Top 3 Ways To Buy A Used Poetry

Top 3 Ways To Buy A Used Poetry

Top 3 Ways To Buy A Used Poetry

How good it is to receive poems and poems!

How nice it would be!

How nice it would be if each of them were real!

Real as hidden feelings of those who send us.

With the face uncovered, an open smile.

Perhaps it was not even necessary so much poem and so much poetry!

Just tell us simple words, without graphic or sound symbologies.

Show us that we are worth it, for being more than just a friend.

That we are poetry itself and the poem itself, for each other!

Rain that falls on a sunny afternoon

Night that descends starry

Poetry that doesn't rhyme with anything

And affection for the loved one.

I read what I can't see

feel what i can't have

I have faith where I can't want

I love just believing.

I have exalted emotion

Sometimes i don't think about anything

I can't even understand

This immense road.

the world will still exist

As long as I don't leave this land

Because my heart beats and burns

For the woman who is part of my life.

And the ringing of the bell

Reminds me of when I was a boy

that to be happy

Just have love and affection.

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