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Best Cam Sites to Make Money in 2021 (Highest Paying Cam Girl Sites)
The following is a list of the best cam sites in 2021 from the viewer's / audience member's perspective, based on hottest cam girls and best value-for-money.
If you're a webcam model looking to see which cam sites are best to work for, skip straight to the list of best cam sites to work for below.
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Are you curious about becoming a webcam model? Want to know which cam sites are the best to work for and which cam site will make you the most money? 
This guide will teach you everything you need to pick the right cam site to start out with, and show you how to maximize your earnings as a webcam model.
Our team of professional webcam models spent over 18 months testing out every major cam site and meticulously scoring them to determine which cam site is best and consistently pays the most.
So far, we've tested over 87 different cam sites, including all the major sites models like you are broadcasting on today. We scored each cam site based on best and highest-paying viewer audience, ease of use, most fun for broadcasters, best overall experience for models, and most importantly, which cam site produced the most take home earnings with the least amount of effort and time required.
From the 87+ cam sites we tested, we narrowed it down to the top 10 best cam sites for models to make money camming, and ranked them below.
These 10 cam sites are truly the best choices for aspiring cam girls. If you want to lean how to become a webcam model and maximize your earnings from camming, read on below to see which cam girl sites scored the best!
Stripchat is #1 in our list for one simple reason: highest average model earnings.  
Of all the cam sites we've tested, Stripchat gives the most take-home pay to the average model, due to a nice mixture of high traffic, viewers who are accustomed to spending big through pay-per-minute private and exclusive chats, and a high percentage of earnings that the model gets to keep. 
Stripchat is a great choice for new models that need to earn as much as possible in their first few weeks. The site offers up to 60% rev share to models, and has a special feature where new models get boosted site placement for 2 weeks to help you get established and earn real money in your first few weeks.
The downside of Stripchat is that the viewer community expects to see mostly freemium shows and to pay models via tips. This can be great for models who know how to earn tips, and for the best models can result in even higher earnings than pay-per-minute private and exclusive chat sites, but you should research how to maximize tips in your cam show before you start to make sure you get the most out of your initial 2 week boosted placement.
That said, Stripchat does also offer Private Shows, Cam2Cam Shows and Spy Shows where you can get paid by the minute and get to set your own price, which is a huge plus. The best strategy on Stripchat is to attract viewers in your freemium show, and then entice them into taking you private where you'll get paid by the minute at whatever price you set. With this strategy, your earnings on Stripchat are nearly unlimited.
Stripchat also has nice modern technology that's easy to use, as well as good privacy controls for the model and contests that pay out an extra $20,000 to models each month. Lastly, an important note is that Stripchat broadcasts your show to both and, which doubles the viewership and makes the total audience competitive with Chaturbate.
Stripchat is simply the best site for most beginner camgirls and we recommend it as the #1 choice for any webcam model who is just getting started and wants maximize their earnings.
Xmodels can be a great choice for models who want to build up a stable source of income they can depend on for a long time.
Some cam sites keep as much as 70-75% of your earnings for themselves, meaning you get to keep only a fraction of what you earn. Xmodels is much better, with the site only taking 25-50%, so you can get double or triple the take-home-pay through Xmodels.
While Xmodels is based in Europe and is the #1 cam site in Europe, models from anywhere in the world can sign up. In fact, many of the top earning models on Xmodels are from the United States. What's great about the European audience of Xmodels is that you get viewers from many rich countries like Switzerland and Norway who are willing to pay a lot for a private show with you, and additionally, if you live in the United States, you're much less likely to get seen by a friend or family member that you know browsing the site.
Lastly, a very important note about Xmodels is that you must cam on the site for 100 hours before you will be allowed to set your own price for private and exclusive chats. The initial per-minute rate is low, so it's hard to make significant earnings until you've reached that 100 hour threshold and can raise your price. So keep this in mind and don't get discouraged initially. We recommend trying to power through your first 100 hours of camming as quickly as possible to unlock the ability to raise your prices. Once you can set your own prices, the earnings from Xmodels are fantastic.
Overall, we recommend giving Xmodels a try, especially if you want to invest in becoming a webcam model as a long-term profession.
Camsoda is a relatively high traffic cam site with good a revenue share for models. Performers on Camsoda get to keep 55% of their earnings, which is a better than most cam sites. Despite this, Camsoda is lower in our list because of the viewer audience. Most viewers on Camsoda are there to see free shows, and only a small handful want to tip. Top Camsoda models can still earn a good amount from camming, but it's harder than on other cam sites.
Where Camsoda really shines is for models who want to use their cam site to also drive sales of photos and videos. The top Camsoda models actually make more money from selling photos and videos to viewers than they do from the tips they receive directly from actual camming.
If you want to sell photos and videos in addition to camming, Camsoda could be a good choice for you.
Chaturbate is the largest cam site in the world by traffic, with over 300 million monthly visitors. It's also the fastest cam site with the most robust technology.
