Tor Porn Sites

Tor Porn Sites


Hunting for the best Tor sites? Yeah, they aren’t as easy to find as clearnet sites, I agree. So, I’ve compiled a huge list of Tor websites over here which should solve your problem once and forever.
Note that all the sites listed here are fully functional and working as of 20 th January, 2018 so the common problem of Tor sites being generally down won’t arise either.
Now, I don’t know you personally, (although I’d love to), and hence I don’t know what exactly you’re searching for, so I’ve made sure to include sites from as many different categories as possible.
The primary categories you can find in this list of best Tor sites are:
And I believe your interest must align with atleast one of these, isn’t that right? So without further adieu let’s get on with it.
Warnings: Before visit, any website on the deep web, first check your settings like your NordVPN working fine and your Tor Browser properly configured. If you don’t know what I am talking about then check out how to access the deep web securely guide
Starting off this list of the best Tor sites with the deep web marketplaces because that’s like one of the primary reasons why the Deep web is used for isn’t it? Buying and selling of stuff!
World Market is one of the best Tor sites for those who’re looking for darknet markets. It’s “better” than most others because it also has an autoshop ( for bank accounts and cards) which most other darknet markets do not have.
It accepts payments only via Bitcoin. While we’d appreciate a few more options, BTC without doubt is the most anonymous Cryptocurrency, isn’t it?
It offers both Escrow and Finalize Early. Vendor accounts can be obtained for $50.00. Current product listings stand at around 600 products ( it’s less than a week old marketplace.)
Withdrawals are charged an acceptable 0.5%/transaction. Only requires 2 confirmations. 2-FA via PGP, Mnemonic for account recovery and 6-digit PIN for fund-security available.
It’s one of the most innovative darknet markets on the planet and hence is on this list. Its current product-stock stands at 51000+. Everything from drugs, digital items, counterfeit items, fraud-related goods to services is available.
The market doesn’t allow buying/selling of weapons, illegal porn, murder services, and transfer ( Western Union/ PayPal ) services.
It’s a very secure market. There’s an auto-logout timer. The PIN too can only be changed after 72-hours of requesting the change. 2-FA too is available. It even supports multisig transactions!
The vendor-bond requires not just $500.00 but also verifiable photos of the product a vendor is trying to sell. It accepts both Bitcoins and Monero. Advance deposits are required.
Website: courier2w2hawxspntosy3wolvc7g7tcrwhitiu4irrupnpqub2bqxid
Courier Market may not be the best Tor site yet but it totally has the features and potential to be that.
For starters, it’s the only darknet market that’s against the darknet rules! I’ve never seen any other darknet market sell human parts, stolen vehicles, weapons etc. And even kidnapping/murder services are limited if not completely banned on other Tor sites. All of this, and everything else except illegal porn is welcomed on Courier Market.
It also offers “deaddrops” which is equally rare. It’s even wallet-less! As for payments, Bitcoins are accepted.
Vendor accounts are free forever, the per-sale commission is set at 5%. The UI too is somewhat different if not completely unique from other markets.
If it’s drugs, fraud-related items, carded items, hacking services you need, Torrez Market may solve some of your problems. (Obviously, it’ll be illegal and you’ll be solely responsible for all your actions.)
What won’t you find on Torrez? Well, (fortunately) there’s a list which includes products such as illegal porn, weapons, transfers, (topup/prepaid) cards etc.
It appeals to a larger user-base due to its support for 4 Cryptocurrencies. Payments can be made with BTC, LTC, XMR and ZEC.
Vendors are accepted for $250.00. It provides Escrow as well as multisig transactions. Even wallet-less transactions are possible. (Centralized wallet available, but is optional.)
What makes Aurora Market one of the best tor sites? For starters, it’s an illegal marketplace with over 12000 listings.
Secondly, it allows wallet-less payments. Third, it accepts two Cryptocurrencies. Fourth, some vendors offer discounts based on the exact Cryptocurrency you use! This is actually a first as far as our experience ( with over 50 darknet markets) goes.
Even for sellers, the fee is set at just $400.00. It’s not too high and yet high enough to keep scammers at bay. Accounts are protected as it allows 2-FA via PGP!
