Томск купить METHADONE

Томск купить METHADONE

Томск купить METHADONE

Томск купить METHADONE

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Задумывались ли вы о том, сколько сахара и соли вы потребляете каждый день? Все ли необходимые питательные вещества присутствуют в вашем ежедневном рационе? В этом выпуске подкаста ведущие Катерина, Бен и Барбара говорят о различных диетах, а также о том, как сахар и соль влияют на наш организм. Почему одни и те же продукты в разных странах имеют непохожий друг на друга вкус? Правда ли то, что орехи и фрукты несовместимы в одном приёме пищи? В чём разница между Pepsi и Coca-Cola, и сколько грамм сахара содержится в одной банке этих напитков? Об это и многом другом вы узнаете в свежем эпизоде. Центр изучения английского языка. Episode Salt and sugar — things that power the Earth and affect our health and mood. Your browser does not support the audio element. Katerina Rudykh Novosibirsk, Russia. Benjamin Walker London, UK. Слушай и читай! Здесь вы сможете читать то, что говорят в подкасте и переключаться на фразы ведущих. Hey there and welcome to the BigAppleSchool podcast — the weekly English show where we speak about everything under the sun. The major goal of this show is to help you improve your English and of course learn something new. So subscribe to our pages on Apple, Yandex, Google, Soundcloud — any platform where you listen to our podcast. And let us know what you think! So rate and review our podcast, give us stars, leave comments, questions. Feel free to send your ideas about our next episodes. Or a couple of weeks, yeah, two weeks I guess. Long time! And Barbara! I think so. And Benjamin I just met for the first time two days ago. So, nothing much. Oh, well, I really like Lenina street, that area is wonderful. But yeah, I like to walk around the theater and Lenina. You know, compared with winter. But at least now we have the sunshine. And some warmth! And Benjamin what about you? It was a wonderful visit. It was… Well, it was still when the zoo was covered in snow. And I saw some wolves, saw some polar bears, saw some crocodiles, monkeys. It was quite the visit. Did I see the penguins? There are 10 of them. I think about 10 of them. There are different sections. I think. I saw ostriches. I saw some ostriches, well I said I saw some monkeys. Yeah, ostriches. You have to go in the summer though. I mean they have.. There are two sections that are kinda divided by some kind of tunnels for them. And I know that the zoo has spent so much money to create, you know, the conditions that they would usually be in. Which means very hot sand, well, like, you know, some warm sand and very cold water at the same time. You know, animals have space, good food, love and care. So I had a good walks thee. So I had a serious dental surgery, so I had my wisdom tooth removed and then at the same time one more tooth, I got it pulled out and then I got an implant at the same day. You know, and soups. Yeah but this one is more like кондитерская. And today and tomorrow they have a cheese fest which means that they make desserts with cheese and not just, you know, some simple cheese. Can we get cheeses? I believe so. But, I mean, there are many good Russian cheesemakers. Well, sometimes you can import some types of cheeses and from some countries, but not that many, yeah. So can you tell me about your diet a little bit? Cause we know that there are so many different types of diet, you know, like, pescatarian, vegetarian, vegan and I remember Ben one you mentioned the guy who only eats meat? Oh yeah, so yeah, carnivore diet and fruitarian diets, which are two complete opposite extremes. Oh well I had a wonderful diet when I was in the United States. My best diet, my best meal would be this wonderful baked salmon with the fat scraped off. And this beautiful salad of spinach and then cranberry sauce. And the tartness of the cranberry sauce like kinda cuts through the oil of the fish and then I would usually have maybe dark chocolate soy ice cream or almond ice cream. And I had that nearly every day. And then when I got older my chiropractor said oh your bone are degenerating, you gotta have some protein and fish. So I started eating salmon. And those are good. Have you tried any of the smoked fishes that you see at the, yeah, that you see at the shops here? Dog salmon. It was pretty good. Well, see, my daughter got me into being more vegan because she was upset about the dairy products and how animals are treated with that. These huge salads with olive oil and garlic. So I tried to find soy milk and it was such a quest, such a challenge. It is easy because I actually found some almond milk. I have fluctuated between many different types of diet. Previously I have experimented with the vegan diet. With vegetarian diets. It was… personally I love fruit, I love vegetables. Oh Ben and his love for pelmeni! Match made in heaven. And