Chaturbate is a great cam site to work for, but it is more competitive than Xmodels. Chaturbate has more models than any other cam site, meaning you have to be a top performer to do really well.
The best models on Chaturbate make huge amounts of money, with some models raking in over $1 million per year, and a large number of models earning at least $20,000 per month. However, since Chaturbate is so competitive, the average Chaturbate model actually earns less than the average model on Xmodels, which is why we ranked in #2. 
The key question to ask yourself when deciding whether Chaturbate is right for you is whether you feel you can entertain a room full of people, vs. performing in 1-on-1 or more intimate chats. To maximize your earnings on Chaturbate, you will need to be able to entertain a large audience all at once. 
Another nice benefit of Chaturbate is that you get to keep 60% of your earnings, which is high compared to most cam sites, and they pay out weekly, so you can start getting paid rather quickly.
Overall, we recommend Chaturbate if you want to absolutely maximize your earnings potential and are willing to dedicate the time and energy to become a top performer on the site.
OnlyFans is not a cam site, it's actually a paid, subscriber-only social media platform. It's just like an Instagram or Twitter account, except your followers have to pay you a monthly subscription fee in order to view your posts and feed. You set the price of the subscription (typically $5 - $30 / month per follower). OnlyFans takes a 20%, and the remaining 80% of the subscription fee goes to you. 
Though it's not technically a camming site, we included OnlyFans in the list because it's an amazing way for most webcam models to earn extra money, and the fact that it pays you monthly subscription revenue (regardless of how much time you spend on it) can be a great supplement to your income.
If you want to become a cam girl, definitely consider also starting an OnlyFans account to get an extra stable income stream coming in, month after month, even when you're not working or on vacation. Many cam models also drive viewers that they interact with on the other cam sites to their OnlyFans profile as a way of getting more subscribers on OnlyFans.
BongaCams is the 2nd largest cam girl site on the internet, with 310 million monthly visitors. It has extremely high traffic, which means the top models and earn a huge amount.
BongaCams is a good choice if you want to work for tips in a free show with very high traffic. It pays out the highest % of revenue to the model of any cam site online today. It generally has great reviews from the models who use it.
The one place BongaCams falls down is if you want to primarily do pay-per-minute private or exclusive chats. BongaCams is very public, and its features for supporting private and exclusive chat are not as good as other cam sites. Additionally, most viewers on BongaCams expect to see free shows and to be able to pay through tips rather than pay-per-minute.
LiveJasmin claims to be the #1 webcam site in the world, but they are actually #3 by traffic (both Chaturbate and BongaCams are slightly larger). That said, LiveJasmin is clearly in the top 3, and of the top sites is definitely the best one for models.
Unlike the other super-high-traffic cam sites, LiveJasmin relies more on pay-per-minute private sessions than token-based tipping, which typically works out to more earnings for the average model. On top of that, LiveJasmin offers a greater percentage of earnings available for the model to take home, so LiveJasmin revenue for the model can be fairly good and competitive with other top cam girl sites.
One of the best features of LiveJasmin is that it allows cam-splitting, so you can broadcast to LiveJasmin at the same time you're broadcasting to other sites and "double-dip" with your earnings. For this reason, many models log onto LiveJasmin in a second browser tab and leave their LiveJasmin show on at the same time as they're camming on their primary site like Xmodels or Chaturbate. Being on 2 sites at the same time means more time earning big in pay-per-minute private & exclusive chats, and less time sitting around waiting.
Overall - it's a great site if you want to get maximum exposure and have very high traffic.
Streamate is one of the best cam sites out there and an excellent choice for any model who wants to do camming as a side thing for income but cares about keeping it super private and not having friends or family run into you.
Streamate has built up an excellent community of high-paying viewers, and almost every viewer expects to do everything in private or exclusive chats, so you never have to show yourself publicly if you don't want to. Additionally, Streamate has some of the best privacy settings, allowing you to precisely control who can see what. Many Streamate models set their privacy settings so that only paying members of the site can discover and see them. Additionally, you can block viewers in certain geographies like your home state or city, so you don't have to worry about friends or family seeing you on there.
Despite the privacy, Streamate models can earn a lot of money because viewers on streamate are higher-end and willing to spend a lot for models they love.
We recommend Streamate for models who are newer to camming and want to dip their toes into making extra money through camming, while still having great control over their privacy.
Flirt4Free is a solid cam site with a medium level of traffic. Where it shines most is in its technology. The interface for both viewers/members and models is the best and most bleeding-edge in the camming industry. 
Though Flirt4Free models typically make most of their earnings through pay-per-minute private chats, the sleek interface for viewers does a great job of promoting tipping (and large tips), so that ends up increasing earnings for models as well.
The downside of Flirt4Free is that the site keeps 70-80% of what viewers pay, and you only get 20-30%. In terms of take-home earnings, that's not as bad as it sounds for models, because viewers on Flirt4Free tend to be big spenders, so theres more total dollars to share in the first place. 
