Too Tight Cut Penis

Too Tight Cut Penis


Too Tight Cut Penis

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Hurting your penis is never easy. In fact, it is more painful than injuring other parts of your body because male genitals have thousands of nerve endings that are extremely sensitive. Cuts on the penis are discomforting but don't worry; they can be treated.
Hurting your penis is never easy. In fact, it is more painful than injuring other parts of your body because male genitals have thousands of nerve endings that are extremely sensitive. Cuts on the penis are discomforting but don't worry; they can be treated.
^Image Caption: Take a Free Doctor Consultation with our sexologist if you have cuts on your penis that too from the comfort of your home! It's 100% confidential .
Your penis can be divided into three components; the tip, shaft and foreskin (if you are uncircumcised). The various types of wounds that can occur on your penis include cuts, tears, bruises or ulcers. These wounds in penis skin can result in pain and discomfort that can make Masturbation or sex a difficult task.
The following reasons can cause cuts on the foreskin or a foreskin tear :
Wearing tight clothing can cause friction around the genital area. Tight underwear can also lead to the buildup of moisture in your foreskin. This creates a breeding ground for fungal infections that can increase the dryness of the foreskin.
^Image Caption: Take a Free Doctor Consultation with our sexologist if you have cuts on your penis that too from the comfort of your home! It's 100% confidential .
Indulging in prolonged sex without lubrication causes excessive friction. This can result in cuts on the penis or foreskin that eventually leads to flaking, itching or peeling.
Many soaps and shampoos contain harsh chemicals that have a drying effect on the penis. You can wash your penis with a mild soap sensitive to the skin. Rinse off any residual product with warm water.
Dry masturbation results in excessive friction that can cause cuts or tears on your foreskin. You require a lotion or lube for your foreskin to move back and forth smoothly.
Zipping your jeans too fast can lead to your foreskin getting caught on the zipper. You might require a doctor's help in removing it carefully.
This condition results in a foreskin that is too tight to be retracted from the tip of the penis. Minor cuts can appear if adult men with phimosis try to pull back their foreskin forcefully. 
Usually, cuts on the penis are not a cause for worry. Like any other minor wound, cuts on penile skin heal within a few days. However, during that time, you can experience little pain in activities that expand your penile skin.
You can treat minor cuts on penile skin through basic first aid.
There are a few home remedies that you can try to prevent and manage cuts on the penis.
^Image Caption: Take a Free Doctor Consultation with our sexologist if you have cuts on your penis that too from the comfort of your home! It's 100% confidential .
Treating cuts on the penis is possible. It may cause discomfort and pain, but it will heal with time. Icing the swellings, using antibiotic creams, and washing the area regularly will do the trick.
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Medically Reviewed articles that enable men to live more confidently by understanding their health and wellness better.

