Top Five CSS Frameworks for Web Developers in 2020

Top Five CSS Frameworks for Web Developers in 2020

Adam Mathewz

CSS frameworks are popular among developers today. There are many reasons for its popularity. CSS ensures development speed by automating some of the tedious tasks involved in web development. It provides website stability. Developers do not have to code everything. Instead, they can use a CSS framework in its place. The frameworks also add functionality to the website and help to create unique designs. The best CSS frameworks are deemed so based on their ease of usage, their features, stability, the ability to create responsive designs. Here are the top five frameworks for 2020: 


Foundation is a fully customizable CSS framework. It is widely used by developers due to its flexibility and ease of usage and supports several renowned companies like Adobe, Disney, Facebook, eBay, HP. Foundation can be used to create web applications with responsive design. Developers can use it to create responsive HTML emails, and the process does not involve much hassle. That is why it is highly suitable for firms that rely on email marketing. However, Foundation may be a difficult framework for inexperienced developers because of its high level of customization. To learn to use it efficiently, developers have to take online training that the company provides at a particular cost. 

Bootstrap 4

Bootstrap is one of the best CSS frameworks. With its updated version in 2018, Bootstrap 4, it has many additional features such as new modifiers and utility classes, colour schemes, and so on. It also supports Sass and LESS.  It has a grid system which helps to create responsive, cross-platform designs that are suitable for all screen sizes. It comes with many pre-installed libraries for website templates, themes, layouts and other UI components for front-end developers. These components can be used to create prototypes without the need for coding. The best feature of Bootstrap CSS is that it is beginner-friendly. Hire Website developers with little experience can easily learn it from tutorials and other resources and start using it in no time. 


Bulma is a relatively new but popular framework on GitHub. It is an open-source framework with a simple syntax that does not consist of JavaScript elements. It is specifically targeted at small business enterprises for their everyday requirements. It is also the ideal framework for startups because it is easy to use and can set up a new site in no time. Like Foundation and Bootstrap 4, this framework developers use it to create an adaptive design. Despite its simplicity, it has several components that facilitate front-end development and make it easier. 


Uikit is a unique CSS framework that caters to modern trends in web design and development. It is the ideal framework for creating minimalist websites. It makes use of white space, so the site looks clean and elegant. It is easy to use and can also create advanced interfaces. It has several components for developers, such as Nestables, which gives it a drag and drop interface. Developers can also customize it further if they want to do so. When adding new components to the site, it ensures that the overall appearance or the performance of the site is not affected by it. 


Although Tailwind is not often spoken about, it is a robust, highly reliable CSS framework. It is fully customizable and is suitable for advanced developers who prefer such high levels of customizations. It is a utility-first framework, which means it offers more customization and less in-built components. Every feature that it has, including breakpoints, font size spacing, shadows, can be customized and changed. Doing so helps to make the site more unique and personalized. However, Tailwind is not easy to use and requires the user to know utility classes and how to use predefined classes. That is why it is a favorite among experts.

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