Still - we don't think 20-30% is quite fair and wish Flirt4Free would share more of the earnings with the model. Overall, we wouldn't recommend Flirt4Free as your primary cam site, but it can be a great secondary site to be on if you do cam splitting or have two cam sites open in separate windows so you can earn from both at the same time.
Streamray has been operating cam girl sites for over 15 years. They own several high traffic websites to bring viewers to your show, including and AdultFriendFinder. 
We like Streamray because viewers expect to pay to see what they want, and expectations around kinkiness are fairly vanilla. They do a good job providing models with privacy control, and models have the ability to keep up to 70% of their earnings as take-home pay.
Overall, we'd recommend Streamray as another good secondary site to get extra money while you're broadcasting on your main site.
The top 3 most popular webcam modeling sites by traffic are Chaturbate, BongaCams and LiveJasmin. Each of these sites receives between 275,000,000 - 325,000,000 visits per month, while most other cam sites have between 10,000,000 - 50,000,000 visits per month. Because Chaturbate, BongaCams and LiveJasmin have such high traffic, they also have high compeitition with many models competing for these viewers. This competition can make it harder for beginner cam models to do well on those larger sites, so we recommend starting with a smaller site like Xmodels or Streamate.
Most webcam models earn between $2,000 to $8,000 per month. The biggest factor the how much a webcam model makes is the number of hours per week worked. Many cam models who come in on the lower end of earnings tend to work only 10 - 15 hours per week. The top earning models typically work 30 - 40 hours per week. Beyond number of hours worked, the second biggest factor is which cam site you use. A high paying site like Xmodels will allow you to keep between 45-75% of your gross earnings as take-home pay, while other sites like Streamate only allow you to keep 30% of what you earn. To learn more, see our full Cam Girl Salary Guide.
The best cam models do indeed earn $1000 per day or more. These are dedicated models who cam full-time and treat camming as a serious profession. The secret is to build up a base of loyal followers and repeat customers, and to come online at regularly scheduled times so your fans know when they can expect you to be on. There are many other tips and tricks you will learn over time as you get more experience camming, from how you dress, to how you set up your camming space, to what you do in your shows, to additional products you sell for extra sources of income. These are all covered in our complete How To Become A Cam Girl Guide.
While you can get away with using the built-in webcam on your Macbook or PC laptop, you'll typically do better with a professional webcam specifically designed for streaming. There are several factors to consider when choosing the best webcam for streaming, including cost, resolution, focus, zoom and compatibility with your computer. You can usually find a good webcam that will do the job in the $50 - $100 range on Amazon. The best webcam brands are Logitec and Razer.
Updated: February 17, 2021
Written by Moon Haze
Yes, it is great info, but you missed some new from Bongacams. Now they pay 80% to all USA and Canada models. That’s really great news, I started to earn on Bonga more than on Chaturbate.
Lot’s of great info!! do yo have a list for the best recruiters!!
I’ve never done any sort of camming on any site. So I have 0 fan base I am very green to the whole scene but I’m interested in a collaboration with CD. please contact me. Thank u.
I wanne know how can i registate me to work as a webcome moddel as trans. Can i please get a replay
I have had so many issues getting approved for the Streamate site. Is it common that to have issues getting approved for the “Know Your Customer” so that payments can be processed? And does anyone know what happens to the money I earn in the meantime? I have contacted the site twice for help and havent gotten an answer. I already have a good following and dont want to leave the site
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Hi great list thank you. Which cam site has the most interactive models? I want to try a cam site where the models are really engaged and will chat with me 1:1
Hi great list thank you. Which cam site has the most interactive models? I want to try a cam site where the models are really engaged and will chat with me 1:1
Thanks for the great post on your blog, it really gives me an insight on this topic.
I’m interested in becoming a webcam model. Is Stripchat really that good for cam girls?
I have made great money as a webcam model. You can make as much as $1000 in an hour if you are good. The site I am on pays 70%. They also pay you $25 as an affiliate of the site on any referrals. You can make and sell videos and also sell your underwear. It’s all anonymous. If a guy buys them it is through the site. The company takes care of all of that to make it a seamless private transaction. You do not have to show your face on cam. You can do whatever you wish to do on your cam within the rules. Email me if you wish to join one of the highest paying sites online. Sign up today – start making money tomorrow. Get paid every Friday. Redeem tokens at any amount you wish to redeem. Email me @ for further info.
@Russell Barton – thanks for your question. Please see our cam model salary survey, it has information about how much cam guys make in comparison to cam girls. Based on that data, Chatubate is the highest paying site for cam guys.
I still love this guide, you did an amazing job!!
Stay away from LiveJasmin. As another commenter said, they are declining quickly because of so many silly rules for only certain performers. Some of the performers can do as they wish, mainly studio girls. They find any reason they can think of to take more money away from you. Admin is awful and they treat their performers like garbage. It is also more expensive for the members. I worked for LJ for several years, very unfair site and many models are leaving it.
Excellent guide. Thank yo
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