Top Private Pregnancy Scan Packages

Top Private Pregnancy Scan Packages

City Ultrasound

During the pregnancy stage, ultrasound imaging is helpful. It provides a lot of valuable data to the health expert. Women only need to get this imaging during selective stages of fetus development. Based on the results provided after each ultrasound, the doctor will monitor growth and abnormalities – if any.


  •  Timely ultrasound direct London imaging helps predict the delivery date in advance
  •  It also determines the placenta position and delivery type
  •  Using this technique it is possible to determine the sex of the developing fetus as well

You need to ensure that you get the ultrasound done at an expert clinic like City Ultrasound.

 The frequency of ultrasound in general, may vary, depending on the pregnancy stage. In case of abnormality, this frequency may vary. The technique is used by experts to carry fetus examination.

 Initial pregnancy stage

 This stage is also termed early pregnancy. The ultrasound is usually conducted by an expert within the first few weeks. It helps in determining if you have conceived pregnancy or not. Expert ultrasound direct London team may usually never advise at this stage if everything is normal.

 10 to 13 weeks stage

 If you are confirmed about your pregnancy, then you can always opt for ultrasound imaging from 10 to 13 weeks. During this stage, the exact date of conceiving is revealed by your doctor. This is an important stage as the doctor will determine the exact length of the developing fetus.

 The imaging at this stage will also help monitor the normal heartbeat of the developing child. You should only approach certified ultrasound clinics like City Ultrasound for the most accurate examination.

 14 to 20-week period ultrasound

 If everything is normal then parents can also skip ultrasound at this stage. But it is always advisable to be considerate during this time. An expert will conduct an NT test during this stage. This stage is important to determine if the child is developing any abnormality.

 The ultrasound technique is considered an advanced imaging facility. It is helpful for the safety of the mother and child.

 18 to 20-week ultrasound imaging

 This stage ultrasound is always conducted for a longer duration of time. During this time, the doctor will be able to determine if you have conceived more than one baby. He or she will also monitor the health and development of the child in the womb.

 Apart from this expert ultrasound direct London imaging will reveal a lot more information include sex and limb numbers of the child.


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