Топик: A country across the channel

Топик: A country across the channel


England is often subdivided into three parts: the South, the Midlands and the North. The climate in THE SOUTH is warmer than in the other areas. That is why it is popular with holidaymakers. It is also famous for its fertile farmland, the calm, tranquil and quiet beauty of its countryside. Work of all kinds is provided on the land, in trade and industry. Lots of people are involved in service industries. There are science-based companies and research organizations.
THE MIDLANDS. Region has much farming land, but this part of the country is better known as an industrial area, one of England’s most productive regions. The Potteries is industrial area in the Midlands. It lies around the city of Stoke-on-Trent and all kinds of ceramics, some of which are famous worldwide.
THE NORTH. The weather is considerably colder. This is a region of great natural beauty although industry of some kind has existed here for hundreds of years. West Yorkshire is very good country for sheep farming and it has long been Britain’s most important area for the wool industry. Coal is one of the few natural resources found in the North of England.
WALES is the most westerly part of mainland. It is the smallest land of the United Kingdom. The main areas of settlement are in the southern valleys and coastal areas. The chief cities are Cardiff, Swansea and Newport. Cardiff the capital of Wales. Wales is divided geographically into the central part and the mountainous north. The economy of South Wales is based on coal, iron, and steel. South Wales remains the principal industrial area. Agriculture occupies about 80 percent of the land area; the main activities are sheep and cattle rearing in the hill regions and dairy farming in the lowlands. North Wales is famous for the wild beauty of its mountains, lakes and waterfalls. Wales attracts tourists, especially for outdoor holidays.
SCOTLAND. The ocean bounds Scotland on all sides except for its southern. On the west coast there are a lot of sea lochs and islands. The country may be divided into the Highlands and the Lowlands. The highest peak in the Highland and in all Britain is Ben Nevis. The east coast is drier than the west, where even in summer rainstorms and showers are frequent. Scotland is famous the world over as a land of beautiful scenery. Fishing remains an important activity in Scotland. Modern Scotland is also a land of steel and ships, coal and iron. Some of the traditional Scottish industries, such as coal, steel and shipbuilding, are declining. Edinburgh has been the capital of Scotland since 1437. The landscape of Northern Ireland is gentle. It is green because in rains a lot. Population and industry are concentrated on the eastern seaboard. The traditional important industries are shipbuilding and linen. Belfast is one of the youngest capitals in the world. There are many cultural and leisure facilities: the Art Gallery, Belfast Cathedral and others.

Название: A country across the channel
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: топик
Добавлен 04:13:37 21 сентября 2004 Похожие работы
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