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Wowhead Client — это небольшая программа, с помощью которой мы поддерживаем базу данных в актуальном состоянии. Пользователи Wowhead Client получают доступ к дополнительным инструментам на сайте. Вы также можете использовать Wowhead Client, чтобы просматривать выученные рецепты, выполненные задания, собранные ездовые животные и спутники и полученные звания! Данный сайт активно использует технологию JavaScript. Пожалуйста, Включите JavaScript в вашем браузере. Live PTR. Classic TBC. Тема «Classic» Тема «Thottbot». Краткая информация. Комментарии Комментарий от kekeke Квеститем можно достать из сейфа без ключа: по контуру двери имеется маленькая щелочка лучше всего видно от первого лица. Покрутите камеру и заюзайте. Комментарии Комментарий от First thing, you need to reach the Vault. Hope this help. Комментарий от Thottbot Just turned it in. Alliance human warlock - if you open the portrait a handful of elitese are spawned. You need 12 keys 11 regular coffer keys and the 1 main one. Комментарий от Thottbot The guy who said he got the heart of the moutain from mining is nuts.. He must have gotten blood of the moutain. Комментарий от Thottbot where is that guy? Комментарий от Thottbot here they are - 65, Комментарий от Thottbot there is no chain attachment to this priticular quest Комментарий от Thottbot I was in there the other day and open the potrait and mobs spawned on me. There was about 4 elite guards that came out. About the keys you need 12 of them and after you open all the locks the stone guards or whatever they are called comes to life. I hope this helped you. Комментарий от Thottbot this isnt too hard to 5 man. Just 85s? Комментарий от Thottbot were do i hand it in,been to burning stepps cant find him. Комментарий от Thottbot I, a 54 priest at the time, along with a 54 rogue a 55 warlock and a druid in bear form and another druid in moonkin form. Комментарий от Thottbot To show you how to do it. People may have noticed that once you open the large vault, a smaller one inside is still locked. When you open the portait outside the room, it will spawn a named mob that drops a key to said smaller locked vault. Ocassionally the NM will spawn on top of the portait, so opening the portait before you clear the vault room can be very disasterous. Generally he spawns on the other side of the dungeon by Angerforge. Inside the smaller vault will be one of three items that is needed for the Libram quests. Комментарий от Thottbot I this quest repeatable or can you get only one heart of the mountain and so discover the secrets of only one libram? Комментарий от Thottbot Guys i can t follow. Who drop the Heart of the Mountain? I don t need the rest of commands. Is it the Banker the guy with all the chest or the portrait guy? Комментарий от Thottbot Where in BRD is the heart of the mountian ive asked everybody but nobody knows plz tell i dont have cordnites so just tell me were in BRD thx! Комментарий от Thottbot 1. Open all the doors in the room, and when u open last one Kill everything and then 'Heart' is colorful thing on ledge under small center of back wall door. Комментарий от Thottbot Can you just sell it and not turn it in? Worth the twelve relic coffer keys you dump into the event, imo. Also, you do need 12 relic coffer keys, and the last one drops off the guy that comes when you open the twelve doors. Комментарий от Thottbot Okay 65,23 is not right That is in the mountains There is no path to 65, Anyone have real coords to turn it in? Lv 70 destro lock. Make sure to have all 12 keys first. Instead of jumping in the lava, just hug the rim of the place where Lord Incendius is making his pat circles and try not to aggro him. As a lv 70 you will not gain aggro through the next door with the 2 fire elementals. Use an invisibility potion and run all the way up as close to the edge of the path as possible. When the potion is over you will be upstairs and face the plateau with a few mobs and a wandering fire elemental. Try to skip those and enter the first room to your left which is the hall to The Vault. You can enter it without pulling any aggro. There I summoned my voidwalker. They can pull more groups of mobs and that can be devastating. Anyway, now you can start killing the boss in the next room and his dog in addition. This is very easy at lv Now after that you need to open 12 doors, have your pet pull all of the aggro and run to the 1st hall again. Try to kill 2 or 3 mobs including the boss. Kill the remaining elementals and loot the Heart of the Mountain. Комментарий от Thottbot where the hell is the guy that u return it to at? Комментарий от Thottbot 65,23 are the rite coords. Комментарий от Allakhazam We had two priests and that worked really well. Комментарий от Allakhazam Where the hell is the shrine of Thaurissan at? The Heart of the Mountain is looted from this chest. Комментарий от Allakhazam You need to have 12 chest vault keys to do it, need to open it all, then Watchman Doomgrip shows, you kill him he drop the last key and set to go. Комментарий от Allakhazam So here is what I see happening So what is a good strat for this? Комментарий от Allakhazam Does this quest lead to anything, or is it the end of the quest line with no reward at all? Комментарий от Allakhazam you get this q in flame crest, burning steppes. Сердце горы. Ты принес сердце горы? Для меня его ценность поистине безгранична. Ты добыл Сердце! Оно даже прекраснее, чем мне представлялось! Прошу тебя, Исчезайка, прими это в уплату за свои труды! Перед публикацией комментария просим принять во внимание следующие рекомендации: Комментарий должен быть написан на русском языке — в противном случае он будет удален. Не уверены, как правильно построить комментарий? Ознакомьтесь с нашим замечательным руководством! Желаете узнать ответ на свой вопрос как можно скорее? 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