Too Big For Me

Too Big For Me


Too Big For Me

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› The Reason for a Thirty Thousand Foot Prayer
› This Is Too Big For Me
You can only imagine how Nehemiah must have felt at the enormity of the problem he was facing. Maybe you can’t until you compare your biggest, unsolvable problem to Nehemiah’s. Listen to this statement Nehemiah makes following his initial prayers.
“In those days I was the king’s cup-bearer.” –
I like his statement. It tells us that Nehemiah was no one important. He had a simple job to do. He was a behind-the-scenes worker. His position didn’t qualify him to a major leadership role. In fact, he could easily have been replaced. You might think of what you do as having little significance and maybe that’s true, but that’s about to change. It all changes when you handle your thirty-thousand-foot prayer in an uncommon way. 
Let’s look at his statement with a different perspective.
Nehemiah says in those days I was, past tense. Before he took an uncommon approach to his thirty-thousand-foot-prayer problem, he was nothing more than the kings’ cup-bearer. Oh, but afterwards (implied), he stepped into being the problem solver for the thirty-thousand-foot prayer problem, Nehemiah became much more. Today you may be flipping burgers, washing cars, cleaning toilets, attending to patients, programming software, processing transactions, selling merchandise, or teaching students, while it might seem simple, a thirty-thousand-foot prayer will change all that. In fact, it will give a lifeless life, life even in devastating times. Your thirty-thousand-foot prayer problem is the doorway waiting to take you from where you are to some place much greater.
A problem too big to handle without God
Recall when this all started for Nehemiah, his brothers delivered the bad news to him about his hometown in ruins. His people were in great trouble, not a little trouble, and it seemed as if the problem was too big for any one person to do anything about it. This problem touched Nehemiah unlike anyone else. It’s recorded that he wept and prayed for months. What problem has ever caused you months of agony? Surely this would qualify for a thirty-thousand-foot prayer.
“How you pray will determine what type of life you will have.” – Joel Osteen
So Nehemiah prays for days, then it finally comes to him to do what this book is designed to teach, bring the prayer from thirty-thousand-feet, down to ground level. The easy thing to do is to see from thirty-thousand feet, leave it there, ignore it, and leave it for someone else to handle. Most people do.
“One reason why we don’t see God do great things is because we only ask for small things.” – Joel Osteen
Ordinary (common) prayers get ordinary (common) results. They’re the ones we pray over our food, we pray for our protection, we pray to bless someone, and the ritual prayers we pray before bedtime. While these are okay to pray, you need to learn how to pray God-sized (no-longer-common) prayers, not man-size (common) prayers. A man-size prayer is Lord help me to get by this month; help me to pay my rent. A God-size prayer is Lord, increase me in such a way that I will not only pay off my home, but I will be able to help someone else pay off their home. A God-size prayer is a request asked when you are unable to accomplish it under normal circumstances using your own strength, resources, and might. It’s a prayer that’s too big for you to accomplish without God’s help. If you can do it yourself, you don’t need God.
I need the king, my boss, to be kind to me. –
It’s this last phrase that caught my attention. Nehemiah brings his request to a person that’s at ground level. It’s a request that impacted him or that he himself could see the results.
Nehemiah realized that the only way he could make an impact was to have favor with the king. When we have a prayer concern, we’ve been put in a place to do something. It’s not by chance that Nehemiah worked for the king. It was this relationship that started the thirty-thousand-foot prayer to begin its work. By bringing the prayer down from thirty-thousand feet to where he was, before the king, he initiated a prayer that would work. He initiated a prayer he could see. He initiated a prayer he could believe.
Now it’s your turn, bring your largest request from soaring thirty-thousand-feet in the air down to where you are on the ground. 
Join us next week to see where it takes us when we have a prayer we can believe in. Until then, share this web-post with anyone who needs to hear this. Thanks for visiting
There is no way a person can return to normal after having walked through a thirty-thousand-foot prayer that has been answered and the problem is over.
In "Beyond the Thirty-Thousand-Foot Prayer"
This web-post introduces you to one of the Bible’s greats, the person known as Nehemiah. It’s in how he prayed that illustrates how to pray a successful 30-thousand-foot prayer.
In "Introduction to the 30 Thousand Foot Prayer"
In this web-post, we want to help make sure you're in the best possible position to have the results you desire and it starts with having the right connection.
In "Giving Your Prayer the Defense It Needs"

