Top Bottom Versatile

Top Bottom Versatile


Top Bottom Versatile

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From Susan's Place Transgender Resources

Jump up ↑ Underwood, Steven G. (2003). Gay Men and anal eroticism: tops, bottoms, and versatiles . Binghamton, NY: Harrington Park Press. ISBN 1-56023-375-3 . 

Jump up ↑ Michelides, Christian: Männlichkeitskonstruktionen der Pornografie zur Jahrtausendwende, Wien 2009

Jump up ↑ Michael D. Smith, David W. Seal: Motivational Influences on the Safer Sex Behavior of Agency-based Male Sex Workers. In: Archives of Sexual Behavior , Volume 37, Number 5, October 2008

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The terms top , bottom and versatile are used to describe roles for the duration of a sexual act, or may be used more broadly as a psychological, social, and sexual identity, as well as indicating one's usual preference. [1]

Top is a relatively broad term, which can include adopting the penetrative role in a sexual act, a partner who adopts the dominant role in a sexual act and even physically on top of the other partner, though this is not always the case. The top is also not necessarily the dominant partner, or the partner in control; in this instance a top who is performing the action at the request or under direction of the bottom is sometimes referred to as a 'service top'. Top can also be used as a transitive or intransitive verb meaning to sexually penetrate (someone). 'Giver' may sometimes be synonymous with 'top'. Power top refers to a "top" in a sexual relationship. The "power" in the term refers to the great stamina or special topping skills. The term total top is used to describe one who exclusively tops, while the term versatile top describes someone who sometimes bottoms.

Bottom is a relatively broad term, which can include being a partner who adopts the receptive role in a sexual act (i.e. the partner who is penetrated) and adopting a submissive role in a sexual act. Bottom can also be used as an intransitive verb meaning to be sexually penetrated by: to bottom for someone. 'Receiver' may sometimes be synonymous with 'bottom'. Power bottom refers to someone (usually a gay male) who during anal intercourse truly enjoys being the receptive partner, to the point of 'wanting it' more aggressively and dominantly than the top. Some dislike bottom as they feel it has negative connotations, and prefer not to use that term or top . In ancient Roman civilization, pathic was used to describe a bottom, and had weak / feminine connotations.

A person who enjoys both topping and bottoming, or being dominant and submissive, and may alternate between the two is often called versatile or switch . Flip-flops are very common; partners may switch roles based on mood, desire, or to allow each partner to experience their preferred activity. It is also common for people to switch with different partners, such as when a person acts exclusively as a top with one partner and exclusively as a bottom with another.

A 2009 Austrian study on pornography has shown that at least 82.4% of all men performing in the male porn industry are versatile at one point or the other during their career. [2] Usually the one with the bigger penis or the one with the harder erection will be on top. Many notable tops have performed as bottoms in oral sex, and some notable bottoms have performed as tops.

These are not necessarily the same as "top" and "bottom" —a bottom is not necessarily inactive, or less active than the top. For example, a top may direct a bottom to perform the majority of actions in a given encounter (making the bottom the active).

In some languages, including Spanish, Hebrew, Polish, Hungarian, Serbian, Croatian, British English, Portuguese, Danish and Italian, it is still common to use the term "active" and "passive" to refer to "top" and "bottom" respectively; this is however a rare usage in modern U.S. English.

Common slang terms in some gay communities include: pitcher (top), catcher (bottom), and switch-hitter or flip (versatile). [3] In some languages "passive" and "active" are also used, rather than "bottom" or "top".

The terms top, bottom and switch are also used in BDSM , with slightly different meanings.

While popular media portrays a larger number of submissive males than dominant males, studies have disputed this. Businesses catering to BDSM culture show there is a strong and growing market for submissives and dominants of all genders and orientations and a diversity in BDSM communities, both recreational and professional. Professional dominants provide stimulatory services (which may or may not include sex) for submissives.

Beginning in the 1970s, in some American contexts, people would identify their interests by wearing a set of keys on the side of their belt or a color-coded handkerchief in their rear pockets. This practice, called flagging , began in the gay male subculture.

A bottom in BDSM does not have to be the receptive partner; for example, a female dominant may command her submissive to penetrate her.

A switch is someone who participates in BDSM activities sometimes as a top and other times as a bottom or (in the case of dominance and submission) sometimes as a dominant and other times as a submissive .

Those who take the superior position in dominance and submission scenes and relationships are called dominants , doms (male) or dommes (female), while those who take the subordinate position are called submissives or subs (male or female). A top filling the dominant role is not necessarily a dominant, and vice versa, and a bottom is not necessarily submissive.

