Top Fantasies of women

Top Fantasies of women

1. A romantic evening filled with candlelight, music and a luxurious bubble bath.

2. Going on a sunset cruise with a special someone and being whisked away to a far-off island.

3. Being swept off her feet by a handsome man and receiving a marriage proposal.

4. Being able to travel the world and not worrying about expenses.

5. Having a wealthy lifestyle and all the luxuries that come with it.

6. Having a loyal partner who will love and support her through life’s highs and lows.

7. Going on a picture-perfect honeymoon in a tropical paradise.

8. Enjoying a couple’s massage and spa treatment while on vacation.

9. Bettering herself and achieving her goals of career and financial success.

10. Enjoying a month-long vacation with friends at some of the world’s most romantic destinations.

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