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My new sexual partner is too big for me – what can I do?
‘We pleasure each other in other ways.’ (Posed by models.) Composite: Getty
Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning
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Whether I have shrunk or he is particularly well endowed, it makes me feel sad and inadequate
I am a 66-year-old woman 11 years out of a 30-year marriage. My husband left to live with the woman he had been having an affair with, but the marriage hadn’t been right for some years and our sexual activity had diminished drastically. I have a male friend who is the same age as me and we are friends with benefits – only the benefits don’t work. He can’t penetrate me. Either I have shrunk or he is just a big lad (after 30 years of monogamy, I am not exactly au fait with penis sizes ). It makes me feel sad and inadequate. We pleasure each other in other ways, but it would appear penetration is off the table. Before I consult a doctor , what am I doing wrong?
You are not doing anything wrong. In fact, it is wonderful that you understand the erotic value of non-penetrative sex. Some men with atypically large penises struggle to find women who can accommodate them, but it is not certain that your friend falls into this category. After a long period of abstinence – and most likely hormonal diminution – some women do experience some vaginal atrophy that restricts penetration with a penis of any size.
Consider experimenting with gentle self-penetration once you are aroused through masturbation (use lubrication); this may help you understand your current genital physiology. But most likely, if you want to receive penetration comfortably again, it would be wise to consult a sexual medicine professional who may be able to help. Typical treatments include hormone therapy, sex therapy and vaginal dilation.
Pamela Stephenson Connolly is a US-based psychotherapist who specialises in treating sexual disorders.
If you would like advice from Pamela on sexual matters, send us a brief description of your concerns to (please don’t send attachments). Each week, Pamela chooses one problem to answer, which will be published online. She regrets that she cannot enter into personal correspondence. Submissions are subject to our terms and conditions .
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About Connie Ruth Christiansen

Connie is an Inspirational and Motivational Speaker, and Author of The Voice of Love; Take the Thank You Challenge; and BELLA Finds Her Wings. To learn more about Connie, or to invite her to speak at your next event, visit

