Топик: Kazakhstan

Топик: Kazakhstan


Kazakhstan is a sovereign state. In December 1991 Kazakhstan declared its independence. Kazak government pursues the policy of friendship and national accord. Historically Kazakhstan has developed as a multinational state. According to the constitution adopted in 1995 every nationality can develop its culture in Kazakhstan. All people of Kazakhstan have equal rights and duties. Both industry and agriculture are developing here. Nowadays many private firms and joint ventures appear. Kazakhstan has established diplomatic relations with seventy countries of the world. President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev is highly respected not only in this country but abroad as well because he is an honest and intelligent statesman.
The most important industrial centres are Karaganda, Pavlodar, Zhezkazgan, Taraz. Our country is rich in mineral resources and minerals. Copper, iron, zinc, lead, coal are mined in Kazakhstan. Now the aim of independent Kazakhstan is to become the country of high technology.
Kazakhstan is good for a place of useful health resorts. People can improve their health at the resorts in Kostanay, Kokshetau, Almaty. They say that Kokshetau is "Kazak Switzerland" because its nature is beautiful and climate is mild. Kazak people are friendly and open-hearted.
Almaty is the cultural, Scientific, economic and transport centre of Kazakhstan. This is one of the most beautiful cities of Asia. The city has a mild climate. Summer in Almaty lasts from May till September with the average temperature of 22 degrees in July. Winter is not very cold with the average temperature of 8 degrees below zero in January.
The city was founded in 1854. Till 1921 it was named Verny. In 1929 Almaty became the capital of the Kazak Socialist Republic. Almaty was the capital of independent Kazakhstan till November 1997. Nowadays the city has seven theatres, many cinemas, hundreds of clubs, libraries and other cultural and educational centres. The most important theatres are the Kazak State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre named after Abai and the Kazak State Academic Drama Theatre named after M.Auesov. The city also has the Russian, Uigur, Korean theatres and many other troupes.
Verny had only one gymnasium. Now in Almaty there are 185 schools of general education, a lot of technical secondary schools and Universities. Almaty is a University city. Young people from different places og Kazakhstan come to study here.
Almaty is situated at the food of the Ala-Tau montains. The climate is very favourable for gardening. Everybody in kazakstan knows the world famous apples "aport". The citizens of Almaty are proud of the well known skating-rink "Medeo". It is equipped with all modern sport facilities. The most important competition are held there.
Almaty is the city of kind and hospitable people. It is a great pleasure to visit it.

Название: Kazakhstan
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: топик
Добавлен 13:54:41 16 апреля 2005 Похожие работы
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