Топик На Тему The People Must Fight For Their Laws As For Their Walls

Топик На Тему The People Must Fight For Their Laws As For Their Walls


And Walls Of Fire
Топик На Теме The People Must...
The people must fight for their laws as for their walls and walls of fire.
- Люди должны бороться за свои законы, как за свои стены и стены огня.
People must fight against the power of the world.
- Людям нужно бороться против силы мира.
Power must be resisted.
- Сила должна быть остановлена.
He must stand against the evil power.
Он должен противостоять злу.
They must fight the evil.
Они должны бороться со злом.
The world is full of evil.
И На Тему Кто Такие Люди С Прошлым Которые Должны Бороться За Свои Права В Новом Мире.
Топик О Чём Рассказывает Песня I Want To Be Loved By You.
На Тему What Is Love.
Топики На Тему Про Город Рязань.
С Того Что Я Люблю Его И Хочу Чтобы Он Был Счастлив.
И На Тему Если Вы Хотите Узнать Что-То О Мне Поделитесь Моим Текстом Из Песни.
Если Вы Хотите Написать Мне Письмо, Напишите Его На Эту Почту.
I Want You To Know About My Love For You.
Я Хочу, Чтобы Вы Узнали О Моей Любви К Вам.
The Government Is Going To Continue To Make The Law But It Will Not Make It Right To You.
I Have A Question What If The People Are Angry And They Want The Government To Change It?
The Government Will Change It But Will It Really Make It Better?
What If The Government Makes A Law That Everyone May Get A Gun But Nobody Can Carry One
My friend has a great idea for a new project.
He is thinking of building an ice cream factory.
It would be great to have an ice-cream factory in the garden.
The People Must Fight.
People must fight for their laws as for their walls.
Because the wall has a big place in our life.
It's the first thing we see when we open the door.
Our wall is our house.
We can say that our wall is a part of our home.
But it is much more.
Each wall has its own peculiarity.
Some walls are made of wood, some are stone, and some are brick.
They have different functions.
A wooden wall has no function, but it can be a beautiful decoration.
And Their Lives!
(Пословицы и поговорки)
1. Do not speak ill of another's work, for that is the work of the devil.
2. The man who is good at his work is a better man.
3. A good workman is hard at work.
4. The work that is done well is worth doing.
5. The best thing in life is to do something well.
6. Work is a man's best friend.
7. It is better to be a little late than to be ill.
8. The wise man knows that he will be poor in this world, but rich in the next.

And Their Lives

And Gates
The People Must Fight for Their Laws as For Their

And Power

В Английском Языке
The People Must Fight for their Laws as for Their Walls In English
In our world there are many differences between countries.
Of course, there is a lot of differences in the way of living.
For example, in England the people eat a lot, and people in America eat less.
Also, the English people have a lot more freedom than the Americans.
English people can do what they like, they can go anywhere they want to go.
Americans can’t do that.
The Americans live in a big, big country.
And For Their Rights - Реферат
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