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Home Blog Featured Top 9 .onion websites from the depths of the dark web
Want to explore the dark web? Here is our list of the best .onion websites in 2021.
The deep web is the part of the internet that is not indexed by search engines. A part of the deep web is the dark web, which exists inside layered proxy networks—known as darknets. Of these darknets, Tor is by far the largest.
The Tor Network is made up of thousands of servers called relays. When you browse the web using the Tor Browser, your data is not directly passed between your computer and the server. Instead, it is sent randomly between at least three of these relays before it reaches its destination. The data you view might travel around the world multiple times before it reaches you!
This might be inefficient, but it also makes the activity harder to track. Furthermore, your browsing data is encrypted in a way that the relays are not able to see its destination, content or origin simultaneously.
You can use this technique to hide your identity and location inside the dark web, and a provider of a service can hide their location, too. This makes it possible to host sites that are more difficult to take down or censor, but has also been associated with criminal activity.
Inside the dark web, sites cannot use regular domain names. Instead, they use pseudo-domain names ending in .onion. These domain names are not registered with a central authority but are instead derived from cryptographic keys. This means there are no fees associated with them, and they cannot be easily seized. But it also means they are not always easily readable.
This article can also be found on the dark web!
Get the Tor browser (also known as the Onion Browser) and go to http://expressobutiolem.onion/blog/best-onion-sites-on-dark-web/
Connections inside of the Tor Network are end-to-end encrypted by default, meaning there is no separate encryption layer necessary as with regular websites. As a result, most onion sites do not have the S in HTTPS. As long as your connection is secure, the Tor Browser will show an onion instead of the familiar lock icon.
But what kind of sites are hosted in this darknet? What do they do, and why are they there? ExpressVPN proudly presents nine of the most (in-)famous:
(Note: You will need the Tor Browser to open all links to .onion websites in this article and to access the dark web. You can get the Tor Browser here.)
The first online publication that won a Pulitzer is now also the first major publication with a .onion address.
ProPublica does a lot of things differently. Its source of funding is the deep wallet of the Sandler Foundation and various other similar organizations.
Browsing ProPublica’s work through its .onion site works well, and the site’s very existence is a big win for privacy and free speech.
Why would one of the largest organizations known for its invasive stance on privacy and controversial clear-name policy have a .onion address?
While Facebook might collect everything you say and do on its platform, it isn’t happy with sharing this information with others. Facebook is also keenly aware of attempts by many governments to restrict access to a tool that allows strangers across the web to talk and collaborate freely.
Facebook’s .onion address doesn’t make it much easier to maintain an anonymous account, but it does make Facebook more accessible in places where it’s censored.
Searching for content but don’t want to give up your privacy? DuckDuckGo is a great alternative to Google. Search activity isn’t logged by design. Even without the ability to learn about your behavior or monitor your email and browsing, DuckDuckGo provides decent results. Which raises the question: Are Google’s extensive surveillance techniques really necessary?
Over Tor, Google becomes annoying to use, because it frequently subjects searchers to captchas to prove they’re human. But The Duck excels at speed, reliability, and privacy.
Wasabi Wallet is a Bitcoin wallet that not only hides all your data in the Tor Network but also allows you to ‘join’ your transactions with others to increase your anonymity. This makes it incredibly difficult to find out who you are paying.
The process costs a fee, but unlike with other ‘tumbler’ or ‘mixing’ services, there is no risk that Wasabi or any of its users could scam you out of your coins.
Riseup is a volunteer-run email provider for activists around the world.
Founded around 1999 by activists in Seattle, it has since grown to over six million users worldwide. It publishes a newsletter in multiple languages and not only runs Onion services for its website but all its email and chat services. (formerly known as is a platform that aims to preserve the web’s cultural and scientific heritage.
Founded in 2012, it stores snapshots of websites, making it possible to “go back in time” and see what websites used to look like and what information they contained. is considered an important tool to track changes across government and corporate websites, preserve cultural heritage, and keep knowledge outside of autocrats’ reach. You can archive any site you want, or retrieve historical records wherever available.
Tor has an unlikely history. It was first developed by the U.S. Navy to help informants posted in foreign countries to relay information back safely. In that spirit, the CIA launched an Onion site to help people around the world access its resources securely.
Keybase is an exciting identity service that aims to make it easy for you to link the presence of your online identities together in a cryptographic way. You can upload your PGP key, or have the site create one for you, and use it to cryptographically link your Twitter profile, Github account, or Bitcoin address together.
Keybase significantly raises the bar for attackers who want to impersonate you.
How do you discover content where search engines cannot reach? Just like in the old days of the internet, the dark web maintains numerous indexes of sites, like The Hidden Wiki.
This community-edited .onion Wikipedia contains a bunch of links to a wide variety of services and sources running on the dark web. Many of those links are defunct, and even more of them link to scams or potentially illegal activities. Click with caution!
