Top Digital agencies in Pune 2019

Top Digital agencies in Pune 2019

What's up everyone never share with another mammoth in search of a tutorial on machine learning projects using tensor flow Digital agencies in Pune The project we're going to be building today is going to be a very very simple stock market prediction model that we'll be able to predict whether the price of the stock will go up or down the next morning based on the amount of volume exchange for a given day.

Now ultimately there are a ton of different factors that go into predicting stock prices. And so this is really a difficult task digital marketing agency to accomplish even the best models out there can only get about percent accuracy.

Honestly, I find that even hard to believe sometimes as there could be any kind of global events that completely affects how the stock prices fluctuate as such would going to be building just something really simple here is only taking the volume exchanged for particular day into account.

And it's only really going to be used for day trading so that's going to be choosing whether or not to buy at the end of the day and then sell at the beginning of the next day. This isn't going to be used for Digital agencies in Pune long term prediction as well because this is just a really basic intro. I'm not going to be building anything too complex with like a big neural network or anything like that's taking in thousands and thousands of data points in hours to train which is going to be building a basic model for users to then expand upon.

And my main goal here is to show you how to go through building attends a floating project and how you'd get started approaching a task as big as this. So I guess what I'm trying to say is don't take this and then get all of your money using this particular model because it's not going to be percent accurate and there's no guarantee that you will make a ton of money off of this.

But what this will provide is a nice base for you to then expand upon and teach you the basics of building up a supply project in Digital agencies in Pune Python and Python. So without further ado let's go ahead and get salsa by creating a new project. If you're using a different ID I would recommend you switch to Python.

Although you can work around that. Just make sure that you had the latest version downloaded as well as a licensed version of Python as well. I think I'm using. at this point. OK, so we're going to go ahead and create a new project to choose a safe location for this. In my case, the desktop is actually OK but I'm just going to browse to a different location just create a new folder here.

It's called The stock market's prediction. And to make sure that you're saving a project in a separate sold off its own. OK. So with that done we'll click Create and we should be good to go there. All right. So as this project loads I just want to mention we're going to be taking all of the previous stock data from one site that's going to be investing dot com.

I'll show you where to access that site and how to access the dates that we're going to want but I've included a bunch of CSP sheets Digital agencies in Pune I think eight in total that is going to be used to train and test our model for four different stocks. Those are included in your resources folder. Again I'll show you exactly where to access those. But if you don't want to go to the site directly and download the latest sheets that's absolutely fine.

Like I said I've provided some resources for you anyway and I'm going to show you how to do everything step by step. OK. So we're just going to go ahead and get started here. With me providing a brief overview as to the steps we're going to take to build this project from start to finish as well as generally the how we're going to base our predictions and just how we're going to construct this model.

Okay. So thanks again for showing your support by watching these tutorials we do really appreciate it. At least I certainly do. And I hope that you can learn a lot or at least a little bit from the tutorial about how to build up an of road projects and how to build a stock market prediction model in particular. All right see you in this Overview section.

Hi everyone. Now before we begin writing any actual code or even exploring I want datasets for that matter. It's going to take Digital agencies in Pune few minutes to print a brief overview of this project as a whole. So we're going to talk about first what we're trying to accomplish with this particular project how are we going to go about doing it on the rough order in which we're going to implement our tasks.

So you don't have to write any of this down and just kind of follow along with me so that you know how we're going to be proceeding through this project. So as I'm sure you gain from the intersection as well as even the title of this tutorial we're going to be building a model that will be used to predict whether a stock price will increase or decrease the next day.

OK. So this is crucial we're not going to be building a long term prediction model in which you'll be able to enter a date you know two months three months down the road and see what the price is going to be. This is just going to be used for day trading day and it's going to be based entirely on this one Digital agencies in Pune factor which is going to be the amount of volume exchanged by the end of a certain day.

Now because we're only taking this one's doctrine's consideration and the fact that we're only talking about the difference between the end of the day and the beginning of the next day. This isn't going to be a super complex model. We're really only using this to predict the difference between the end of the day's price and the beginning of the next day price.

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