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Torrent the Spirit Steed is a mount in Elden Ring . He will be your constant companion, used for travel, exploration, and combat.
Torrent cannot be ridden within dungeons, nor can he be called upon during PvP or Co-op .
To unlock Torrent in Elden Ring , speak to Melina at the Gatefront Ruins Site of Grace. Agree to have her act as your maiden, and she will give you the Spectral Steed Whistle which you can use to summon Torrent . Put the whistle in your quick items or your pouch for easy access, since you'll be using it frequently!
Torrent can run faster and jump further than you can on foot, and learning to ride him effectively will make your time in the Lands Between much easier.
Torrent's normal walking speed is about as fast as your running speed on foot, and repeatedly dashing will double your speed again. Although Torrent's dash doesn't provide any invulnerability frames, it's fast enough to outpace almost any enemy, especially if they're winding up an attack.
Torrent's jumps go further than yours, but his most potent power is the ability to double-jump. This allows you to reach areas that would otherwise be totally inaccessible and even jump over some attacks. You can also change direction as you double-jump, which makes it the quickest way to turn Torrent around while running as well.
Attacks on horseback differ from those on foot. You can only hold one weapon at once, although you can switch between your right- and left-hand weapon. You can't two-hand a weapon either, so avoid using weapons whose Strength requirements you can only meet while two-handing.
Each attack has a left- and right-side counterpart, which determines which side of Torrent you swing your weapon on. The light attacks are simple swings of your weapon, while the drag attacks can be held to drag your weapon along the ground, releasing it with a powerful swing. Although the timing is tricky, this is an excellent way to approach an enemy. Larger weapons' drag attacks can even launch foes into the air!
If you're wielding a Sacred Seal or a Glintstone Staff , you'll cast a spell instead of doing your right light attack. If you're wielding a Light Bow , Bow , or Crossbow , you'll use the normal control scheme for that weapon instead, with the exception that you still can't use its Skill . Shields , Greatbows , and Ballistas are ineffective on horseback, and act as melee weapons instead.
You can do battle while riding Torrent, and in many cases this may be easier than fighting on foot. Torrent's speed makes it easy to outmaneuver most foes or quickly back off to safely heal or attack at range. He also has a hefty health bar of his own, and incoming attacks that are lower to the ground may hit him and leave you unscathed.
There are some situations in which mounted combat isn't the best option, though. In enclosed spaces, Torrent's speed can be more of a hindrance than a benefit, especially given how long it takes him to turn around. Torrent also has a Stance bar of his own that repeated attacks can quickly fill, causing you to fall off. If this happens, it'll take a long time for you to get back on your feet, and you'll be vulnerable to attacks until then. Enemies wielding Torchpoles are particularly problematic on horseback, since each attack connects multiple times from a relatively long distance.
If Torrent takes damage (or if you just want to give your good boy a treat), he can be healed with Rowa Raisins , Sweet Raisins , Frozen Raisins , and the Flask of Crimson Tears . If Torrent dies, you will fall off and be stunned for multiple seconds. You can still summon Torrent even after he dies, but doing so costs a charge from the Flask of Crimson Tears and requires navigating a confirmation dialog. (If Torrent was merely stance-broken, he can be resummoned at no cost.)
During your journeys through the Lands Between you'll come across large, twister-like columns that are constantly spinning in place. These are Spiritsprings . You can jump into a Spiritspring while on horseback to ride its current high into the air and land safely nearby. Even if you jump down from a great height, landing near a Spiritspring will ensure you take no fall damage. They're often found near high cliffs and make it easy to pass between areas that differ greatly in altitude.
me : "Torrentino, why can't you do hip checks and stomps like other horses we fought the other day?"
can you feed the Seeds to Torrent? you know, to make it faster >_>
an Elden Lord soon-to-be...riding a donkey. anyway, i think its double jump purpose only to jump, well, higher and farther. but apparently it can't mitigate fall damage. i tried jumping from a high hill (that the drop would kill me), then do a second jump just about 2 meters above the ground, i was dead. does this happen to anyone?