as you get older, your needs do change. I also know that with age your ability, well the enzymes that kinda… What do they do? Not produce lactose, but… What does our body do with lactose? Kinda breaks it into some other components. Like process. So and I know that with age our ability to process lactose is getting worse, because you know technically a human being does not have any need to process lactose. Well, technically, you know. But the older we get, the more lactose intolerant we tend to become. Well I guess because dairy products have growth hormones inside them, so then babies or, yeah, animals can grow. There are some hormones, they actually inject which is not good for children. I guess because the poor little animals are injected with hormones so they can mass produce. And this gets into the milk and the cheeses and makes children maybe bigger. But I was talking more about natural growth hormones rather than, yeah, artificial hormones. So and what other diets exist? So we have vegetarian, vegan, fruitarian you mentioned. So does that mean that people only eat fruit and vegetables? Well I think a fruitarian means someone who just eats fruit, only. And have you ever heard of like an airian or something? Well I read these things for yogis and mountainous areas and there are some kind of spiritual lift and they only exist on air. Never heard of that? I think they only exist on air for relatively short amount of time. Then they pass to another world. I think this is more of an extreme. And then there is, Ben, can you help me with this one again? Carnivorous diet? Now herbivore would be both. Or everything, yeah. Then we also have flexitarians. So they have flexible diet then. But they tend to lean to the plant-based food at least. So and what about your diet? Would you say and do you think that your diet has all the nutrients that you need, that your body needs? So what do you think? Well sometimes I feel a little tired in the day so perhaps maybe not… Maybe I need more carbs. A lot of people advise against carbs but you need carbs to stay awake. I would advise you, since now you live in Mother Russia, in Siberia, to check your vitamin D levels. So this is one big problem that a lot of people who live here have. A lack of Vitamin D. Barbara, what about you? Do you think that your diet provides with all the…. What are your views on fasting? Yeah that was… We were always put on fasts when we were in ballet training as teenagers, so it was part of our crazy diets. But they do say that if you fast you can kinda clean out your system. But the important thing is how you break your fast, what you eat. Cause it can be dangerous if you eat something. So and some people that it helps them, you know, to lose weight, to become healthier. That sounds like sticking to some kind of eating schedule. Like I said, it should be scheduled to regulate your body. You know, while preparing for this podcast and while, you know, thinking about diets and writing information about nutrients and everything, I have realized how horrible my current diet is. Thus, I have to visit my dentist pretty often. So then when I actually put some thinking into it, when I plan ahead, I start to, you know, include vegetables, fruit, chickpeas, you know. But then again, I get too busy and then I realize that I again eat too much, you know, processed food and everything. I mean, have you herd this saying that we need about five portions of fruit per day, fruit and vegetables. So and I have realized that I only have my 2 or 3 portions per day. Just some kind of guide, maybe for the ones who are growing, the children. So you combine them. Now when I was a teenager we were not allowed to combine nuts with fruit. So you want to avoid eating nuts with liquid, drinking, or with fruit and vegetables. Yeah, neither did I. I eat a lot of fruit and nuts, I need to.. Well the fruit. Every day. Do you think and, well, why is sugar addictive? Do you know anything about that? So when we eat sugar, it produces dopamine in our brain so it is released by neurons in the system as… You know, the same way that… Well, the same type of happiness we get when we perform something well, you know, some kind of a reward. You know, they activate the same systems in our brain to produce this dopamine as sugar. A tolerance. And that goes with alcohol and drugs, that tolerance. So before we move on to talking, you know, in more detail about sugar and its effects on everything, do you know about the history of sugar? Well the triangular trade during the industrial revolution. This happened between 15th century and the 18th century. London became a center of the industrial revolution, they were capable of manufacturing things. But they need raw material. So of course our new land, before the United States was the whole mecca of raw materials, sugar, rice, the land that you can grow sugar and rice, precious metals, iron, gold, lumber, trees. So