Top Companies Using Python

Top Companies Using Python

As you know, there are around 500 programming languages that are currently available to developers all over the world. Many of them are written purely for theoretical purposes. When it comes to choice, developers use such a language that is easy to learn and beneficial for coding and businesses as well. Among many, Python is a great language that is largely used in actual businesses and real world applications. If you look around, you will find some of the top companies that use Python on a large scale. As a result, learners can see real-time career opportunities with these companies and explore their learning paths.

Let’s explore some of the top rated companies using Python.

Google: Google has been using Python for a very long time. In the early years of Python, Google started implementing the rule: "Use Python in the most possible cases, and C++ when it is a must". Python is known for its ease of development and maintenance, and it is also famous for its fast delivery. Because of Python’s simplicity, it has gained the position as one of the official server-side languages of Google.

Also check: Python course institute in Delhi

Facebook: With the help of Python, Facebook is able to scale efficiently. Since Python libraries are easy to use, they allow the production engineers of the company to do the coding faster, which allows them to give proper attention to making live improvements. At Facebook, Python plays an important role in infrastructure management.

Instagram: Python is largely used on Instagram because of its simplicity and practicality. Instagram is currently engaged in the deployment of the Django web framework, which is totally based on Python. Also, Instagram is constantly investing resources and time for keeping its Python deployment viable, and that too, on a very huge scale.

Quora: Quora is largely known for its huge platform for questions and answers. Quora uses Python because of its ease of writing and readability. Also, Python's large library and frameworks such as Django and Pylons help it achieve the actual results it wants.

Netflix: Netflix makes use of Python to power its data analysis on the server side. Netflix allows its developers to choose their preferred language. Python is chosen among many because of its easy development features. Netflix uses Python to track the security changes and history of the monkey apps.

Dropbox: Dropbox uses Python to support its desktop client. In Dropbox, client-side programmes are coded in Python as its various libraries work well on both Mac and Windows.

In a nutshell, Python is used widely because of its interactive features. If you are thinking of learning Python, you will find exciting career opportunities in the near future.

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