Something that I was a bit disappointed about was the fact that Torrent was the only mount. Imagine having like a lizard mount, an ostrich-like mount, maybe even a spider mount. Each could have their own attributes. The lizard regens on its own during combat, the ostrich can perform a triple jump, the spider has better maneuverability, while Torrent remains faster and well rounded. It would have also been nice to accessorize Torrent.
When I'm in a Get Stunlocked To Death by a Butter Knife competition and my opponent is Torrent
Easily the worst part of the entire game that this idiot can't turn any sharper than a locomotive. Cause horses obviously aren't capable of precise movements in reality............. it even seems to be some sort of goat hybrid... and everyone knows goats are totally incapable of sharp turns
Torrent i love you, and you're a great horse, but for the love of god could you not sit completely still for a whole 5 seconds everytime something so much as gently caresses you please?
What species is torrent, I say goat/horse my friend says ox and I've seen people compare similarities to an animal called a puku, discuss
Lordsworn's greasword is a good one to use on torrent.
Whoever put a confirmation screen whenever you must use a crimson flask to revive him is an evil man
The horse balls don't shrink in the cold regions. Is this a bug?
Some weapons are better suited to mounted combat than others. Straight Swords and other swiping motion weapons have a nice R1 because they cover a 180° fan around your sides will have an easy time hitting multiple opponents. Most piercing weapons do a poke that has just an objectively terrible small hitbox that will only hit something standing basically right next to Torrent’s 1/11 o’clock. Ironic given that spears were used in actual horse combat. Some weapons like Twinblades and Flails have a nice multi-hitting R2 that is great for groups and can knock them into a riposte on the finally swing and are good for stat proccs. Greatswords aren’t bad but colossal weapons tend to be too slow to be worthwhile since they have a long recovery and narrow hitbox. Halberds have a decent sweep which is shared with Great Spears, making them the only poking weapon with a mounted sweep. Carian Greatsword is a great pick for sorcerers since it covers almost 360° and can be repeated rather fast. It goes without saying but weapons with a really short range aren’t worth using either.
Big fan of the 240 frame recovery animation after taking literally any hit
I haven't seen it mentioned but you can also heal torrent by drinking a crimson flask while riding him
It would be nice if you could have a customizable saddle and bridle. Maybe horse armor? Idk the fact that he never changes through the entire game makes him look bland. Just an idea…
Torrent is almost as annoying to ride as that braindead horse in shadow of the colossus
Actually, when mounting or dismounting torenterera, you are invulnerable during animación
My only problem is that the double jump does not reset your fall distance. This goes for all the games that do this: you literally go UP, your downwards momentum is cancelled. All I mean is, I wanna escape fall damage with a well timed jump.
I wish this boy could inherit your Poise so he doesn't get stunlocked by a torch
unreliable double jump even while not in combat
Fairly confident his sprint speed is less than 2% faster than his walk speed. Literally just increases the fov to look like your going faster lol.
I think we don't appreciate enough how comfortable mounting Torrent is. Mounting always kind of sucked in other games because they try to be too realistic and make horses get stuck on everything. Hopefully this sets a new standard for the industry.
i know he is a spectral steed and all but i kind wish we had the ability to put some armor on him in fights needing torrent torrent gets the blunt of the damage and once he dies you need to rev him i just want some armor so he doesn't take an absurd amount of damage
I would like to see more Torrent lore in a DLC. There seems to be some connection between him and the ancestral spirits. They have the same magical effect when they double jump
"Do you want to use a Crimson Flask to heal Torrent?" Nah mate. I rather get ****ing rolled on by Fire Giant and get oneshot. OF ****ING COURSE I WANNA UEMY FLASK TO REVIVE TORRENT?!?!?!?!?
It needs the Tree Sentinel Horse armor.
As a tool, Torrent becomes a liability mid to late game in combat and the game rarely makes use of him as a character outside of one cinematic and being mentioned by Melina. Seems like they could've done more with him, maybe in the DLCs.
