Топик: Visiting Theatres

Топик: Visiting Theatres


There are many theatres in our country, but the most famous of them are in Moscow. If you want to visit a theatre you have to buy a ticket.
Now you have bought the ticket. You pass through an entrance and go to the cloak-room. Then you go to the hall. There are rows of seats there. You can see the pit near the stage. There are boxes on both sides of the pit.
A dress-circle is higher than the pit. The balconies are higher than the dress-circle. There is a beautiful chandelier in the hall.
I am a theatre-goer. I prefer to visit drama theatres and the Bolshoi Theatre.
As I like to sit in the pit, I try to buy a ticket beforehand. I usually look through a playbill before going to theatres.
Two months ago I saw "Three Sisters" by Chekhov in Moscow Art Theatre. The play was splendid. The main role was played by Tatyana Doronina. I like this actress. I think, she is talented. When the curtain rose, we saw a nice scenery and the spectators began to applaud. It was a storm of applause. I can say that during this performance all the actors and actresses were playing excellently. On the way home we discussed the performance with my friends.
I usually go to the theatre with my friends.
There are many theatres in our country. If you want to see a performance or a play you must go to the theatre. You can see dramas, tragedies or comedies there. We have some famous theatres in Moscow. For example, the Bolshoi and the Maly Theatres are famous theatres all over the world.
All theatres differ from each other. They have their plays, their actors, actresses. But on the other hand all theatres have a box-office, a cloak-room and almost all theatre performances begin at the same time in all theatres.
There is a popular theatre for children in Moscow. It is the Children's Musical Theatre. Children, pupils and their parents like to go there. You can see many interesting plays in this theatre.
If I want to go to the theatre, first of all, I have to buy a ticket. If it is an interesting and popular performance it is difficult to buy a ticket at once. That's why I have to buy a ticket beforehand. Now I have a ticket. I go to the theatre, leave my coat in the cloak-room. Then I go to the foyer. It is interesting to see the photos of the famous and popular actors and actresses on the walls. I want to know who plays in this performance and I buy a programme. The performance begins at 7 o'clock in the evening after the third bell. My seat is near the stage. I like the performance and I applaud the actors and actresses. The performance has got two parts. During the interval I usually go to the cafe to have a cake and drink a cup of tea or a cup of coffee, or a glass of lemonade. I like to discuss the play if I see it with my friends.
There are many theatres in London, too. English people are theatre-lovers. Now there are more than fifty theatres in the West End of London.
There are some leading theatres in London. They are the Royal Shakespeare Company, the Old Vic (Old Victoria Theatre) and the National Theatre. It is a good tradition in England to visit theatres on a birthday or an anniversary.

Название: Visiting Theatres
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: топик
Добавлен 05:49:12 17 декабря 2004 Похожие работы
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