Touching Orgasm

Touching Orgasm


Touching Orgasm

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Felicity, 29, was watching a hypnosis video aimed at making someone orgasm when she started twitching. Before she knew it, she was erupting in a full-body orgasm. It sounds out there, but Felicity isn't the only person who can orgasm without touch. Many others have achieved touch-free orgasms through a surprising number of methods.
Tania Simirenko, 54, can orgasm simply through dirty talk . "My touchless orgasms have been induced by words, tone of voice, and energy exchange — with my love looking me in the eye and telling me, in slow, measured sentences, with well-timed silence to allow my body to experience his words, exactly what he plans to do with me next," she tells Bustle. "My body goes into an energetic orgasm and I start squirting. He can induce this through well-spaced and written text messages as well."
Just getting really turned on and anticipating her partner's touch is enough for 39-year-old Alicia Davon, who teaches a technique called extended orgasm , to orgasm. "It feels like a lot of pleasure in my pussy, contractions and fluttering, and also like electricity flowing through my body," she tells Bustle. "It can feel more subtle [than a regular orgasm], but not always. Sometimes it is just as intense and sensational."
Some touch-free orgasms do involve physical pressure, but it comes from the inside. Will, 30, has learned to achieve them by repetitively squeezing his PC muscles. "The moments leading up to it feel almost impossibly intense and unbearable, as obviously, all along the way, you want to touch yourself and help yourself over the finish line," he tells Bustle. "But I didn't let myself do that, and so that feeling just keeps building... and then eventually, if you concentrate on it enough and keep squeezing, squeezing, squeezing, then the orgasm will eventually come (no pun intended). So all in all, if you have the patience to see it all the way through to the end, then it can very a pretty intense, rewarding, and trippy experience."
Stories like these may sound made up to the majority of us, who have only experienced orgasm through stimulation of the genitals. But Sexuality Researcher, Educator, and Therapist Markie L. C. Twist, Ph.D. tells Bustle they're totally possible. "From my clinical practice, I have known people who can orgasm without touch — just by being talked to, by thinking about sex, etc.," she says. "Usually, it is women, as much of their orgasm experience is mental. I have known only one or maybe two men who can orgasm without touch. I believe that is less common in general. I also have known people who are involved in BDSM/kink practices who can orgasm in relation to such practices."
For Simirenko, touch-free orgasm "shows how deeply we can be interconnected — or maybe, more accurately, how deeply I️ can surrender my sense of separation." Learning to experience it has made her more attuned to other people energetically as well as physically.
"If the connection is strong enough, I️ can experience their orgasm as if it were mine, and can transmit my orgasm as if it were theirs," she says. "It’s an amazingly intimate and intense experience. My creativity is enhanced by this, as is my empathy and compassion."

by Arielle Pardes Published: Aug 12, 2014
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Your thumb just got a whole lot hotter
In the 2002 movie 40 Days and 40 Nights , Josh Hartnett plays a guy who pledges to abstain from having sex for that long.
It’s a truly forgettable flick in every way, except for one scene: Hartnett’s character gives his girlfriend an orgasm using nothing but a flower. 
Because we occasionally think about awful movies from the early 2000s, the scene got us wondering: How else can you achieve (and give her) an orgasm without actually having sex or masturbating ? Let’s count the crazy ways.
“Sex is often pigeon-holed into a physical act involving genitals, but the reality is that the hottest sex happens between our ears,” says Jessica O’Reilly, Ph.D., author of The New Sex Bible: The New Guide to Sexual Love .
That’s true for just about everybody—arousal is physical and mental—but if you try hard enough, your thoughts really are all you need to get off.
“Some people can actually ‘think’ themselves off through fantasy and breath work,” says O’Reilly.
These are sometimes called “energy orgasms,” because the method requires serious mental concentration and a special type of breathing, but those who practice it claim that anyone can learn.
Barry Komisaruk, Ph.D., studied this phenomenon at his brain-researching lab at Rutgers University, and found that in an MRI, orgasms from “thinking off” showed up in the same spot of the brain as orgasms from genital contact.
Researchers have found that stimulating a woman’s nipples activates the same part of her brain as triggering her clitoris .
“Scientists hypothesize that these shared neurons release oxytocin, which induces pleasure, relaxation, and spikes to peak levels just before orgasm,” explains O’Reilly.
In one study, sex researcher Herbert Otto, Ph.D., found that about 29 percent of women had experienced a breast orgasm at one time or another.
Interestingly, O’Reilly says that “the nipples are not the only sensitive part of the breast. Many women actually pinpoint the area right above the areola as the most responsive to sexual touch.” 
Believe it or not, some people can be incredibly aroused by their belly buttons. It’s called “naval fetishization,” and it’s intense enough to induce an orgasm.
While there isn’t much research on the subject, it’s theorized that belly button stimulation can hit the vagus nerve, a branchlike structure that connects the brain to the cervix via the belly.
For men, it’s the vagus nerve that causes that stomach-turning, nauseatingly painful feeling when you’re kicked in the balls.
But for certain women, stimulating that nerve via the belly button can take them straight to Pleasuretown. 
Although it sounds like Pilates propaganda, women can actually achieve orgasm through core exercises .
In one study, about 45 percent of women who said they’d had an exercise-induced orgasm experienced it during abdominal moves, while 26 percent felt it during weight lifting, 20 percent during yoga, and 15 percent while biking.
Sucking on your thumb as a grown man is really weird, but it’s even weirder if it can make you come.
A quadriplegic man named Rafe Briggs made news in 2013 when he discovered that he could have orgasms through thumb stimulation.
Sex therapists called it a “transfer orgasm,” since gently massaging or sucking on his thumb—as if it were his penis—seemed to have transferred erotic sensations to the finger. 
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