Топик: Загадки Якутии /english/

Топик: Загадки Якутии /english/


Mysterious boiler and fatal polite literatures

The strange rumours are afloat about the hidden place in the source of Viluy! A certain entrance in the infernal subterranean vault, where the unknown creatures inhabit, the set of the underground metal rooms, in which it’s warm even in the strongest frosts are talked about. There were fearless men, that spent the night in these rooms, but thereafter they began to be ill. And those people, who ventured to sleep some nights in succession there, died. The name of the district - Eluu Cherkechekh that means the “Valley of the death” in translation from Yakut language, is namely issued from the stated above tenses.
There is also the mysterious huge boiler of red colour there. Famous Viluy’s researcher R.Maak wrote about it: “On the bank of Alguy timirnit’s river what means “the large boiler has sunk”, really there is a huge boiler made from copper. Its size is unknown, as only the edge of the boiler is seen above the ground, but there are some trees growing in it… ”.
Michael Petrovich Korecky from Vladivostok has visited the Valley of death three times: first in 33-d being a boy with father, second in 39-th already without the father, and, at last, in 49-th with the group of the young guys. There, in the thicket, it was possible to wash secretly the gold, not being afraid of robbery and of bullet in the nape.
For three seasons Michael Petrovich saw seven “boilers” by the diameter from six up to nine meters. Even the perfected chisel couldn’t injure the metal, from which they were made. The guys, young, healthy, tried more than once. Beat by the large hammer. Even appreciable deepenings have remained on the steel but there were no scratches on the “boiler”. Besides the layer of the unknown material, similar to sandpaper covered this metal. It was neither similar on the result of oxidation process, nor on the scale. It also could not be chopped off, even scratched.
Michael Petrovich has noticed also, that the vegetation around the “boilers” is anomalous: bigleafed bur, very long twigs, strange grass by 1,5 - two times above the human growth. Once their group consisting of six men even has spent the night in one of the “boilers”. The special troubles haven’t happened, unless that one of them has become absolutely bald in three months and three small scabs each by the size about the match head have appeared on the left, on which he has slept, side of the Michael Petrovich’s head. He treats the scabs till the present time, but unsuccessfully.
… Tuobuya is the village consisted of hundred - hundred fifty courtyards, located in three hundred kilometers from Verkhneviluysk. If we will from here go down 150 kms on Markha River we will come to Suruktaakh Khaya that means “the rock with the polite literatures” in translation from Yakut language. Let me tell you about this mysterious rock.
Imagine the steep rock on the river’s coast, in the middle of the deaf taiga, away from any roads, and on it, at the height, inaccessible to the man, the mysterious marks carved on the stone, reminding raker, different animals, etc. Under the stories of the eyewitnesses, the colour of these figures is perceived differently by the different people. The one, who saw the figures in black colour, soon died. But the most surprising was the fact, that the things put in the niche, chiseled in the rock, do not give in to the process of aging, rotting, etc. So, gunpowder, products, matches always remain ready to use. With years many such things was collected.
Prokopy Savvich Michaelov, honourable old man in the Ulus, heard the stories that sometimes two in the red clothes appeared at the top of the rock. The hunters do not wear bright clothes. Especially they didn’t in times of yore. The Yakuts name them “itcci” - the spirits. Maybe it was the newcomers?

Название: Загадки Якутии /english/
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: топик
Добавлен 07:52:05 18 февраля 2008 Похожие работы
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