The main difference between a dominant and a top is that the dominant ostensibly does not follow instructions, although they are limited by what the submissive is willing to do. The top may sometimes even be the partner who is following instructions, i.e., they top when, and in the manner, requested by the bottom. Contrast this with the pure dominant, who might give orders to a submissive, or otherwise employ physical or psychological techniques of control, but might instruct the submissive to perform the act on them.

The main difference between a submissive and a bottom is that the submissive ostensibly does not give instructions, although they do set limits on what the dominant can do. A bottom is not necessarily a submissive; they may enjoy intense physical and psychological stimulation but not submit to the person delivering it. Similarly, a submissive might not be a bottom; they may enjoy taking orders from a dominant without receiving any physical stimulation. It should be noted that for bottoms who are not submissive, the bottom is most often the partner who is giving instructions—the top typically tops when, and in the manner, requested by the bottom.

Many distinguish top/bottom from dominant/submissive by seeing top/bottom as an expression of physical power, while dominant/submissive is an expression of psychological power. In many cases, the dominant/submissive relationship involves the dominant party psychologically tearing down and denigrating the submissive (consensually, meeting the submissive's expressed needs and respecting hard limits). In contrast, the top/bottom relationship is more commonly marked by mutual respect and support.

The terms sadism and masochism, while reflecting a "do" vs. "done to" distinction similar to top and bottom, are more narrowly defined as the giving and receiving of pain.

As the position of a man in intercourse symbolizes also his power and social status in society, it was – for a very long time – considered inappropriate for a free man, as well in ancient Greece, as well in the Victorian age, to be penetrated. According to the rules of heterosexual standards, homosexuals were officially and strictly divided into two groups, the givers and the receivers. Richard von Krafft-Ebing and other authors, even Freud, saw the givers as confused men, while the receivers were the real perverts.

In the 1970s, gay men began using handkerchief code to indicate whether they were tops or bottoms, and what kind of sex they were seeking.

The sexual revolution after 1968 brought a common practice to the limelight and to acceptance - the concept of versatility . One of the early portrayers of this concept was Tom of Finland, who depicted very masculine men enjoying both positions, even at the same time. At the beginning of the 21st century, gay pornography began to show both straight and gay men enjoying anal penetration.

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From Infogalactic: the planetary knowledge core
— Steven G. Underwood, Gay Men and anal eroticism: tops, bottoms, and versatiles , Harrington Park Press 2003

↑ Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Steven Gregory Underwood (2003). Gay men and anal eroticism: tops, bottoms, and versatiles . Psychology Press. pp. 225 pages. ISBN 1-56023-375-3 . Retrieved 2011-12-02 .
Jump up ↑ Gremore, Graham (4 May 2015). "What Do You Do When Your Total Top Boyfriend Refuses To Bottom?" . Queerty . Retrieved 24 July 2015 .
Jump up ↑ Rodriguez, Carissa. "It's Symptomatic" . Document Journal . Retrieved September 5, 2015 .
Jump up ↑ Versatile Top . (2012-01-01). Retrieved on 2012-01-09.
Jump up ↑ Peter M. Davies; Ford C. I. Hickson; Peter Weatherburn (31 October 2013). Sex Gay Men & Aids . Routledge. p. 120. ISBN 978-1-135-72249-4 . Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored ( help )
Jump up ↑ Bering, Jesse. "Top Scientists Get to the Bottom of Gay Male Sex Role Preferences" . Scientific American . Archived from the original on 2011-03-19 . Retrieved 2011-01-20 . Unknown parameter |deadurl= ignored ( help )
Jump up ↑ Versatile Bottom . (2012-01-01). Retrieved on 2012-01-09.
Jump up ↑ Goodreau, SM; Peinado, J; Goicochea, P; Vergara, J; Ojeda, N; Casapia, M; Ortiz, A; Zamalloa, V; et al. (2007). "Role versatility among men who have sex with men in urban Peru" . Journal of sex research . 44 (3): 233–9. doi : 10.1080/00224490701443676 . PMID 17879166 .
Jump up ↑ "Männer, die sowohl passiven als auch aktiven Analsex praktizieren, nennt man versatile ." Georg Pfau, Präventionsmedizin für den Mann, Linz 2009
Jump up ↑ Michael D. Smith, David W. Seal; Seal (2008). "Motivational Influences on the Safer Sex Behavior of Agency-based Male Sex Workers". Archives of Sexual Behavior . 37 (5): 845–53. doi : 10.1007/s10508-008-9341-1 . PMID 18288599 .
Jump up ↑ Levine, Martin P.; Kimmel, Michael S. (1998). Gay Macho: The Life and Death of the homosexual Clone . New York: New York University Press.
Jump up ↑ Human sexuality. An Encyclopedia , edited by Vern L. Bullough, Bonnie Bullough, New York, London 1994, p. 280 ISBN 0-8240-7972-8
Jump up ↑ Jay, Karla; Young, Allen (1979). The gay report: Lesbians and gay men speak out about sexual experiences and lifestyles . New York: Summit. ISBN 0-671-40013-4 .
Jump up ↑ Michelides, Christian: Männlichkeitskonstruktionen der Pornografie zur Jahrtausendwende, Wien 2009
Jump up ↑ Arell, Berndt; Mustola, Kati (2006). Tom of Finland: Ennennäkemätöntä – Unforeseen . Like. ISBN 952-471-843-X .
Jump up ↑ Topping or Bottoming – How To Know If You're A Top Or Bottom . (2012-01-01). Retrieved on 2012-01-09.
Jump up ↑ Best states for tops, bottoms, versatiles . Retrieved on 2012-01-09.
Jump up ↑ [1]
Jump up ↑ Guys on the 'Side': Looking Beyond Gay Tops and Bottoms Retrieved 2014-10-02