It’s the only site in this list that already has the longer, more secure Version 3 onion URL.
That’s ExpressVPN’s list of .onion domains worth a visit, but these are not even the tip of the iceberg. There’s so much content out there (be warned, though, it’s not all good stuff).
But, we regret to inform you that The Onion does not have an Onion site:
What are your favorite .onion sites? Are there any sites you wish had a .onion address? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
Lexie is the blog's resident tech expert and gets excited about empowerment through technology, space travel, and pancakes with blueberries.
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No thanks, I really don`t want to explore the darkitydark swab.
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I’ll help out anyone who can help me successfully navigate the white house market safely.
Please how can I get into dark Web. I want learn everything about loading, carding, and hacking
The dark web is a good place full of information and people having different ideas. What is great about it is that it really gives a chance to websites that are banned due to their free-thinking
there are various interesting sites but a few which I have found really useful are and I can introduce you to:
I’ve heard lots of I wanna I wanna get on dark one said you don’t join its not a club. It’s pretty serious people markets .nobody on. Dw is a jackoff. Anybody exploring should use your head don’t be mouthy or stupid. Fist time it hit it 5 minutes I was hacked. I have a great deal of respect for each an every person on d’s because they all have a if your stupid may be one you don’t like so much. So newbies don’t be so anxious that causes. Gullible stupid people. An watch your steps as not to step on any toes. It’s been years an still places I’ve not ventured into so be smart not naive an gullible.
ok tuff guy!!!!!! whatever you say – hacked in 5 mins my ass – what a joke you are – but hey ” It’s pretty serious people “
Thanks for the List, love the article. I’m sorry you need to deal with these comments. The sheer stupidity is making me sad.
sdfjskfsh fjnfsynruwry3w8p9yb3wppbybyhdjuhtrq8oqueq89y
Please how can get into dark web, I want to learn how to hack and scam
mbmnf s f gfsjfgefn kjcwgjfwkdjemfglwrfhewilhewkgfekwfky
Why should we tell you if your going to use it like that?
I have a question I hope you can help with: If you buy an item of an onion site, is all the communication you have on the site or do they send emails to you?
Please how can I get into dark Web. I want learn everything about loading, carding, and hacking..
It really bothers me but there are actually 10 onion sites listed above.
Startpage -instead of- DuckDuckGo
Pale Moon -instead of- Firefox
Linux -instead of- anything else
QubeOS or Manjaro -instead of- Ubuntu
any printer users out there should read these fax. there’s too many uninformed and gullible people on the web these days.
I need help, I want to learn spamming and I also don’t have any of the tools.
yes for sure!
You’ll just nee to learn HTML
Can anyone help me with the dark web link where I can download the app clone social and other dark web apps
I was wondering if you ever found any links to the dark web apps if you have please inform me so I can get them to
Can anyone help me with the link to dark web where I can download the app clone social and other apps on dark web
Hi there,
This is a super cool article and I am reading all these and the comments using the TOR browser being already in the Dark Web Network. The Term is so mysterious that people tend to imagine a lot of trilling and mystical things to happen here in the dark web. Mostly influenced by the concept of being such a place that is deep underground, dark and filled with stuffs that are scary, illegal, outlawed etc. etc. and mostly due to lesser knowledge among general public.
I was also in the dark since I had little knowledge. But after reading this article and going through some of the genuine comments, my understanding about the dark web is clear as clean water.
Dark web is a hidden network that is not accessible from regular “Clearnet” browsers and channels, which are subject of getting monitored and traced by ISPs and law enforcers, rather is a network within the world wide web network, but access to the privately hosted and encrypted sites and files are only possible in dark web. That’s why there is not restriction for any site to be present her, no violation of privacy policy since no cookies are stored nor browsing history. You come in, explore and go back to normal life without any trace of activities and footprints.
Which is important for most of us who are open minded and would love to share information and get information without anyone getting involved since the identities are anonymous.
I am using an Alias to leave this comment. And I don’t need to verify my Identity to express my words and ideas over here. I am safe and I fear not to speak a free speech, think freely and explore without barriers.
Dark web is a paradise for some but for most, just a money making platform. Not So cool.
Well Kudos to your work and Keep educating us. A lot of people need help to clearly understand what a Dark Web actually is intended for!
just what i want to say, darknet is not so cool
I need a tutor on here… Because I don’t know if I access things here from Cameroon or Nigeria with a mobile phone
please contract me i went to buy same items
why cant i open wiki on tor it simply wont load any help folks
Close the window and try again, if I doesn´t work try to open it trough the onion folder that u download together with the Tor Browser.
bc you need Tor to access okaaay? if you need any help…
how do i access web dark
i need money for my goat farm, pls respond!!
