Topless Teacher Nude

Topless Teacher Nude


Topless Teacher Nude
A topless photo ruined this teacher's career. Now she's speaking out
Lauren Miranda: ‘It’s always the boys hurting the girls and the girls taking the brunt of it.’ Photograph: Desiree Rios/The Guardian
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Lauren Miranda says what should have been an innocuous photo spun out of control – and would have a different outcome for a man in her position
L auren Miranda’s nightmare began as a school day like any other. She was teaching math during first period at Bellport middle school on Long Island, New York , when she received a text from a friend in another building. There was a nude photo going around, and kids were saying it was her.
“I just thought it was impossible,” Miranda told the Guardian. “I was almost offended that she thought it was a picture of me.”
But when she arrived in the principal’s office, he spun the computer monitor around to show her the image in question. There it was: a picture of her topless on the screen. She had sent the picture to one and one person only: a male colleague she was dating.
“It’s one of those things you read about in the newspaper. You never expect it to be you,” she said.
That Friday, 11 January 2019, changed her life forever, sparking a lively conversation about citizen rights, privacy in the age of sexting and social media and even the right to be sexual – with Miranda at the center of it.
“I’ve never wanted to do anything else,” she said of her dream of being a math teacher. “I was so proud of myself and so proud of everything that I’ve accomplished being 25 years old and about to be granted tenure – all of these milestones were ripped away from me because of a picture of my upper body.”
Miranda was suspended immediately after the 11 January meeting with the principal. The school board voted to fire her several months later, following a closed-door meeting in March.
Now she’s suing the school district and its administrators for her job back or for $3m in restitution for gender discrimination, claiming in court documents that they failed to conduct a “full and adequate” review.
The school district declined to discuss the case, saying in a statement from the superintendent, Joseph Giani: “The district does not comment on active litigation.”
The photo at the center of the controversy was one Miranda had taken at home in 2016, sitting on the floor before a mirror, a towel draped across her legs and her breasts exposed.
A letter recommending her termination faulted her for having “caused, allowed or otherwise made it possible” for the photo of her to circulate, or for “failing to take adequate precautionary measures” in preventing its circulation.
Miranda had only shared the image with a colleague she was dating, according to court documents. “I gave one person permission to have this picture. How it got out I can only speculate but I never gave anyone aside from one person permission to have my personal image,” she said.
She had told the school as much, but said it didn’t seem to register. The male teacher in question was not disciplined or discharged for the photos purportedly disseminated to students, according to a notice of complaint.
The man she sent it to has not been named publicly, so his side of things cannot be told. Miranda said the story isn’t about the man she sent the photo to, whom she is no longer dating.
It’s about how what should have been an innocuous photo spun out of control, threatening to ruin her career. And how different she thinks it would be for a man in her position.
“It’s always the boys hurting the girls and the girls taking the brunt of it,” she said. “Having this picture gain so much traction really shows the disparity between how women are viewed and how men are viewed, and how men can openly sexualize women and how it’s a real problem.”
Before the topless photo surfaced publicly, Miranda had received high praise for her work as a middle school math teacher, according to a performance evaluation shared by her lawyer, John Ray, and seemed on track to receive tenure the following year.
Afterwards, however, school officials told Miranda she could no longer serve as a “role model” for students, according to Ray. After all, the image was an unwelcome distraction and not something students could unsee, regardless of how it got out.
The case is a personal one for Miranda, who grew up nearby in a small beach town on the southern shore of Long Island and has wanted to be a teacher for as long as she can remember.
“I started there when I was student teaching in college,” she said of the school, “so to now not be treated with any type of dignity or respect or even be treated in a professional manner, hit that much harder.”
She didn’t set out to become a poster child for women’s rights, but she hopes there’s a teachable moment in helping students navigate a new era in digital privacy.
Last fall GQ declared “The age of sending nudes is upon us” , and the same month Miranda was voted out of her job nearly 50 students were caught sharing nude photos of their classmates at a Georgia high school.
A study done by security software firm McAfee in the wake of former congressman Anthony Weiner’s sexting scandal found 70% of people ages 18 to 24 receive sexually suggestive photos and messages. And numbers among young people appear to be on the rise .
