Топик: My Recent Trip

Топик: My Recent Trip


People are fond of traveling and they spend their holidays traveling. They travel to see other countries and continents, to learn a lot about people’s traditions, to enjoy picturesque places. It is interesting for them to discover new things, different ways of life, to meet different people, to try different food. For some people there is nothing so exciting as traveling, and I'm not an exception. I'm happy that I have traveled a lot and I hope that my recent journey wasn't the last one. This winter I have traveled to Finland, exactly to Lapland – country’s north. It is a fairyland.
There are many ways of traveling - by train, by plain, by ship, on foot. Everyone chooses his favorite one. Mostly I prefer automobiles, because of splendid scenery, that you can view from a comfortable seat. Of course I haven’t gone through the sea by car, however three and a half hours on boat “the Fantasia” ferry seemed to me as a very quick past time, as I haven’t got any sea-sick when the sea was a little bit rough. Coming to the “finishing line”, and building up reserves of petrol we, my father and three brothers, were ready to “take off”. So, leaving Finland’s capital – Helsinki – we took our way straight to Ylläs (a small mountain-ski resort, placed nearly 1200 kilometers from our start point). Passing several small towns, little cafes, and pubs and of course having a break there, we had what we wanted. Crossing Arctic Circle for the second time is a very thrilling thing. At last, on reaching our destination, we stayed in the small motel separate house. Two-storied, 35m 2
area of well “equipped”: a TV-set, a VCR, a microwave oven, a refrigerator and much more.
Making ourselves at home, absolutely tired of this long way, after a small rest we began to explore the locality. Nearby, there were the only small supermarket, and a restaurant, where we spent some of our evening time. By the way, it’s getting dark there at three o’clock, when the sun shows its rays at eleven. Something, that can be called a polar night. The first day that went before awfully strange state of our souls was dedicated to getting the info about renting skis and motor sledges (called ski-doo). Then skiing some time before getting mysterious and gloomy brought us a big cheerfulness supply. This was fantastic, outstanding – going down from the descent of 3 kilometers long and 750 meters of absolute height. No comments. Huge amount of adrenaline in the blood – is the awesome mania for me.
On the next two days we were doing the same things, entertaining ourselves, just how we could. Breaking the “monotony” of our holidays, when we got used to sever of that climate (about 35-38°C everyday), tried to “ride” JAMAHA “motor-horse”. Getting speed up to 100 kilometers an hour, slightly taking cool turns we thought that it was impossible to tear away from this pastime. However, nothing lasts forever, as no one lives forever. Whenever something pleasant ends and something “bad” do not keep you waiting. In the evening, after taking a time in sauna, we packed our luggage, and went home. The way back was not so long; from my point of view it’s always so. Looking through the car window, with a very thoughtfulness, I said “good bye” to all the places, things and people: house, skis, mountains, land natives, who gave us superb quality service, deer, etc.
Any kind of travel helps you to understand many things that you can never see or learn at home. Though you may read about them in books and newspapers. I like traveling. I got a lot of impressions during my last journey. I hope that it will not be the last one, hope for the best. People, travel!

Название: My Recent Trip
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: топик
Добавлен 11:57:21 19 ноября 2004 Похожие работы
Просмотров: 3138
Комментариев: 16
Оценило: 5 человек
Средний балл: 4.8
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Топик: My Recent Trip
Сочинение Где Ты Хочешь Жить
Реферат На Тему Накопители Информации
Сочинение Нравственное Становление Петруши
Эссе По Теме Высказывания
Курсовая работа по теме Бизнес-план его значение и содержание
Курсовая работа по теме Этапы электронного развития вычислительной техники
Курсовая Работа На Тему Планування Врожайності Сільськогосподарських Культур Ооо "Нібулон"
Курсовая работа: Форми, методи та інструменти державного регулювання
Челночный Бег 3х10 М Реферат
Эссе По Ielts General
Курсовая Работа На Тему Профессиональная Позиция Педагога-Воспитателя
Алгоритм Написания Сочинения 9.2 Огэ 2022
Учебное пособие: Методические указания по выполнению контрольной работы Дисциплина: Экономика организации (предприятия)
Реферат Роль Витаминов В Организме Человека
Культура Делового Общения Реферат
Интерьер Реферат
Экология Транспорта Реферат
Контрольная Работа На Тему Особенности Перевозок Промышленным Транспортом
Сочинение На Тему Сильная Личность
Контрольная работа по теме Государственный долг Украины: пути выхода из кризиса
Курсовая работа: Роль различных средств общения в проектировании обучающих сред
Реферат: Структурные методы распознавания сложноорганизованных исторических табличных форм
Изложение: Философ (Il Filosofo)

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