Топик: The faculty of mathematics of Irkutsk State University

Топик: The faculty of mathematics of Irkutsk State University


1. The faculty of mathematics was set up a year after the establishment of Irkutsk State University, in 1919.
2. It occupied the building of the East Siberian Institute for girls of noble origin.
3. First, it was the faculty of physics and mathematics.
4. Later it was decided to have two faculties, the faculty of physics and the faculty of mathematics.
6. The first dean of the mathematical faculty was Professor Vladimir Vasilyev.
7. In 1959 a computer center was set up at the University, and University students began studying computers and programming.
8. In 1997 the Internet Center was set up on the basis of our University Computer Center.
9. And Now University students have a free access to Internet and World Wide Web.
10. In 1998 our faculty was reformed, and the Institute of mathematics and Economics was set up.
11. Its director is Professor Oleg Vasilyev, a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
12. Students are trained in three specialities; they are mathematics, applied mathematics, mathematical methods and operations research in economy.
13. Our students study many special subjects and humanities, too.
14. They are mathematical analysis, algebra, geometry and topology, differential equations, the theory of probability, mathematical modeling, numerical methods, operations research, and system analyses, optimization and optimum management, mathematical cybernetics, mathematical software, and others.
15. As for humanities, they are the Russian and the English languages, History and philosophy.
16. There are 13 departments at the Institute.
17. They are headed by Professors and assistant professors, such as Vasilyev, Bludov, Zaharova, Mantsivoda and others.
19. When at school I got interested in mathematical sciences and after finishing school I entered the institute of mathematics and economics.
20. After graduating from the University I'll be a teacher of mathematics.
21. Students of mathematics have their school practice every year.
22. I like my future profession and I do my best to get profound (deep) knowledge in it.
23. Our students also go in for sports, attend different students clubs and take an active part in the life of the University.

Название: The faculty of mathematics of Irkutsk State University
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: топик
Добавлен 23:52:56 28 сентября 2004 Похожие работы
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Топик: The faculty of mathematics of Irkutsk State University
Реферат: Е. Л. Дра-чева, Ю. В. Забаев, Д. К. Исмаев и др.; под ред. И. А. Рябовой, Ю. В. Забаева, Е. Л. Драчевой. 2-е изд., стер. М. Кнорус, 2005. 576 с
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