You need to download opera enable vpn and then download tor
goat smelly animmals , me like milk
How do I get a trusted vendor here
lot of scam vendors
yes lots and lots of scams, fake phishing websites that look and respond to input EXACTLY like the actual website. Your best bet is to learn how to use PGP so you can verify a web page’s credentials, and do your research before buying anything from any vendor. Read comments/feedback, and verify where the information is coming from–don’t trust a website that has lots of great comments and reviews from “customers” when the reviews are coming from within the website because they are most likely fake reviews/post done by employees.
What’s this crap?……..Where the Drugs!
I did a shit while reading these comments
Guys, I’m gonna become a hacker!!! (for my PS3 games of course But seriously I wanna join the dark web army
While you’re being hacked. It’s a “hack” of a time!
I am totally lost ever since AOL went away. How am I supposed to be on the line if I dont have AOL? I had a kickass Packard Bell and eMachines computer, and phone cordy thing, and I was on the line once I put the AOL floppy disk in the 5.25″ drive. AOL WAS KING! now all I got is this stupid MSCIS, CEH, CISSP, and CISA certs that do WHAT? NOTHING I SAY! All these little script kiddies that need a mommy teat to suckle on, someone to hold their little hand, and type in URL’s for them so they can masturbate while looking at boobies online. Such is the depredation and stupidity of the majority today. LONG LIVE AOL!!!!
Do I put my penis on the screen for dark web
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Hi Cory, please contact out Support Team. They will help you, pronto.
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Can someone just please run me through the easiest way to get on the darkweb? Ps. I’m not in any way a weirdo that would look at sick shit fuck that! Anyway troops will someone help me as I’m getting nowhere with bullshit like ads ffs!
There is a video on you tube, I forgot it’s link or name, but type HOW TO GET TO DARK WEB in your you tube Q box.
Remember you really need to have some VPN app to hide your IP before you even type it on any google associated apps. I suggest you use DUCK DUCK GO as a search engine when looking for such stuff on the net.
Sho bra, I would wish to have your contacts there’s a lot I need from you I guess.
Literally laughing out loud! What maroons!!
This is a very magnolia list. It is the list that the normal ‘click bait’ media sites would post. I am 99% sure that not one of those listed would be of interest to the peeps that came to check it out.
This blue eagle landed upon greystone shores on a warm country day to see a brown bear at 1630:0900 the end
It’ll not work because you’re using Chrome, use TOR
Is there someway to let us know what’s what here? I’m a little reserved about just clicking on onion links since they could lead to some pretty dark shit and I’m not really into using TOR for illicit purposes. If I can avoid clicking something bad, i’d appreciate it.
I want to learn how to hack, pls teach me,,,
And signup for dark web
*cough* read the article *cough* If at that point, you still do not understand how to access, and WHY to access the dark deep web, then go back to Farmville and plant some onions.
Hi, how can i get the bitcoin faker app or software
Pro Publica is a shill site for the Sandler Foundation. They ARE NOT proponents of free speech. They champion liberal progressive causes INCLUDING the silencing of dissent. Do more research.
you are on the darkweb dude most often called deep web
You first should get a VPN. Ideally you want to get Express vpn as they are the absolute best in the market.
Then you go here
Once you download Tor it should be in your desktop. It works just like Firefox
Before you browse, you want to check your “Noscript” settings. Its on top right next to your search bar and adblocker.
When on noscript go to options, make sure to turn off everything except media, frame, font. This is to ensure safe browsing.
And you’re set you can visit whatever websites you otherwise wouldn’t be able to access in your country. Enjoy.
You should use tor and a vpn first to do so, also remember that .onion sites only work in tor
Hi! You can download the Tor Browser from their official website.
I am completely gotten awed in the wake of analyzing your article. Being a dedicated peruser, I esteem examining articles on various concentrations and I am not settled to a specific point or subject. Your creation way is especially addictive and anchors in the readers in the most persuasive way. I found that by a long shot the greater part of the articles in your site kept me related, particularly this article. Much regarded!
Indubitably, I cannot, in good conscience, neglect to share my hearty agreement and approval of thy sentiments.
So, after reading through many of the comments on this article, I can’t stop shaking my head. Most of you have no business even using a VPN much less being on TOR. While I have no issues with people just trying to educate themselves for the sake of education, the sheer amount of stupidity in this comment section is astounding.
1) you are SAFER using a VPN/tor combined than you will ever be on the regular internet.
2) yes there are free VPN’s available, however, they are ALL complete garbage. part of your subscription fees are going to a decent bandwidth, and some of your subscription fees are going to pay for hundreds of physical servers across the globe. Physical servers cost money. electricity is not free, real estate is not free, bandwidth is not free, customer service is not free.
3) You don’t “join” the dark web. if you “joined” the dark web you’re literally defeating the entire purpose of the dark web.
4) no the dark web is not “illegal” however there are more than enough websites available on the dark web that are VERY illegal. Many in most countries. howev
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