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By Inspirational Author and Speaker Connie Ruth Christiansen –
I wrote a book. It flowed from my finger tips with little effort, and it eventually found its way into the hands of a publisher who believed in the uniqueness of it. And it is now finding its way to the internet and to bookstore shelves.
It was not difficult to write because I have lived the book; it came from my life, and it came from my heart. But quite honestly, my head sometimes still does not understand the depth of it.
I am a thinker. And I often wonder why? And most often I do not find answers. After years of asking, I still cannot answer why God allows pain, and sickness, and war. I cannot answer why animals hunt down and eat other animals and cause so much suffering. I cannot answer why God has set it up so that much of the good in this life cannot be accessed without faith and trust. I cannot answer why struggle must be the bigger part of winning. I cannot answer why the words of the Old Testament scriptures are filled with so much violence, and that God seems often to be in favor of it.
These questions are too big for me.
And so I must from time to time go to my quiet place; lay all my questions down, and look at Jesus. I must now and then set aside the many words I do not understand, and look only at the words of Jesus. And I must remind myself that He said, “when you see Me, you see the Father.” And by that I have an answer that is bigger than all the “whys?”
According to Jesus, God is love; He does not just do loving things, or just think loving thoughts; He IS love. According to Jesus, love is the ultimate commandment, and love encompasses and fulfills all the other commandments.
It is still too big for me, but I soak it in.
If God is Love, then according to His own Word’s description (I Corinthians 13), He is kind, patient, forgiving, faithful, truthful, and He never fails. If God is indeed Love; if Love encompasses all that He is and all that He does, then when He speaks, it is all about Love. Set all the other questions aside, and soak that in.
He is Love. He communicates because of Love; He desires intimacy with us because of Love; His heart of Love is for all His creation; He listens to us because of love; He speaks to us in Love, because of Love, and for the purpose of fulfilling Love.
“The most amazing relationship known to the human race is the communication between the mortal and the immortal. Love speaks, we listen; we speak, Love listens. And in this seemingly simple exchange of words and Words, Heaven and earth touch, and the ordinary becomes Extraordinary.” ~ Excerpt from The Voice of Love
I have been listening for His Voice since I was a little girl, hiding in a closet away from things that should not be happening to me; hiding from events that to this very day shout out one of those questions, “why?” I have never really found a satisfactory answer to fully satisfy my heart or my head, but I remember well that through it all, Love was there. This sad, frightened little girl talked to Love; I heard His sweet Voice, and I felt His presence.
Throughout my life I have heard Love speak many times, in many ways, and I have seen His Love enter into and change even the most impossible of situations. And I have come to realize that one of Love’s answers to the questions of this life is to pour His Love through each of us, towards loving other people. We listen for His Voice; He speaks Love to us, and then directs us to love others in His stead.
It is a process too big for my logical mind.
Heavenly Love is bigger than the intellect; it is of another realm; it is a matter of faith. Heavenly Love can move mountains of doubt, and push away debilitating fear; change the atmosphere of a room and break down communication barriers; heal a broken heart and heal a broken body. This Love is the most powerful force on the planet. And for those of us who choose to listen, we become part of that powerful force; we are meant to carry about this Love and to share it.
When Love speaks, and we listen, miracles happen! This is too big for me, but I do not question this one. I just listen, and be a part of it, and enjoy it, and look forward to the next Love-event.
Whether you are a skeptic, curious, new to the world of faith, or a long time listener, The Voice of Love has something for you. Open up this little book and be encouraged, uplifted, challenged, motivated, and perhaps stretched a bit out of your comfort zone; and be prepared for your mundane to become miraculous!
Connie is an Inspirational and Motivational Speaker, and Author of The Voice of Love ; Take the Thank You Challenge; and BELLA Finds Her Wings. To learn more about Connie, or to invite her to speak at your next event, visit
The Voice of Love is now available at Bud Books
Digital version on Amazon:
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I noticed on another question that someone said that a guy had asked how deep she was. I didn't even know deepness was an issue. Sometimes sex with my man hurts a little bit. Also, certain positions hurt more than others. Now, I haven't seen a lot of cocks in my day to really know but he seems quite well endowed. I've never asked how big he is (because I wouldn't want to be weird) but when he gets hard it gets pretty damn huge and I'm a tiny woman. Could that be the issue? If so, is there anything to be done?
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Well a woman is usually 6-7 inches deep, meaning how long her vagina is until it stops at her cervix leading to her uterus. An average man's penis is 7-8 inches long, when erect. A woman muscles will contract and expand to accommodate the average size man. A sexual position such as missionary is comfortable if you are with a man who is larger than average because the way the bodies come together most of his length does not go in. Positions that would be uncomfortable for the woman would be positions where the man has more access to the vagina such as the woman on top, because she is putting her weight down and this would mean she would be at the end of the penis' shaft, which is most of the time hidden by the man's pelvic area. A "doggie-style" position would be uncomfortable too if the man pushes himself into the woman more than she can accommodate. The uncomfortable feeling you are having is when he is at your cervix area which can be uncomfortable. If your man is thoughtful and kind and would still like to continue having relations with you, he wouldn't mind if you told him he was large and that it hurt during certain positions. I bet if you did let him know he would love you for it and make sure that he did not hurt you when you were together. If he doesn't care, then you need to rethink that relationship. Hope this helps.
I agree with the rest of your statement, but the average guy is not 7-8. It's more like 5-6.
Women are really bad at guestimating the size of a guy, even if they sleep with them on a regular basis, they always think there guy is pretty big. Although we guys underestimate our size as well, but usually we think we are too small. I look in the mirror and I feel like I could use another 2 inches but when I am with a lady and I look down it seems so gigantic in comparison to her body. But I am really average 6" standing up 3" around. very average.
Got to agree, no way on earth the average man's penis is 7-8 inches long (I wish), it's no more than 5-6 like gravygirl says
I agree with all the answers so far, but I want to throw another thought at you. Did you know a wome
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