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has already been swept up in a fake nude photo scandal . And a real one involving Jeff Bezos lost steam when his would-be extorters realized that in 2019, a semi-clothed photo just isn’t that compromising .
For Miranda, it still cost her job, even as – like so many other Americans who’ve seen their photos circulated without their permission – she has said she has no knowledge of how her image leaked.
No wonder she has received an outpouring of sympathy in the community and online.
“Because you can’t have a private sex life *and* be a role model at the same time, apparently? this story makes me want to bash my head against a wall,” tweeted Ej Dickson, a writer at Rolling Stone.
“How are we still here in the discourse,” tweeted the writer Rachel Syme .
Locally, protesters have voiced support for Miranda, including the activist known as Sister Leona, who did so topless and interviewed with Vice .
Miranda never intended to become the cause du jour, but the central irony of combatting her firing is that she has had to fight her case against the private photo that ruined her life when it became public by going even more public with it.
That hasn’t come naturally to the 25-year-old teacher, who has described herself as “a very private person” – she would rather be teaching math. But it does appear to be what her new lesson plan requires.
“It’s a huge problem, even just in terms of adolescents not taking the severity of the situation into consideration because they have no education on it. They don’t know what’s appropriate, how to appropriately use social media, how harmful and detrimental it could be,” she said.
In court, however, the case will probably hinge less on digital privacy than gender parity and, specifically, the sexualizing of women’s nipples while men are free to flaunt their chests.
“At the end of the day it really comes down to: the picture is just a picture of my upper body – it’s not offensive,” Miranda said. “A guy wouldn’t have the same problem. If a male teacher took the same picture with a towel around his waist sitting in his room getting ready, he wouldn’t be fired.”

Female teacher's NAKED selfie posted online by mistake could get her the sack
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The music teacher thought the pictures would only be seen by close friends, but her work colleagues and students were able to view them
A Russian teacher has been threatened with the sack after accidentally publishing naked pictures of herself online for her students to see.
Music teacher Elena Kornyshonkova, 40, from the town of Konakov near the western city of Tver, posted the pictures on social media where they were spotted not only by colleagues but also by students.
She had intended only to allow close friends to see the pictures on VKontake, the Russian version of Facebook .
After school governors were alerted to the naked photos, they asked the teacher to resign.
She refused, saying there was nothing wrong with nudity, and that she lives a 'more honourable life than many others working in the teaching profession'.
She said the pictures were shot during a private holiday in Spain, and had been intended for a small network of friends but had accidentally been published to a wider audience.
Until the naked photos were published the 40-year-old had been regarded as a good teacher, and has been working at the school since 2009.
But school governors have told her she will be sacked if she doesn't resign by next week.
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"My upper torso is no more offensive than a man's," said Lauren Miranda, a Long Island math teacher.
About two and half years ago, Lauren Miranda, a middle school teacher in New York, was getting ready at her home when she decided to take a topless selfie and send it to her then-boyfriend, who was a teacher in the same school district.
This January, Miranda, 25, was called to the principal's office at Bellport Middle School on Long Island, where she had been a math teacher since 2015.
Before going to the meeting, a colleague told Miranda that there was a rumor her naked photo had been obtained by a teenage student. Miranda was certain it wasn't hers because she had never sent anything like that to a student.
But during the meeting in the principal's office — where there were mostly men — one of the male school administrators brought up Miranda's topless selfie on his computer screen and showed it to her.
"Is that you?" he asked, according to Miranda's attorney, John Ray.
The officials confronted Miranda about the selfie and accused her of disseminating the photo to students. They "attempted really hard to humiliate her, berate her, and get her to resign," Ray told BuzzFeed News on Thursday. She did not resign.
Within a few days of the Jan. 11 meeting, Miranda was suspended with pay. Last week, she was fired by the South Country Central School District.
The superintendent told her that she was no longer a "role model" for the students she was teaching because her breasts were seen in the selfie, Ray told BuzzFeed News.
Miranda now intends to sue the school district and its administrators for $3 million, accusing them of unlawful gender discrimination.
"If a man had a taken such a topless photo, nobody would say anything," Ray said.