Man, I would’ve loved to cosplay as the Night’s Cavalry. If only I had their steed as well.
It is criminal that this game has no Co-op horse riding. They could even just disable combat while doing so and I would be beyond satisfied if it's some kind of worry about balance
To be honest I only use Torrent to travel and that's about it.
Very good addition to the game, only gripes is that he can get stunned a bit too long after getting hit.
Bro forgot to level vigor for the late game
While fun Torrent really sucks late game, with his set HP & 0 poise, he's more of a liability to the player, we need a way to level him up & maybe even armour him
Would be a nice touch to add certain upgrade materials to the loot of night cavalries to upgrade Torrent's hp or something like that. Would be another reason to hunt down those bosses.
Great where he's great. Terrible where he's terrible. Fantastic for bosses like Rahdan and Dragons. Great for travel and not having to take the EXTREMELY long road around. Terrible for precision battles as he's a bit bulky and has a large turning radius for fights that require precise movement. I found that having previous Souls-like game experience with dodging made me less reliant on Torrent and sticking to the tried and true, roll-like-hell method even against bosses I'm pretty sure Torrent was the intended method (Calvary Knights, Tree Sentinel/draconic sentinel, Erdtree/Putrid Avatars) when compared to my gaming partner who's never played a Souls-like game and swears by Torrent at every opportunity to use him in combat. Different methods, same results, both have beat the core game.
I fing the animation of mounting the steed to be incredibly fulfilling.
Torrent is a revelation for the movement and traversal of the world of elden ring. He opens the game up more than any other tool in a soulsborne game, and the freedom and accessibility he grants is revelatory. While i wish he was faster and more maneuverable, he is an absolutely brilliant addition that dramatically changes the core loop of exploration
i just wish fromsoft would work the bugs out of their game. torrent sprints off when you summon him every time. except when an enemy is preparing a one-shot kill attack. then mid-jog, you stop and let torrent spawn under you just in time to get killed. he's absolutely worthless as a speed boost option in battle. i guess the auto target program makes you stand still so it can hit you. evading is not allowed. what a disgrace.
Ah yes, the most useless animal beside moving quickly.
torrent is such a useless sack of **** late game. The garbage control of him, how much health he DOESN"T have, and how long he gets stunned for will get you killed more often than not. Why would the devs pigeon hole and incentivize you into using this janky and barely working game mechanic?
One of the worst mounts I've ever seen in a game with mounted combat. It controls like a semi-truck towing two full trailers and all of its wheels are blown out. If any enemy so much as gives it a mean look, it will despawn, dropping you on the ground where you then have to slowly, painfully stand up. During that time, you cannot roll to end the standing animation, you just have to watch it, and at any point during it, an enemy can walk up and do a critical hit to you. You cannot armor or upgrade the horse, meaning after Limgrave, you might as well change its name from Torrent to Death Trap. The only bosses you should ever use this cow of a horse against is certain dragons and the night's cavalry. The only good things I can say about it is that it has a nice double jump and it's technically a bit faster than walking everywhere.
There's a theory out there that Melina is the Gloam eyed queen, who is, as I understand it, something like the daughter of the Rune of Death itself. Sooo would that make Torrent something like Death's Steed? thus the devil-like horns and sharp ears, and spectral nature. Is so, that would be awesome as heck.
It’s so annoying when I try to dismount while torrent is sprinting to do the leap forward into a jump attack, but torrent just stops and slowly dismounts, leaving me wide open to attack. It happens so randomly.
I get a kick out of Torrent’s stature. Rather than some tall stallion, he’s built more like a pony or donkey.
Smart move! Search Elder Ring Torrent and it will bought you here. Well play sir! Well play!
How much HP does she have? Does it scale with player HP?
I discovered this far too late, but if you put the spectral steed whistle into your pouch, you can call Torrent using a keyboard shortcut (interact button + one of the arrow keys you specify), instead of having to scroll through all your equipped consumables
The phrase I use most while playing this game: "...and the horse is down again."