And lastly, the market didn’t use the traditional interface and rather brought in its own creativity.
DeepSea isn’t one of the “ best Tor sites ” just yet, but totally on the right path. It’s a recently launched marketplace, and yet offers some of the best security features. Even offers exclusive mirrors to vendors who’re above level 3 making sure DDoS attacks do not cause them discomfort.
As of today, 1000+ products, 4000+ users and 120+ active vendors available. The vendor accounts are handed out for free to established vendors, or can be obtained by paying a $150.00 vendor fee.
Has enlisted plans for XMR and ZCash acceptance soon, in addition to a “lottery” and “autoshop” feature. Not wallet-less. Deposits to a central wallet required .
If you truly need a darkweb site where you’ll find anything and everything you need, Darkode deserves a glimpse. It sells diamonds, money-laundering services, offshore services, migrant routes, media and influence etc.
You need simpler products? Drugs, forged items, fake documents, card information etc? Those too are listed.
It asks for a 3.5% fee on all transactions. This is charged both to the buyers and the vendors. There’s also a $200.00 additional fee for vendors for the vendor accounts.
Payments are currently limited to Bitcoin and Monero. However, they’ve plans to integrate more payment modes in the near future. In-built Bitcoin mixer and Coin shifters are available.
Elite Market is a newer marketplace which sells everything except weapons, illegal porn, prostitution, murder-services and harmful chemicals. Products can be viewed without registrations.
The registration for trades however is free, instant and doesn’t require invites. BTC can be used to make payments. Offers a strict escrow along with vendor-transparency for scam-free deals.
Currently has 1198 products exactly. A non-refundable USD $150.00 vendor fee is required for vendor accounts.
An extremely transparent marketplace, displaying a vendor’s total sales, F.E status, Feedback/ratings and even their ratings on other marketplaces.
This makes filtering out established vendors from potential scammers pretty easy. These vendors can be paid using BTC, LTC or XMR. Products such as Drugs, Digital Goods, Gold etc. can be purchased.
Neither the buyer nor the vendor can scam each other pertaining to Escrow, as well as Multisig transactions. Accounts can’t be hacked into as there’s 2-FA, and even when hacked funds remain secure due to the Withdrawal pin.
Rxwholesale only entertains the sale of drugs. And it’s only for the buyers. Individual vendors aren’t accepted at the moment. Around 41 products currently available.
Even though Rxwholesale says “US/UK” on its logo, it seems to ship worldwide. Only charges a fixed ϵ10.00 fee for all shipments. Multiple products can be added to the cart at once for easier checkout.
Payments can only be made via Bitcoins. Extremely simple, yet advanced and automated interface. Despite being a single-vendor marketplace, doesn’t require emails or other manual forms of contact. From the product-selection to placing an order and making payment, it’s completely automated.
Escrow isn’t available. No information on refunds made public either.
Website: j5c6uwvqxvgw6cqk77z2j6yjikumzlleto3y6yqh73enxewktmenbqd
BitBazaar is a Darknet Market which primarily specializes in Drugs, however physical items ( carded) can be bought as well. Counterfeit goods too are available.
The User-interface is pretty traditional, basic and easy-to-use. Each listing shows information which includes the total sales, Escrow availability, Vendor ratings and level, price and the accepted currency.
Trading is possible in BTC, BTCH, LTC, ETH, XMR and DASH. A medium-filtered search-functionality is available as well.
Nightmare is a Darknet Market with exactly 47599 products as of today listed by a total of 3348 vendors.
It boasts a member base of 65886 members and lets you browse the marketplace without registration. Although trading can be done only once you’ve registered.
Is a third-party marketplace and allows independent sellers vending on the platform. Accepts wide variety of Cryptocurrencies including BTC, LTC, DASH, ZCASH, XMR, BTCH etc.
Everything from Drugs, Cards, Software, Hosting, to Digital Products is available.
This section contains Search engines on the onion network. They’re anonymous, they do not track you or your activities and are free to use.
