Топик: English Topics

Топик: English Topics


Language and
music. Both of these terms play a great role in peoples’ life.
Let’s give definitions of these terms:

is human speech, either spoken or written. It comes from the Latin
word “lingua”, meaning tongue ,
and a language still is often called a tongue.

is sound arranged into pleasing or interesting patterns. It forms an
important part of many cultural and social activities.

What are the
common between these two different words?
Well, at first, music as the language has their own symbols. In
language it is phonemes (in oral speech) or morphemes (in written
speech) and in music it is tone (sound) or note.

In a majority,
any language have an alphabet. Western musicians name the tones of a
scale with the first eight letters: A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H
(Russian musicians usually name them as Do (Ut), Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La
and Si).

If the language
is a way of communication between people, music is a language of
music instruments. As language has its own styles (for example,
publicistic style (artistic), informational style, declamatory style
(oratorial), etcetera), music has such music styles as classical,
folklore, popular.

Music is
sounded due to musical instruments and the peoples who play on its.

The same
phoneme may be writing down by the various combinations of letters.
For example, [f] – “f”, “ph”, “ff”

In music the
same sound may have various names; E = F flat, G = F double sharp = A
double flat.

Aside from all
this, language and music give people opportunities to express their
feeling, emotions and ideas.

But there are
some difference between these terms. The language of music is one for
everybody and people create music when they are impressed by
happiness, grief, melancholy, love, etc. When people do researches,
invent, philosophize, etc. they create new designations, symbols,

Thus due to
music we can express our emotions and feelings more brilliant and
colorful. Due to language we can express our thoughts, views, ideas
more exactly.
native town Atyrau is a capital of oil and gas industry in
Kazakhstan. It is growing and developing due to oil and gas fields
such as Tengiz, Kashagan, Sazankurak.
lot of people from different places come here to work. They all speak
different languages but they almost all can speak English. And in
front of us there is a problem of knowing foreign languages.
the present time it is very popular profession in Atyrau because it
gives the opportunity to meet a lot of people from different
countries and to be well-to-do that is important.

is not easy to be a good interpreter. I have to know not only
Phonetics and Grammar rules. I have to know the culture perfectly
because I shall not only translate
or interpret
speech. Sometimes I shall help people to communicate by giving advice
how to behave in certain cases.

have to read a lot of English books in origin to make phrases right
and to be able to translate jokes, something specific and so on. I
have to be creative, imaginative, communicative, understand human’s

are plenty of foreign companies like TCO, Agip KCO, Schlumberger and
others that need in interpreters. It depends on an interpreter how
successful the meeting , conference, contract is.
conclude it is very interesting profession because I like meet
people, travelling, know different cultures. I understand it is not
easy to become a good interpreter and I have to work hard. I will do
everything to be the best.

We all know life had changed entirely
in Kazakhstan in 1991 when Communism ended
in Sovet Union.
to creation of the New Independent Republics.
These republics were
trying to rebuild their economies and find the way toward the
democratic regimes. Our
independent republic was among those states.

to reconstruct its
economy and social system. Our
republic had many challenges and obstacles
to overcome during its
period of reconstruction. Not
only lifestyles, fashions and technologies were changed but also
there was a turnover in people’s mentality.

Now Kazakhstan is growing and developing
republic. Today it is
a democratic society. The territory of
Kazakhstan has historically had a
tremendous impact on the Kazakhstan
economy, political situation, culture,
traditions, and mentality of Kazakh
people. Kazakhstan
is rich in gold, silver, gas and oil,
chromium and many
other valuable minerals. These
resources are
very attractive prospects for investments.
Oil and gas industry in Kazakhstan has a
great important. There
are plenty of foreign companies
like TCO, PFD, Agip KCO, etc. that extract these minerals A
lot of people from different places come here to work.

Economy stabilized,Kazakhstan played
an important role in Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).

Everyone have to love his country, his native town and
build up powerful and independent state.

Название: English Topics
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: топик
Добавлен 17:33:49 27 сентября 2005 Похожие работы
Просмотров: 1221
Комментариев: 17
Оценило: 6 человек
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