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I was circumcised years ago and felt that the circumcision was too loose for my liking. A few years
my penis size after circumcision :(
It's been one month.
I had tight circumcision ... I lost about...
anything we who have gone through circumcision can do to spread our experiences to doctors about...
31-year-old who after long term balanoposthitis and phimosis (grade 1) went through a circumcision...
all except for when I am having an unwanted erection, it hurts a lot, my skin is also tearing and...
if you don't know your options, is it really your choice?
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Doctor may have circumcised me too tight, as I am not able to have full erection, my base stay hidden inside my pubic area. I lack about 5-6 cm in erect.
Anyone who knows good techniques for tissue expansion, so i can start growing new skin on my shaft area.
Same here bro m also facing same problem..
You are more than welcome to text me privately mate, we can follow eachothers journey of a nightmare
Mine was similar and it has stretched out some over the last few months. There is still a lot going on inside that you cant see. Frequent gentle “excercise” with some bio oil or coconut oil will help. Its fun, too. Dont get too rough.
It looks as though skin from your pubic area is being pulled up onto the shaft.
There is a list of ways to restore foreskin here:
Foreskin is restored by tissue expansion. If you don't want a foreskin, you may simply stop when you have as much shaft skin as you need.
well, i lack about 2,36 inches in erect, about 6-7 cm, i don't know how much shaft tissue expansion i'd need for that, do you know anything about how much skin grows? - Let's say you got 1 cm flaccid, how much will that grow in erect.
There is no theoretical limit to how much tissue expansion can be done. It is somewhat slow, because it can only proceed as fast as mitosis occurs. I suggest that you go to the foreskin restoration Reddit for more information.
Methods which employ devices will be useless for you at this time, as you have no skin fir a devise to grip. Bucky's site linked provides good manual methods which should help. You might also look into the practice of jelqing. While it's claimed to be effective for penile lengthening, in truth it works to lengthen the loose skin. Another method of high effectiveness is vacuum pumping. Caution is advised as aggressive pumping can cause permanent damage. However, it works, as evidenced by reports of intact men that their foreskins have lengthened from pumping.
Yes I agree you were cut to tight. But is a hazard getting cut. circumcision is your decision
And it's the medical professionals responsibility to explain every aspect of a surgery to a patient BEFORE the surgery. Sadly they rarely do that.
Usually people who are uncut can take the length right up to the base as there is significant give in the length of the shaft skin.
However when we get circumcised a good procedure involves giving you a snug feel when flaccid and a good tightness when erect. To achieve that tightness the extra skin is cut which makes the skin at the base (pubic area) prop up. This causes the length to seem short but it’s all still there.
My recommendation is to not worry. Once you feel fully healed as you play and use your penis some elasticity and looseness will come back as the skin stretches. Mind you - don’t overdo the skin pulling cause you still need a tight circumcision for best esthetic and physical feel.
I recall being similar to that in the first couple weeks. Took months for the healing process to complete and I got back my length. Sleep without clothing so that nocturnal erections will stretch the skin precisely as needed.
His is super tight. It's obvious for even a layman to see that way too much skin was removed. It will stretch but it might not stretch enough. I'm not trying to make him worry but I see people on here normalizing bad surgical outcomes everyday. I'd try to sue your doctor for poor performance. You can also see that your scrotum is pulling upp alot. A skilled surgeon would measure you before cutting.
Hi, is it better now ? I have the same problem.
3 years and 2 months. Fortunately, in my case it happened only on ventral side of my penis, but still causes me big discomfort and pain during and after masturbation/sex. Doctor removed almost all shaft of penis.
Have you talked to your doctor? You need to do that. Your skin won't stretch anymore. You can try manual stretching which could help a little. If your scrotum pulls forward look up scrotoplasty.
Explain your situation to your doctor. I'd try to sue them as well because this shouldn't be allowed to happen but unfortunately it is because men are not complaining about their outcomes.
Was it a young doctor operating on you with little experience?
I am from Slovakia. Surgery was done here. I don't what happened. I told the doctor to leave as much shaft as he can.. I m really sad and my sexual life or pleasure is always connected with lot of pain. I can send you pics in private message
A picture won't do much and don't think you can send in private message but if you insist. Go talk to your doctor and demand a good answer from him. Also see if you can sue them or get some insurance money for a badly performed surgery.
Holy crap that looks tight. How old are you? Is that fixed now?
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Comment deleted by user · 2 yr. ago
A place to talk about the subject of adult male circumcision — the surgical removal of foreskin from the penis.
After lurking for a while, I finally got the courage and/or free time to post my question. I'm not using my main account since I'm going to wildly overshare here. Really just want to find out how common my situation is, and whether there's anything worth doing to improve things. Doesn't seem like my circumcision was totally botched, but it's definitely not the ideal result.
I was circumcised as a young kid in a country that usually only does it for adults with phimosis... My guess is that the doc was probably not experienced. FYI I'm now late 20's and have mostly lived in America. Ever since high school age, I wondered if my circumcision was done wrong. What I do know is that almost all my outer skin was removed, and the cut is uneven. For the most part, the scar line is around the midpoint of the shaft when hard, but there's a portion where the line is closer to the base. The skin between the scar and base is mostly hairy skin from my scrotum and pubic area, but luckily there is a small patch of hairless skin. That's all I have left of my outer shaft skin, and even that has some stretch marks on it. Not a big deal to just trim off the shaft hair, but I know that's not normal. Sex and masturbation were pretty difficult til my early 20's because I would get so much irritation and bruising between the head and scar line. Luckily the irritation/bruising eventually stopped, but I still feel discomfort sometimes, especially on my frenulum. It's super sensitive, but it comes with both good and bad sensitivity. I also can't finish twice in one session, but I know the over-sensitivity may not be the only factor there.
The other thing is that I've always been super self conscious about how it looks soft. The scar line is really dark and jagged/uneven. In high school, some guys in the locker room actually teased me for being "overcircumcised" (but at the time I was like why the f were you looking so close). Now that I'm older and the skin has gotten a lot looser, I have a different problem. When soft, my shaft skin bunches up, and my penis retracts to the point that my head will get partially covered. I can easily pull it out, but basically my options are to either look tiny and uncut or show my ugly scarring. I've always done sports and am still on an amateur sports team, and I've never shaken my insecurities in the showers and change rooms.
Anyway... Does my situation sound very abnormal, or does anyone else have a similar experience? It seems like a lot of people recommend high and tight, but is there such a thing as going too far? I've looked into circumcision revision and frenulum removal, but I'm pretty wary because of the cost.
That’s more common than you would think with infant circumcision. The same thing happened to me. I was basically cut down to the base, so erections used to be really painful. Eventually the skin stretched out and left me with a scar line at about the middle of the shaft.
The head burying itself in the skin also happens. The best solution for that is to give yourself a quick (and not too stimulating) fluffer before going into the public shower.
I'm a grower, and the difference between soft and hard length is pretty drastic. I also think my frenulum could be pulling the head closer to my body.
Post a pic man. Sounds pretty normal.

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was circumcised years ago and felt that the circumcision was too loose for my liking. A few years...
Im 21 almost 22 and was circumcised a week ago rather tightly. The ballsack is pulled up amost...
the length of my penis since my circumcision.
The surgeon definitely didn’t make it too tight or...
counts as a botched circumcision I had a low tight circumcision but on one side, the surgeon has...
today doctor said that I can try masturbating however when my penis during erection gives me pain....
if you don't know your options, is it really your choice?
Too much shaft removed on ventral side of penis during circumcision - cause me pain during and after masturbation/sex. Circumcision was done 3 years ago. Doctor removed almost all shaft on ventral side and it won't stretch anymore. Any help ? Thank you
hey, I have a similar issue. But my circumcision was done when I was born. Definitely has caused me some pain, and in my case, I think the sensitivity has diminished as I am now in my early twenties. What I’ve found to be helpful is to use sensitive skin moisturizer or lotion which helps with my discomfort and pain.
Yes, I use moisturizer every day.. thanks for advice. I just wish I could bring back time when I was uncut. There was no pain I told to surgeon before surgery to leave as much shaft as it s possible and still he ruined it /or some student/ cause I was circumcised in a hospital where also students of medicine were assisting during surgeries... But I will never know the truth
You could always search foreskin regrowth methods. I have tried some in the past but never really kept up with the routines, though the uncomfortable tightness decreased a little when I was doing the exercises. Maybe you could research that and maybe it could help out. Best of luck to you
If the pain is spoiling life for you then perhaps you can consider having a medical consultation to see if anything can be done.
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Never delay seeking advice or dialling emergency services because of something that you have read on HealthUnlocked.

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