Top 5 Most Popular Logo Design Trends Of 2020 

Top 5 Most Popular Logo Design Trends Of 2020 

Are you considering designing a new logo for your website or an overhaul of your current visual identification? Understanding the latest logo design trend can help you to come up with a unique design with a modern touch. No matter if you want to start your logo design from scratch or you are already halfway there, you must take a look at how logos are getting designed in 2020 and how much it is successful in drawing the attention of users. 

With so many new websites getting launched every day and optimized to cater to a global audience, it’s no wonder that logos have started trending just like web designs. However, the key factor which decides whether or not a logo will appeal to your users depends on its theme which should be simple and distinctive. In this blog, you will come across the top 5 logo design trends of 2020 that is grabbing attention of online users. 

But before that, I want you to introduce with SFWPExperts, that’s well-recognized in the US for offering various professional services to businesses like website design, logo design, landing page design, and homepage design. Apart from meeting the design needs of websites, the creative team at our Los Angeles web design company also optimises websites to rank higher in the search engine results by implementing effective SEO and online marketing strategies. So, if you are looking for an award-winning company that can create a perfect logo for your website, choose us.       

1. Simplified Logos

These kinds of logos have easy to understand fonts with clean lines and simple imagery (or with no imagery at all), mostly adopted by bigger brands. 

You can make this logo by:

 - Picking a shape or color and using a simple theme.

- Creating a design that suits your brand or if you are redesigning your logo make sure it has the essence of your previous logo.

Remember you should not go overboard with the design and maintain the simplicity.  

In case you don’t want to involve yourself in these things and want someone to do it for you there would be no better choice than SFWP Experts. There are many experienced designers working at our Los Angeles web design company who have created and tested the efficacy of their designed logos at various platforms and found it highly successful.     

2. Gradients Inspired Logos

Just as designers like using gradients in their web designs, it should come as no surprise that they are using it in their logo design as well. After the web design trend, it is another trend that is being adopted by bigger brands to look different. However there is one thing you will find common in all designs is the usage of pink, purple, and orange colors, making it a popular color palette for logo designs.            

A few ways to design this type of logo are as follows: 

- Overlay different colors of gradients throughout the design for an attractive look. 

- Use a gradient pattern within thick lines to arouse visual interest in people.

- Create more like a stacked gradient with an ombre effect (blending of one color with another in which shades usually move from light to dark color), but make sure you are using a uniform color palette.     

3. Animated Logos

Since animated logos are eye catchy, many brands are animating their existing logos or creating a new one to engage their audience group. What’s nice about animated logos is that it serves the purpose of engaging users.

Think about the times when you visit websites, it’s less likely that you would give a serious look to its logo placed at the top left corner. It’s because it has started looking monotonous now and its replacement with animated logos breaks up that monotony using motion design.

Here’s how you can create one for your website:

- Keep the animation simple and the movement minimal so that your logo is easy to read or understand.

- Pay attention to speed as quick animations can be dizzying and slow animations can make visitors feel off.

- Keep in mind to create your logo in one-color options.    

If there is something else that you want to know about animated logo design or want us to create one for you, reach out to our Los Angeles web design company using any communication method and we shall certainly help. We are completely involved in web design, logo design, and icon design to make your brand easily recognized by your target audience, no matter if it is small or big in size.         

4. Square Logos 


These days you can see a shift in the logo design approach from circular shapes to squares. Thanks to social media icon shapes from where such designs are getting inspired and changing the way we look at logos.

Most of the designers are using squares in a way that stacks elements like a square icon or brand mark which has bold typography, making it more of a rectangular shape. 

Here’s how you can make it work for you:  

- Create standardized elements that can be used together in the logo design. 

- Keep the overall element as a simple icon-style graphic as the complex pieces can be tough to recognize at small sizes.

- Use lettering (creating hand-drawn letters to apply to an object or a surface) to include a brand identifier element in your design and make it work in the long run.

An easy way to have a square logo for your website is to get in touch with talented designers of our Los Angeles web design company and ask them to create a distinctive logo for you. We believe your brand must appear different from others and to ensure that we use a brand identifier in your logo design. In case you want to make changes or updates to other areas of your website, be informed that we offer a wide range of services to SMB, startups, and enterprises including professional web design, custom web development, online marketing, and online advertising.     

5. Logos With Clean Lines

One reason why logos with clean lines and geometric patterns are gaining popularity is because of its flexible quality that makes it work practically anywhere.  

The clean lines in such logos make it look simple and elegant and also give a classic feel to viewers. In addition, it can be combined with other design trends as well to give it a unique look. 

Now, let’s see how you can make this logo work for you: 

- Keep imagery and lettering separated so that they don’t overlap and make it difficult for visitors to read.

- Choose a typeface that has a similar stroke width as of the line drawn to create logo shapes. 

- Use one or many colors that you like to make it visually appealing for visitors. 


Logos are interesting elements that are used by websites, businesses, and other organizations to make their brand easily recognized by people and give it a unique look and feel. While the popular design trends for websites and products keep changing, logo design is something that is made to be constant. So it creates a bitter struggle for designers to make a logo that looks modern and can withstand the test of time as well.

Though your logo is already good-looking and capable of drawing the attention of people, you can project a more professional image of your brand by choosing our logo redesign services. SFWPExperts will give a complete makeover to your logo that can be easily recognized in a crowd and make it easier for you to build your brand. Our Wordpress website design company, you can trust us for any website related service including responsive website design, logo redesign, and search engine optimization.  

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