Posts in category: Traditional Finance

Posts in category: Traditional Finance


What is a Digital Wallet: Your Comprehensive Guide

What is a digital wallet? Discover what digital wallets are and how they work with this guide. Come with our top 7 digital wallets list.


Why transparency is needed in finance.

Transparency in Finance

Have you ever wondered why so many people can’t stand traditional banks? Is it the hidden charges? The maintenance fees? The lack of security? The slow process times? (Hint; it’s all of the above) Let’s f ...


How to talk with friends and family about finance.

Talking about Finance

Do you feel uncomfortable talking about your finances with friends and family? If the answer is yes, don’t worry - you aren’t alone! Talking about finances isn’t easy. In fact, many people are uncomfor ...


Unbanked people around the world.

Solutions for The Unbanked 

How Smartphones Make the Difference for Financial Inclusion. We take for granted everything from making a contactless payment to contributing to a savings account - but it’s not like that for everyone. ...


GenZ using fully digital financial services

Financial Services for Gen Z

Speed, Trust and an Omni-channel Experience. It’s time to move on. Generation Z (or ‘Gen Z’ for short) edged past Millennials in population numbers in 2019, and now comprise 32 percent of the global pop ...


Remittance payments globally.

No Longer Finance’s Dirty Secret 

Often Ignored, Remittance Fees Squeeze the World’s Poor. The secret is out! Remittances – money sent home by foreign workers – are of huge importance to developing nations, but the transaction costs rem ...


Anjo News.

How Banks Make Money Off You, Not For You

Traditional Banks Choose to Charge Their Customers with a For-Profit Mindset. Banks make money off you, not for you. Photo Credit: Unsplash Bank fees whether hidden or right in front of your face are not ...


Saving in banks just isnt working anymore, if anything, its money flying away rather than growing.

No Road to Financial Freedom with Near 0% Interest Rates

Avoiding the Debt Trap It has to stop. Today interest rates on savings accounts near 0% at traditional banks while they lend at 25% or more with credit cards. All while, things like rent, tuition costs ...


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