Duck Duck Go is the default search engine for the Tor browser. Primary reason why it’s popular? Because it doesn’t poke its nose where it doesn’t belong, your privacy and activities.
It doesn’t display .onion results but well as far as anonymity, privacy or even peace of mind are concerned it’s my first choice also because it doesn’t bombard me with ads in the least. I’m sure you hate ads too, don’t you?
The Ultimate Deep Web and Crypto Currencies Guide. Learn how to stroll around the Deep Web without tipping off any red flags, or how to keep your cryptocurrencies safe, trade wisely and just make the most of the internet. Based on the site, you can easily find out your required link because all onion links are managed according to categories like Drugs, Weapons, Forums, Blogs, Hitman, Data Dumps, Counterfeit and so on.
Honestly, the best darknet search engine. More like, 23 search engines in one. It lets us enter a keyword, then select a search-engine. The entered keyword is directly searched on the selected search engine and displayed in a new tab. There are a couple ads but they can completely be ignored. Is nearly a year old and has already seen nearly half a million searches. May log searches (or the number of searches).
Website: zqktlwi4fecvo6ri/wiki/index.php/Main_Page
This is the uncensored, deep web version of the Hidden Wiki . It’s a link directory where you’ll find links to almost anything and everything you want.
The only problem is, very few of the links actually work, and there can quite a few of them may be scam URLs.
It’s basically a good place for total newbies to start as long as you’re just browsing.
It’s a Search Engine for the onion network. Works perfectly well if you’re browsing only for .onion links .
Along with the URLs, it also shows some added information such as size of the page, although it displays ads and there’s no guarantee that all of them are genuine.
But as far as the search results go, they seem trusted.
Website : answerszuvs3gg2l64e6hmnryudl5zgrmwm3vh65hzszdghblddvfiqd
One of the most common things a person needs is “ Answers ”. Now there aren’t many places you get unbiased, unprejudiced or just honest answers. There’s the govt./ law enforcement agencies , other users, or just the websites people are afraid of.
Specially if you’re asking questions which may not be socially very welcoming. Well “ Hidden Answers ” is a website exactly for that. On the surface it looks and feels almost exactly like Reddit.
However, Reddit is now largely censored and has policies to strengthen the censorship in the near future. That’s where Hidden Answers comes to the rescue.
Hidden Answers is on the Deep Web, is primarily legal, offers complete anonymity and most importantly isn’t censored. It has sections such as Markets, World govt. and Law, Sex and Relationships and basically everything else.
Who doesn’t like Hacking and security? If not active action, than at least reading materials on the topic?
So these are basically sites where you can learn, share, display your hacking skills, interact with other members of the forums and in some cases even buy and sell exploits and vulnerabilities.
Website: huomyxhpzx6mw74e6jfxtj5kmxov6wdmc62ylk6oc7feht5gntuawaqd
Hacker’s Bay is one of those marketplaces on the Dark web which offer Hacking services exclusively. They offer everything from PC hacking, social media hacking, E-mail hacking, DDoS attacks, Website Hacks and everything else.
The description makes it clear there’s no line too hard for them and their expertise would “ bleed through ” all and any kind of cyber firewalls. The pricing however is slightly higher than their rivals but that according to them is due to their professionalism, skills, and ability to deliver results on or prior to deadlines.
They also offer “ Special hacking services ” which include the hardest, or impossible-seeming tasks and are willing to walk the learning curve, the prices for these are higher.
Website: ytteyiazq2xyazjws45lxjpqie5krxdcoe4nr5vysldu54olnbtrg5qd
Pseudo Harmer Hacker is a Darkweb site on the Tor network which offers Hacking services.
They offer everything from the simplest Cell phone and E-mail hacking, to more complex jobs like hacking into Private company databases and school databases.
No minimum-max price has been mentioned rather it depends on the exact requirement of the users, probably depends upon the effort and time needed to get the job done.
Order process isn’t automated rather requires customers to manually E-mail the team and specify the requirements.
It’s a site consisting of tons of downloadable material related to security, coding, and hacking .
From “ Beginners guide to hacking ” to advanced guides for hacking Android, desktop browsers and python tutorials it has everything.