and of course who are we going to get those things cultivated and procured? Of course African slaves. So this industrial revolution in London, the capabilities of making weapons that would go down to the west coast of Africa, trade human beings for these weapons and then send them across the Atlantic which is called the middle passage. And so this is how it started and our addiction for sugar has never really ended. So that is more of a recent history of sugar I would say, you know, the commonly known processed sugar, you know, refined sugar. But initially sugar is believed to have appeared in the year BC. So and they say that well, it was in the form of extraction of the juice from the sugar cane and it all started in Polynesia. So it started in New Guinea. So and then from New Guinea and those parts of Taiwan and China it all went through the world. So somehow it got into the Arab word, from that to Portugal. Then from Portugal it got to Brazil. From Brazil to the United States, well, to those area and to the Caribbean. The Silk Road to and from Asia and then of course our era of discovery where we have ships going across the water. So yeah, we can see the history of transport basically with the sugar. And it really represents money because people will buy it, especially the elite because they could afford it. Well speaking of transport and sugar. In Brazil many cars are powered by the sugar cane. Yeah, a lot of the cities smell like sugar because of the cars are powered by, yeah, by sugar cane. Is it a more eco-friendly way to power cars? Or cheaper? I guess so. You still have to consider the people who are cultivating it. These are probably people who are very low-paid in very poor conditions. So we often think of alternative ways that will be beneficial to the world. But then again how is it really procured? How is it really coming in to being? It was so expensive, only the richest of the rich could actually buy it. And I tried, when I tried to find some information as to, you know, where it appeared and how it spread around the world, it was interesting for me to read that there are some kind of, you know, there is information that sugar was even existing in ancient Greece. But at that time it was seen as medication, so it was not, you know, used as food, it was not added to food, to sweeten it, but it was used solely as medication. So they said that it was good for your intestines, good for your health. Well, little did they know about dental problems that come with it. And they knew by the way that it gave them good mood. And they did not have, they made no connection to their bad teeth. And once it happens with your teeth, you get these toxins in your body and it affects your heart, your organs and they actually die. You can actually die of too much sugar. And I was reading about the history of sugar in Russia. So because I thought wait, where does Russia stand in all that, you know. And it turned out that the first time that sugar was, you know, imported into Russia was in the 11thth century. And then only in the 19th, not in the 19th, in the 18th century Peter the Great, you know, started to import the sugar, so you know, make it more common and widespread. And then in they started the production of sugar in Russia, you know, they stopped importing. Well, not that they stopped importing…. Well, Saint Petersburg, you know, that area. Not in the Siberian parts. So yeah, and the production of sugar was… Well they started to produce the sugar from beetroot. And I was thinking — is it because, you know, different companies in different countries use different types of sugar? Because, you know, sugar can be produced out of cane, corn. Have you heard of grape sugar? You can get sugar out of grapes. Yes, grape sugar. I expect, you know, grape sugar to be way more expensive than the usual one. I just remember eating it in the s, you go to a special health food store from California. Of course we were leaders in the health food industry. Still are! Which kinda brings the question — so do you think there are some substitutes for sugar that are healthier? Glycemic index or something like, glucose index. Oh yeah, oh yeah, no matter what kind of form it takes, what kind of a sweetener that is, yes. Because sugar, I mean, what is it? And when I was thinking about this topic, I was thinking about being a child and literally being raised on sugar. I ate for breakfast the sugar pops, Lucky Charms. And maybe even put sugar on it. Two pieces of white bread, you put sugar on one and then put the other one on top and slap it together as a sandwich. And have you ever heard of Tang? Tang came out as an orange powder and as a replacement for orange juice and you add water to it. And it was marketed as the drink of choice for the astronauts, our big space race between the USSR and the United States. And our astronauts took up Tang into their capsule and