None of the male teachers or school officials who walked around shirtless in the school gym or swimming pool were reprimanded or fired for being topless, he added.
"Some men's outdated mindset is to impose sexuality upon a beautiful picture," Ray said. "The superintendent never got the memo that men and women are equal."
Ray filed a notice of claim to the school district last week, which is usually done before filing a lawsuit against a government entity, giving them a chance to respond. Ray said he intended to file the formal complaint in federal court in New York soon after the district responds.
The superintendent, Joseph Giani, declined to comment on the case, saying Thursday, "The district does not comment on active litigation."
In a letter Giani sent Miranda in February explaining why he had recommended firing her, he wrote, "you caused, allowed, or otherwise made it possible for a nude and/or inappropriate photograph of yourself to be distributed" to students in the district, and said that she had failed to take "adequate precautionary measures" to prevent her photo from becoming accessible to students.
Giani's letter — provided to BuzzFeed News by Miranda's attorney — also listed one of the reasons for her termination as "you transmitted to a colleague a nude and/or inappropriate photo of yourself."
Miranda was viewed as an "exemplary" teacher by the district before the incident, Ray said, adding that Giani had indicated to her that she would be getting tenure in June.
A 2018 performance evaluation from the school district that was provided to BuzzFeed News showed that Miranda had received the highest ratings in almost all categories, including the level of respect between her and her students.
In a court filing last week, Miranda accused the school district officials of objectifying women and viewing the appearance of their upper bodies as "inherently lascivious, and/or perverse and/or inherently offensive and shameful and prurient, by reason of the fact that they are women."
Miranda told BuzzFeed News on Thursday that she does not regret taking the topless selfie.
"I don't know why I took the picture, but when I look at it now, it's so pure. It's me in my natural element," Miranda said. "That's me."
Miranda's attorney, Ray, provided her selfie to BuzzFeed News and other outlets, saying that she was "not ashamed of it."
"To hide it would suggest that she was ashamed of it which is exactly the position the school district wanted to put her in." "We have no problem with the photo being out there," he said.
In a statement to BuzzFeed News on Friday, Miranda said that sharing her selfie and her body with the world "is scary."
"This selfie started out as something so innocent and so personal. It is something that has become so packed with emotion and trauma that I am trying to navigate," Miranda said. "Sharing it, the selfie — my body, with the world is scary."
She said that having her story shared so publicly "has made it that much more real and emotional." "As if I'm going though it all over again but instead with an audience," the statement said. "I think any woman, even man, can empathize with me here. I am proud of it, but I will admit, I do feel all the more vulnerable. Having to feel this way is outrageous and unfair, although it is my reality. It is the result of how society has sexualized my body."
She said that she had made the choice to stand up for what was right and that she shared a "personal image of my body to show how I have been stigmatized as a woman."
"So, here. I shared this image with caution. I am a human. I am a woman," her statement said.
Miranda said that instead of thoroughly investigating how her selfie was obtained by a student, the school district discriminated against her because she was a woman and she had breasts.
"My upper torso is no more offensive than a man's," she said.
Miranda recalled the superintendent telling her, "How can I put you in front of a classroom full of boys where they can pull out their phones and look at this image of you?"
She said that the superintendent "pitied her."
"He said he feels sorry for me," Miranda said. "What is there to feel sorry for? That I'm a woman?"
Miranda said that while she was concerned about how an old selfie sent privately only to a male teacher was obtained by a student, she did not know how it got out and did not want to point fingers at anyone.
She claimed the school officials knew that she had not sent the selfie to a student.
“I didn’t send this to a kid," she said. "That’s absolutely ridiculous.”
Miranda said she wanted to focus on the bigger picture of what her lawsuit means for gender equality and celebrating women's bodies.
"Men constantly sexualize our bodies. They really blame women for being women. They make us out to be sexual deviants, instead of seeing us as appreciating the beauty of ourselves," Miranda said. She said that the superintendent could not dictate that she wasn't a role model for students.
"I am a role model," she said. "I'm standing up for what I believe in."
Tasneem Nashrulla is a breaking news editor and reporter for BuzzFeed News and is based in New York.
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