you need to understand:
Most women don’t know CONSCIOUSLY they need emotional rollercoasters.
Most women dismiss it as “needing excitement,” or “just one of my moods,” or “it’s his fault.”
Most of the drama your girlfriend creates is subconscious . It’s a response to the lack of emotional rollercoasters in your relationship.
Sure, Operant Conditioning might do the trick. But you’ll need to keep using it over and over… because the effect wears off over time .
You already know that Operant Conditioning is short-term solution.
So, what’s the long-term way to train your girlfriend?
By Enslavement, I don’t mean PHYSICAL Enslavement.
That’s just plain dumb. (Not to mention illegal.)
Instead, I’m talking about EMOTIONAL Enslavement.
It’s the same kind of emotional addiction women feel for their:
These create the same emotional pattern inside a woman:
While she’s on the rollercoaster, she’s helpless. She’s powerless against her girlfriends, her erotic novels, her TV dramas, etc.
In spite of the powerlessness, she feels completely happy and satisfied.
You’ll want her to feel the same powerlessness, happiness, and satisfaction with you.
You’ll give her the same kind of emotional rollercoaster she gets from these things.
And you do it deliberately… and strategically.
You don’t wait for good or bad behavior to happen – you just do it.
What an Enslavement tactic you can use:
Out of the blue, just “disappear” from her for at least 24 hours.
Don’t answer her texts, don’t pick up her calls.
Naturally, she’s going to ask where the hell you’ve been.
“I needed some time away from you.”
That’s it. No explanations. Just say your piece, and let her take it or leave it.
And then, for extra credit, disappear for another 24 hours.
This technique is called the “fake breakup.” Or, “dread game”.
Done correctly, it will make your woman BEG you for a compromise.
And when she does, that’s when you can lay out your terms:
Since she’s powerless against the emotional rollercoaster you just put her on…
…she can’t help but say “yes” to you.
And she’ll be glad she did. Because nothing makes a woman happier than knowing she’s with a strong, dominant man .
Now, the feminists, social justice warriors and beta male soyboys might get one last shot in and yell:
Your girlfriend has been creating drama in your relationship for the heck of it…
…but YOU are creating drama to SAVE the relationship and make her happy.
Which of the two situations is nobler?
This Shogun Method guide has just given you one example of how to Enslave your woman and make her happy.
That one example, the “fake breakup,” has helped thousands of Shogun Method clients so far.
And guess what? It can help you, too. If they can do it, so can you. Trust me on this.
To become a true master of Enslaving your woman, one technique won’t be enough.
That’s why I invite you to learn the SKILL behind the techniques.
That skill is Mind Control . Applied psychology that’s laser-focused to your woman and relationship.
And the best part? You can master Mind Control now.
Register to attend my Online Masterclass on Mind Control – click on this link below:
(Once you clicked on that link, the registration page for the Masterclass comes up. Enter your email address because we’ll need to use that to pre-qualify you (not everyone gets in). Once you’ve been qualified, we’ll email you your Private Invite to the Masterclass.)
Remember this: You MUST train your woman.
Fail to train her, and she’ll make your relationship a living hell, and you’ll end up as a pussywhipped beta male…
…and yet if you train her right, and she’ll be the happiest, most respectful woman in the world.
Take control of her and make her surrender to your dominance and authority. Master Mind Control today .
P.S: Questions? Comments? Need help to train your girlfriend and turn her into a submissive chihuahua? Post a message below and I’ll answer it personally.
Derek Rake is the founder of Shogun Method, the world's one and only dating system based on authentic Mind Control technology. He is widely acknowledged as the leading international authority on using Mind Control and extreme persuasion in dating and relationships. Shogun Method's "Enslavement, Not Seduction!" philosophy makes it one-of-a-kind in the dating coaching world. Attend his legendary Masterclass - click here .
I agree. Women need training these days as they no longer obey men, carry out their proper jobs of cleaning, cooking and childbearing. They have lost their way and need to be brought back to their destiny as God commanded. Training from birth should be mandatory to obey and serve, starting with fathers and brothers. Conditioning with rewards and punishment, the same way dogs are trained, would ensure total odedience. Once fully trained I’m sure women would be much happier and secure and many marriages would last with women in their place, where they should be at the feet of their master, ready to carry out his every wish and desire.
I used this to train my girlfriend and it works like a charm!
Sounds phantastic.
hope enough man follow your steps
Yes so true, I am a woman and I believe each and every word you said. Women should be the obedient like a dog wagging its tail.
Thanks Derek. You turned my boyfriend into an abusive PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY asshole. I guess he thinks threatening to set me on fire is punishment. You really need to rethink your strategy here. Some guys are really going to the extreme and you’re responsible for the bullshit you feed into them
Oh BTW He gets breakfast in bed always has. I was taught at an early age how to take care of my man. He gets what he wants for the most part. I take care of him.
I am a woman, non biased towards either sex. It’s fair to say you’re entitled to your opinion. You man is a grown ass individual, he makes his own choices and if you don’t like it you can leave. Simple. Someones gotta lead the pack.
I’m dead literally this was the best laugh I had in a long time. I feel bad for the women you all have come in contact with, and for you for having such a pathetic view of women. ‍ I’m a devout Christian, but I think it’s sad that you justify this in the name of God. Shame on you honestly
God made Eve as a helpmate and NOT the equal of Adam. Men ruled all through the bible, so to use God is a great example.
Finding empowerment in obedience is a skill. You don’t realize it but you’re most in control when you let go and humble yourself.
I believe your laughter is a sign of strength, you’ve just a little stubborn and there’s nothing wrong with that.
This works like a charm on my girlfriend oh my gosh. She kept trying to push me but if you hold your ground they beg for you
I’m a woman and I like seeing real MEN like you still exist and not caring what others may say. Thank you for helping other men as well
I’m a woman and I agree. I was taught to be obedient through a mixture of this type of punishment and reward. I very much resented it at first, but a few tough lessons with the belt changed my tune. I actually am more secure knowing my role in life now and am very grateful to the man who trained me. I’ve learned fulfilling his needs is my duty and God expects it of me. Being treated like a dog is never fun, but it’s needed and will be beneficial in the long run.
Hello Derek. I am a woman and I completely agree with you on this. I don’t believe in these modern feminists. I think women’s main job her purpose in life is to serve his master i.e. his man. My fiancee is a very dominant man and I absolutely cherish him. Earlier I used to think about equality and feminism but when I met my fiancee and he trained me and also punished me whenever necessary. Now I always respect him and I always do as told by my boyfriend. He is my master and I’m his slave. Even when he raises his voice on me, I accept it and begs him for forgiveness which after few punishments he ultimately gives not like these modern women who can’t tolerate their man behaving rudely to them like he’s alpha and you are always going to be his slave.
Thank you for your work. The world needs you!
I got ripped apart by my girlfriend when I returned home after 24 hours saying if I do it again we’re over.. I said I just needed some time and just blew up and moved out. How do I overcome that!?
Don’t contact her, wait for her to contact you..
When she does wear something new, be happy confident and show no sign of missing her, yet be friendly.
Don’t stay too long, make an excuse to leave and leave things open.
Leave it to her to arrange plans or contact you initially
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Derek Rake is the founder and chief coach of one of the world’s largest dating and relationship coaching companies, specializing in Mind Control and deep persuasive psychology.
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