When it comes to hacking it simply is one of the best destinations on the deep web and hence deserves a place on this list of best Tor sites.
It’s more like a marketplace and exploits database, with a ton of things you can use. It has a sophisticated system in place which let’s you “try” the exploits before buying them.
You can buy these exploits using Bitcoins, Litecoin or a number of other cryptocurrencies , general payment portals such as Perfect Money and Webmoney etc. are supported as well.
This is a “ hacker for hire ” kind of site, the guy has written quite the resume, stating he’s available for all and any kind of jobs as long as you can pay.
The minimum amount seems to be 200 Euros for any job out there, there are clear sections such as “Technical skills”/“What I’ll do” etc.
Although how far trusted the site is that’s not known, as obviously there won’t be any testimonials or satisfied-client videos.
Although it’s quite old, and is also on the uncensored hidden wiki so it probably isn’t a scam but then again it’s only my personal opinion.
You can also read our article on top hacking forums on the deep web in case I fuelled that spark inside you.
The name is probably an abbreviation for “ Share Intel “. It’s a onion page looking like a blog post, and offers quite a few services, all related to hacking and cybersec. The tagline says – “ Hacker and Cyber Investigator for Hire “. The platform is claimed to be run by a team rather than one single individual.
Some of the services being offered include Website Hacking. E-mail Hacking, Pentesting, Computer Hacking etc. Moreover, remote keylogger installation to track all keyboard activities, RAT installations, as well as Spoof calls are some of the other services being offered. Some hardcore services include clearing all criminal records, changing school grades, GPS location tracking, USSD control etc. Although simpler jobs such as changing information on websites and phishing etc. too are offered.
No payment information provided. Two E-mail IDs shared for contact.
Another .onion platform claiming to be “ Professional Hackers “. The group calls itself “ BloodRedTeam “. They’re primarily focused towards social media / IM hacking. They claim to be able to hack Whatsapp, E-mails, Facebook, Instagram, Dating websites etc.
A brief insight into the process used to hack the accounts is provided as well. The delivery time for each hack, along with its price varies depending on the exact service. E-mail cost UDS $30.00/account and require 7 days max. Whatsapp hacking is priced at USD $60.00/device, Facebook and other such services cost USD $50.00.
A small amount (0.004BTC) needs to be sent in advance as a proof of “seriousness”. It’s refunded later.
In this section on this list of the best Tor sites I’ve included a handful of sites which let you buy & sell identification documents such as drivers’ license, social security numbers, electronic devices, or even guns
If it’s document-scans (digital copies of the documents) you’re after, Scan Industry is the place to stroll around.
It offers just about every kind of custom-made (for your details) document including Identity proofs, Proof of House, Passports, Bank Statements, Credit Card statements , and what not.
Each of these documents-scans can be obtained for different countries, such as the American Passport, or the French electricity bill etc.
They’re fully colored and can be paid for in Bitcoins. No personal information about the buyer is stored on the platform hence it’s anonymous. Every scan is priced at EUR 4.99.
Website: sla2tcypjz774dno/uscitizen.html
I need not emphasize the fact why this might become the favourite site for many of you here, do I?
If they’re to be believed, what makes them special is they do not sell Fake documents , rather a complete package of “real, legally created” U.S documents.
They accept 6 requests every month, the lowest purchase amount being USD $1600 for a social security card, while a complete package includes a Social security number, birth certificate and drivers’ license for USD $4500.
A simple looking site which specializes in fake drivers’ licenses. That’s the only kind of document they sell.
They claim these licenses to be as original as possible, with original hologram, UVs and everything else.
You can select the state for which you need your license, select the amount of cards you need and simply buy, simpler than Amazon huh?
The price for each license seems to be 200USD, that’s pretty low if you ask me but if you’ll ever get your cards is something you’ll have to try for yourselves.
An electronics store, where all the items are bought using carded ( hacked credit cards) gift cards.
All the premium brands of devices are available including iPhone X, Samsung Note 8, Microsoft cell phones and everything else.
They also seem to ship in bulk, such as 500 pieces of iPhoneX for a discounted price. And not just cell phone
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