Miyazaki played RDR2 and was very impressed by how Rockstar managed to frustrate players without even using difficult bosses, and thus Torrent was born.
Besides the rowa raisins, if you drink a flask while mounted, any excess life that goes beyond full will heal torrent. Of course, the raisin is such a cheap alternative and the potion is really best used for the player. However if have no raisins, it’s an alternative. While combat without torrent is generally more dps and you get iframes, mounted combat just takes some learning and it will have its purposes. Rather than dismount and remount, you can make short work( one shot wolves or simple guards) of most open world foes as long as you don’t have some short sword or whatever in hand (bigger weapons)and you find the talisman that boosts mount damage. It is also particularly useful for escaping open world bosses, as riding the horse and getting off is a long iframe period, and you can drink potions or strike as you move around. Definitely a great tool against a fire breathing dragon that tries to reposition and cook you.
Its just a tool to get to places... and nothing more
Torrent is a goat ya know like Thor used to ride
Torrent doesn't heal when you respawn. Sit down before riding off or they won't have health.
Regarding Torrent's lore: When the player first meets Ranni at the Ruins where Kalé resides, she asks us whether we are the one who now owns Torrent. After positively answering the question, she hands over the wolf summon and sais that it's something the former owner of torrent once had. Since she's acquainted whith Blaidd, who's obviously quite wolfish in appearance and also howls like a wolf, it seems to me that either Blaidd might be Torrent's former owner or at least could be acquainted with them.
We should get more mounts please, at least 1 for each class -1 for knight - an armoured horse with a lot of hp/armour but cant double jump, 1 for barbarian - a big wolf , 1 for warrior - a black persian horse that leaves fire behind, 1 for rogue - a fox with huge fangs that can triple jump, just some ideas.
Torrent is nice and all, but I really wish we could get Radahn's horse as an alternative. He is simply the better boi.
Doesn't anyone find it strange that Torrent basically disappears in the ending and is never mentioned at all?
DEFINITELY needs a hp/def buff, possibly a way to 'upgrade' his stats? I mean a 'band aid' would be to add armor for him thats viable into NG+ onwards (particularly endgame where he's getting 2 shot AT BEST)
Is there any lore about Torrent? I know Ranni talks about his former master but I would just assume that would be Melina. Kind of suggests that Melina and Ranni may be in cahoots? But even then that wouldn't make any sense since Melina could just spawn in at the Sites of Grace whenever she wants. Who was the former master?
We need horse armor DLC lootboxes with gacha mechanics Kappa
Pretty sure Torrent's jump has iframes. Tested it on a whim against the ice dragon (Borealis the Freezing Fog) and it sure felt like it.
If you're an archer farming thin beast bones from herds of animals, hunt with a longer sweeping sword from horseback. Super easy to cut down whole herds.
I love Torrent, but in the late-game he's so unbelievably squishy I just end up running past most enemies rather than fighting them. Desperately needs health or armor upgrades for the second half or last third of the game.
Torrent is a goat, not a horse. I can digress into the anatomy and structure, but anyone with google can easily come to this conclusion.
Does anyone know what is the keyboard command for dismounting Torrent? I always have to equip the whistle and use it to dismount, is there a faster way?
maybe they will do what ghost of tsushima did and make a dlc where we will be able to customize torrent.
behold the horse with 1 poise that get stunlocked by a torch
Does anybody know if fall damage is lessened while mounted? Will torrent survive a drop that the character couldnt?
Why is it only mentioned in one comment that the information here is wrong? It’s not 3 sites of grace, you just have to go to the one by where you get the ash of water upgrade knife, it could literally be your first site and you’ll still get Torrent
The last main boss you can use Torrent on is Fire Giant. Let that sink in.
The last main boss you can use Torrent on is Fire Giant. Let that sink in.
Don't want us to have different mounts? fin
Camshow Transeksual
Tamzin Merchant Nude

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