Dossie Easton, Janet W. Hardy. The New Topping Book. Greenery Press, 2003. ISBN 1-890159-36-0 .
Person, Ethel S. / Terestman, Nettie / Myers, Wayne A. / Goldberg, Eugene L. / Salvadori, Carol: Gender differences in sexual behaviors and fantasies in a college population, 1989, erschienen in: Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, Bd. 15, Nr. 3, 1989, P. 187–198
Janus, Samuel S. / Janus, Cynthia L., 1993 The Janus Report on Sexual Behavior, Wiley, New York
Charles Moser, in Journal of Social Work and Human Sexuality 1988, (7;1, P.43–56)

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In human sexuality , top , bottom and versatile are sex positions during sexual activity , especially between two men . A top is usually a person who penetrates , a bottom is usually one who receives penetration, and a versatile engages in both activities or is open to engaging in either activity. These terms may be elements of self-identity that indicate an individual's usual preference, but might also describe broader sexual identities. [1]
Top, bottom and versatile are also used in BDSM to describe similar—but distinct—BDSM identities and practices.
A top is usually a person who engages in the penetrative role during sexual activity; for men who have sex with men (MSMs) , this often involves penetration using the penis during anal or oral sex. [1] Top is also used as a verb meaning "to penetrate another." Top may also describe a broader personal identity involving dominance in a romantic or sexual relationship ; however, this stipulation is not a requisite element of being a top.
Several related terms exist. With regard to gay male sexuality, a total top is one who assumes an exclusively penetrative role for sex. [2] A power top is one noted for their great skill or aggressiveness in topping. A service top is "one who tops under the direction of an eager bottom". [3] A versatile top is one who prefers to top but who bottoms occasionally. [4] The terms penetrative partner [5] or giver are synonyms of top , created to describe the act of penetrating without implying non-egalitarian relations among participants. [ citation needed ]
Trevor Hart of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that self-identified tops were vastly more likely to act as the penetrative partner. The study also found that a top is also more likely to act as the penetrative partner in other sexual activities, such as oral sex and sex toy play. [6]
A bottom is usually the receptive partner during sexual penetration. This frequently refers to MSMs who are penetrated through the anus during anal sex. [1] Bottom is also used as a verb meaning "to be penetrated by another, whether anally or orally." Bottom may also describe a wider social context of submission within a romantic or sexual relationship, though this element does not apply to all people who prefer to bottom.
In gay male sexuality, a total bottom is someone who assumes an exclusively passive or receptive role during anal or oral intercourse. A power bottom is someone who aggressively enjoys being the receptive partner. A versatile bottom is one who prefers to bottom but who tops occasionally. [7] The term receiver or receptive partner may be preferred by some. An oral bottom (alternatively described as being the "oral active" partner) is the exclusively receptive partner in oral sex, providing the penetrative partner, or oral top (alternatively described as being the "oral passive" partner), with unreciprocated fellatio and irrumatio .
Versatile , also known as a switch , refers to a person who enjoys both topping and bottoming, or being dominant and submissive, and may alternate between the two in sexual situations. [1] [8] [9] Flip-flop commonly describes switching from top to bottom during one sexual encounter between two men. [10] Each participant penetrates the other and is penetrated in his turn.
Versatility is a concept of lifestyle . [11] "In large cities in the United States, gay men are for the most part expected to be versatile, not only in top versus bottom roles (if any) but also in the choice of particular acts (e.g., oral, anal, masturbatory)." [12] Versatility , though, is not limited to the simple acts of anal or oral penetration, but also includes the splitting of duties and responsibilities in the relationship. [13]
The reciprocal scenario, where both men take turns fucking each other, is often exercised as a celebration of equality. What sets this scenario apart from the others is the versatility of the men involved. Versatility is a unique and important feature of male anal sex. Some men consid
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