Top 5 WordPress Media Library Plugins For Easy Data Management

Top 5 WordPress Media Library Plugins For Easy Data Management

While having a WordPress website for your company or business is an advantage, sometimes managing it could become a challenge - if you don’t have proper tools in place. You might know well how many files your WordPress website has right now, but it’s less likely you will remember it a few years later. The reason? Your WordPress website keeps growing and so is the collection of your files.

To be specific, your WordPress website design contains a lot of media files whether it is audio, video, or images. And there are times when you want to get a specific file promptly but you have to spend hours finding that. Have you ever wondered why this happens? Because your files are not well-organized in folders and sub-folders so that whatever you want can be tracked down within a couple of seconds.

Now your next question would be like is there a solution to organize my media files? For that, I must say “Yes” and all you need to do to leverage it is install a simple WordPress Media Library Folder plugin. What? What is this WordPress Media Library Folder Plugin? Wait, I’ll let you know that - just check out the text chunk below:

What Is WordPress Media Library Folder Plugin?

This is one of the practical tools for WP users that create various folders in your WordPress media library for effortless audio, video, and image files management. This way you can arrange your media files in a proper manner which translates into reducing a lot of your unnecessary burden.

Aside from this you can also add and create extra folders to rename and organize it the way you want rather than just having month or date on it. In addition, such plugins also allow you to move, copy and delete files and folders utilizing the user-friendly drag and drop function it has.

I hope you have now clearly understood what a WordPress Media Library Folder is and how it can be a stressbuster for you when it comes to easy media assets management.

Now that you know what will this content revolve around, I would like to pass on small information to you before you jump right into the compiled list of media library plugins. It’s about a cutting edge web design company in Los Angeles that offers result-oriented web design, web development, and website optimization services to all kinds of businesses across the globe. Yes, SFWPExperts have been doing this for a long time and currently, they have 700+ happy clients worldwide rely on them for the fulfillment of every small and big website needs.

With that on pause, let’s have a look at five popular WordPress media library plugins to facilitate media file management.

5 Best Media Library Plugins For Your WordPress Website

1. HappyFiles

Let me tell you first the best characteristics of HappyFiles is that it is pretty simple and easy to use when it comes to media files organization. The drag and drop interface features are quite intuitive and let you move the files from one folder to another easily and quickly. Not just that, you can pick and drop the files from one place to another individually or in bulk making it easier for you to arrange as many files as you want within a few minutes.

While the free variant of this plugin comes with only ten categories, you can always upgrade it for unlimited media files management as well as categorization of your posts and pages by paying just $19 for the Pro version subscription.

Is your WordPress website running slow due to plenty of heavy media files? You don’t need to bother about it anymore since we have experts to optimize your video, audio, and image files and make your site lighter than before. All you need to do to improve the load time of your WordPress website is to communicate with the executive of our Los Angeles web design company and assign the project.

2. MediaBay

When you take first look at MediaBay you might notice that it is not that stunning like HapppyFiles, but it definitely does the file management job painlessly. With this plugin, you get a nice drag and drop interface for easy media files movement and the options to add, remove, and label the folders as you want. This plugin can be the right pick for you if you are not after a complete toolbox full of features, instead just a simple resource to rightly organize your media files quickly find the needed items.

As far as its usage goes, you can opt for the free version with ten categories, and the premium version with unlimited categories just by making a payment of $9 and an optional $1.50 for extended support for one year.

Do you need a trusted support partner for your WordPress website? Connect and collaborate with our Los Angeles web design company and we will maintain your company’s site with utmost care and attention. With us, you can be sure of two things - quality and reliability - when it comes to business project deliveries.

3. Media Library Assistant

Media Library Assistant may not be the best plugin out there for media file management but it surely is for leveraging a wide variety of features. Some of the highlights of this incredible application are the use of shortcodes for gallery display, hierarchical taxonomy terms, and the commonly used library terms. Its major benefit is that it lets you create value from several sources of data, combine them with actual text, and check for empty values.

The most important thing you might want to know about this plugin is that it is absolutely free and doesn’t charge you for added features or functionalities.

Does your website contain a lot of blog posts? Are you struggling to manage all the images and video files it has? Well, then the above plugin can make your file arrangement work easier and in case you need someone to create beautiful imageries for your articles do give us a call. Just to let you know our Los Angeles web design company offers a wide array of services ranging from software development to virtual components design of websites.

4. Media File Renamer

As the name indicates, the Media File Renamer plugin has nothing to do with your files arrangement but it comes in handy to edit the name of your media files once it is uploaded on your site. This software renames your files based on their alt-text or title which simplifies the way you find your images. The nice thing is it saves you from the site order often when you try to rename the files on your server through the backend.

As per my knowledge and experience, the free version should be enough for most of the users but if you want you can also get its premium version priced at $24.

If you have a large WordPress website that includes an abundance of media files, choosing this plugin should make your categorization tasks easier. However, if you are having issues optimizing it for the top spot in the search ranking of Google, our Los Angeles web design company can lend you help no matter in which corner of the world you are residing.

5. Folders

Foldersas you can understand from the name this plugin would be good for creating actual folders for your media files and keeping it in an organized manner. Besides, what’s particularly interesting about this plugin is that it is similar to HappyFiles and lets you manage images, video, and audio files along with your posts and pages.  

The point where its pricing is concerned, one of its versions is free with just ten folders, however, to take advantage of its unlimited folders you can select its premium version costing just $25 per year for a single site.

Finalize And Utilize These WordPress Media Library Plugins 

So, I have made all the essential information about WordPress Media Library plugins available to you through this content. In case you have any questions about them, make us educated about it in the comments section below. Besides, if you need any website-related services that can increase the revenue of your business, be informed our WordPress developers experts team is available to meet your needs. The main highlights of our agency SFWP Experts are offerings like professional web design, web development, website optimization, social media promotion, SEO, and many more.

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