Топик по английскому экология с переводом

Топик по английскому экология с переводом

Топик по английскому экология с переводом

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Certainly, everyone was amazed at the pluses of technological development: People were hypnotized by the opportunities new technological advances can give them. More and more goods were produced each year. But, as we know, nothing could be created from nothing — various kinds of fuels and raw materials have to be used. And only in some decades, when it became hard to breathe in big cities and when acid rains started to destroy forests, man asked himself: Man was used to taking everything from the Earth. They even needed this carbon dioxide — the constant processes of photosynthesis and breathing are the key to life. But then we started to burn fuel and the level of CO, in the atmosphere rose drastically. And why are people so afraid of it? The ozone layer prevents carbon dioxide from going back to space and, consequently, our Earth is warming up. At first sight there is nothing wrong with it — there are even some advantages of global warming: But all of us have heard about ice starting to melt. It means that lots of small islands will disappear under water, as well as some kind of fish will be unable to live in sweet water. And all this can lead to further consequences: Anyway, CO 2 , is not the most dangerous substance in the world. Just think about some chemicals which cannot be recycled by the Earth or it takes hundreds of years to do it. We live in the era of high-tech pollution. When we throw away old TV-sets, radios, computers, they just lie in piles somewhere not far from cities. They cannot dissolve, evaporate or rot. If to start to destroy them, for instance, to incinerate them, it could cause even more problems: It seems to be a situation without way-out! Some governments are trying to find solutions to this situation, e. I think the best solution will be to find a way to recycle these chemicals. Recycling itself is a great way to save raw materials. Simply by collecting and giving away old newspapers you can save dozens of trees. In Western countries all garbage is sorted out in order to be recycled; we, unfortunately, are still not used to it. In the USA people are even making big money out of recycling: Lots of metals are recycled — almost all Japanese cars are made of materials once been used. It passes my understanding why people are doing it. Now, when every tree must be sacred due to its ability to absorb carbon dioxide, people are cutting down large areas of rainforests, sometimes burning them again, releasing plenty of CO 2. This cruelty and carelessness really strike me. As T have already mentioned they can die because of deforestation or global warming. But they can also be killed on purpose. Poachers kill whales, fish, elephants, snakes for money and these people are not in the least worried about ecological balance or natural heritage. Lots of people are not going to put up with the destruction of the Earth. And if one person is unlikely to change the policy of a big corporation, a group of people can do it. It tries to put pressure on government to pass new laws, to close down the most harmful factories. As we see, getting energy from coal, oil and gas is not the best solution: If to use special devices which capture solar energy in southern countries, it will enable them to do without electric power stations! Wind farms can be very useful too, though they produce less electricity. And the real treasury of power on our planet is water. We can use the power of mountainous rivers, or the power of sea tides. As we see, ecological problems are very acute nowadays. Man has already done harm to the Earth: We still have time to save this beauty — everyone is capable of following the simplest rules: All of us have to understand that the Earth is actually our home and, when saving it, you are doing it for yourself, for your children, for the generations which will come after us. Ваш e-mail не будет опубликован. Сериал Друзья на английском с субтитрами. Сравнение лучших онлайн школ английского языка English via Skype. Обучающий сериал Extra English с русскими и английскими субтитрами. Сверхбыстрое освоение английского языка по методу доктора Пимслера. Разговорный английский язык без усилий Effortless English A. Тексты на английском языке. Сериал Секс в большом городе на английском с субтитрами. Аудиокурсы Английский язык по методу доктора Пимслера BBC learning English Effortless English A. 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