Top 5 Best Writing Tips by Nora Roberts

Top 5 Best Writing Tips by Nora Roberts

Nora Roberts is hugely popular for her romantic thriller series set 50 years in the future. And she says no matter how old she gets, she will always be writing. Nora publishes about one book on an average of every 45 days and has maintained this speed for more than a decade. The Nora Roberts series has invariably rocketed to the top of the bestseller lists, and she shows no indication that she's ever going to stop. Below are some of her best writing tips: 

Give Your Best

Write the best book that you can without worrying about the future. When it comes to plotting and planning, don't look at the number years down the road. You cannot do anything about those books. But what you can do is make sure that the book you are working on right now is the best thing you have ever written.

Build a Foundation

Build a foundation to shape your career as an author. A single hit won't be enough to stay with people for around in five years, but if you provide your readers with a consistent series of great stories, they'll keep coming back again and again. Stop craving for instant stardom; instead, create a catalog that you can be proud of.

Don’t Look For Inspiration

You should never wait for inspiration. Being a writer, it's your job to sit down on a chair and figure out what to write. There’s no writer's block. There’s no muse. It is just writing, only writing.

Write What You Read

Concentrate on writing a book that you'd love reading yourself. Just focus on writing what you read for pleasure, and don’t worry about the market. If you love the subject matter, you will put your heart and feeling into your writing. Have fun with what you are writing.


The most important advice for writers is- BICHOK, which means “Butt in Chair, Hands on Keyboard.” This typically means sit yourself down and write. Write as if it's your job, and not a hobby. If you've been able to carve out only an hour a day to write, doesn’t matter just write steadily through that entire hour. Don't take days off; don't just avoid writing because you didn't feel like it today. Get on your chair and create words every single day of your life.

Just put your heart and soul into the book, and your readers will feel it!

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