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Toronto police bust up country's largest prostitution ring | CBC News Loaded
Large prostitution ring busted in police sweep in Toronto, Kingston areas
CBC News Β· Posted: Apr 06, 2002 2:48 PM ET | Last Updated: April 6, 2002
Police in Ontario say they busted up the country's largest prostitution ring when they swept through two Toronto neighbourhoods and stormed a Kingston-area farm.
The ringleaders of the alleged prostitution ring which police say employed the services of girls as young as 16 were to be in court on Saturday morning.
Among a dozen people arrested in the sweep was David John Allan, 43, the alleged kingpin of the prostitution operation, his 25-year-old wife Rachel a former escort and his brother Richard, 44.
David John Allan faces a series of pimping and prostitution charges. Police are now beginning a proceeds of crime investigation, which could eventually see Allan lose everything, including his Toronto home and his farm near Kingston.
About 130 police officers were involved in the raid that began before dawn on Friday. Working through the day, they say they found drugs and hidden safes in a house. They also seized $1 million from 42 bank accounts, $3 million in jewelry and luxury cars.
The alleged ring included 68 escort agencies, all traced to a single Toronto house.
Police said the ringleaders spent more than a quarter million dollars a year on Yellow Pages advertising.
The bust was the result of a lengthy investigation started when a john told police about his encounter with a 16-year-old prostitute.
One outreach worker trying to get teens out of prostitution said she's not surprised the investigation has targeted the escort industry.
Former prostitute Janie Castrillon, who now works at Save the Children Canada, said when police began busting street prostitutes, many of them started working for escort agencies.
She said while that hides them from view, it also makes her job more difficult.
"When you have someone who's 13, 14 or 15 working indoors, there's a lack of people who can do outreach with them," she said.
Castrillon said the girls will have reacted to Friday's bust by going into hiding. She said underage prostitutes are afraid of the police and of outreach workers, and they can find ways to avoid both and keep working.
"It won't stop the work," she said. "If you open certain magazines and certain papers, there's pages and pages of ads. It's just a matter of going somewhere else to work."
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