

Check who mentions your channel, see where your competitors are posting, and track keyword activity. In this way, you can identify trends in your niche of work on Telegram.

Channel Tracking

Here you can set up tracking who mentions the channel you're interested in:

  • Go to the "Tools" tab, on the top panel of the service, and select the "Tracking Channels".
Tracking Channels tool
  • Create a new channel mentions tracker and set up which events to alert you about, and from which sources to search for mentions.
Channel mentions tracking settings
  • Save all settings and wait for the list of mentions of the channel you specified in various sources to appear. 
A list of the user's active mentions

Tracking a word or phrase

To track a phrase or word across all of your Telegram posts, go to the adjacent tab and configure similar settings as well. 

Go to the "Tracking a word or phrase" tab

Tracking Settings

All further actions with the created tracking are made in the menu of its settings:

Tracking settings

Tracking results

All identified channel/phrase mentions will be presented in the following table format:

The results of tracking channel mentions

Attention! There is a limit of 4 active trackings on the service, and we will deactivate the function if a channel/word is mentioned too actively due to its spam nature.

👉Contact us if you still have questions👈

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