Топик: What type of toys do the kids prefer nowadays?

Топик: What type of toys do the kids prefer nowadays?


(The survey was conducted by consumer magazine)

The survey was carried on the 19 th
of October 2003 in Narva Humanitaargümnaasium among the students aged 7-14, from 1 st
to 6 th
forms. The ratio of female and male was 3 to 2. The aim of this research work was to get to know the preferences of our children in toys.
40% of all the pupils said that they awfully like to play games on their PC’s or video-gaming consoles (like Sony PlayStation or Nintendo, etc.)
These ones took the second role in the toy world of our young people – 30%. Constructors, remote-controlled cars, electronic railroads…
As it was found out, boys and girls haven’t lost their interest in playing chess or dominoes today. Not a big part of our questioned said that it is very good pastime.
They make 20%. Generally girls play with Winnie the Pooh and a big posh lion or a funny sloth. Fortunately the great variety of soft toys on all tastes is available in our shops.
In conclusion I would like to say that playing computer games gives the children an opportunity to be a hero in all the situations. Either it will be an arcade “shooter” or 3d action environment, this sort of game provides unreality, with the feel of the safety, therefore child can do anything and be anyone he or she wants and dreams about. On the other hand many scientists argue concerning the benefits of computer toys.
Mostly boys are keen on assembling Lego’s and driving toy motorcars that beep and make lights all the way it goes. It’s amusing and develops child’s imagination, along with coordination of the movements.
Unfortunately, entertaining “using brains” is less preferable. Thinking a lot on a puzzle is not so diverting as playing CAPS (fishes) sitting for the long time on the floor and giving a cry, when you lose. Have fun with intellectual games, increase logical skills and speed of thought.
Sleeping next to the dearly-beloved Mickey Mouse, because “he has got such big and soft ears” makes big pleasure for our little friends.
At all I would recommend such games that teach pupils something to do and not just wasting their time. The advantage is essential from every toy girls and boys play. Thus, just keep an eye on the stuff children are being with and make them happy.

Название: What type of toys do the kids prefer nowadays?
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: топик
Добавлен 01:42:24 05 марта 2005 Похожие работы
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