so, we felt patriotic I guess to have our Tang. You know, I recently heard that in those Lucky Charms and different cereals one single, you know, Lucky Charm or one single piece of cereal can contain up to 1 teaspoon of sugar in it. You know, when I was a kid, one of my favorite things was to take a teaspoon of sugar and just heat it up, you know, above open fire. Well, above gas. So it would melt into…. And then you know, just eat it like a lollipop. In the US on every single thing you buy in a supermarket you can see the nutrition information — how much sugar it has, how much sodium it has. Because in Russia you can only see fat, carbs and protein amount. But nothing about sugar. This is regulated by law, by law they have to have that. Because you know, very often I had this urge to have some orange juice or something like that. I was craving some orange juice. But I took a bottle which was like, what, 10 ounces bottle, and I saw sugar 55 grams. And once I started to look at that, you know, this iced tea Nestea, so you know like flavored iced tea, I used to love it. Then I found out that one bottle has 75 grams of sugar. How come? A little can of coca cola — 33 grams of sugar. Well with coca cola have you heard that you can clean a car carburetor with the can of coke? I saw some videos of people cleaning toilets with that. Well it is sticky. Sometimes we would use coke on ballet floors if the floor was too slippery. Coca Cola, cause we have a big…. I remember only finding one in DC. In Massachusetts there are several thousand of them. Like, Mass people are crazy about Dunkin. Первомайская площаль. Or сквер, sorry. And speaking of tea and the west coast and the south. But going into the south, they drink sweet tea and it is so sweet. And it must be, it must be because of our sugar economy, you know, based on the slavery days, the days of slavery. I did not know that. I remember you mentioning sweet tea in one of the episodes when we were talking about something. And have you ever heard about such a thing as bliss point? So bliss point basically is when it comes to ingredients like sugar or salt. And once you, you know, overstep this boundary, you know, you reach the level and you exceed it, it becomes, you know, disgustingly sweet. And I have generally noticed that in the US a lot of cookies, chocolate and other things are sweeter, way sweeter than in Russia. So my teeth would hurt after even one bite. And one time I did take a little taste of Russian coca cola, and it was just like oh my goodness, what are they drinking out there. And so from every country it tastes differently. So this bliss point would be different for different countries, which is why even the same brand would have a totally different taste in different parts of the world. I wonder what the different between British cola and America cola. That could be a good idea for a podcast in the future actually, have a…. You know we had an episode about snacks where two people tried Russian snacks on air, that was so fun. So that would be, you know, cool to do something like that. We have Stephen and John stuck there. Well they can do that via satellite or something and we can conduct it. Nice idea. But wait, they would have to have some kind of Russian thing, or American food. Well there are Russian shops in London, this little one…. Or as they say like white Chinese food. So the things that have been adapted. I mean, import shops. So for instance you would see pelmeni, and, Alyona bars. So I think these things are imported, yeah. And why is sugar bad? So what kind of negative consequences can it have on our health? But animals like gorillas and bears they go crazy for sugar and they seem to be okay. Whereas refined sugars can cause problems because of additives. Well, for instance, teeth and perhaps digestion problem perhaps. Yeah like I was saying previously if you spill cola on your arm, surely something is going to affect your digestive tract. Okay so what about these so-called energy drinks? They filled with sugar, like Redbull, what is that thing that makes people want to drink these energy drinks? And studies have shown that it gives heart attacks, I mean, I saw one my neighbor, she was in her 70s and she was drinking a Redbull. You know what? So it was coffee and an energy drink. Or the other day I was taking a walk and I was standing on a corner and I saw this girl junior-high age, maybe 12 or 13 and she was drinking one of those Redbulls or things, something similar. How does it affect your learning and your brain, your development? Okay, so obviously there are so many negative consequences, or, you know, effects that sugar can have on our health. So dental cavities, problems with heart, mood sometimes. And they even say that there is a connection between overconsumption of sugar and diabetes, type 2 diabetes. Of course, of course there are many other factors, including your overall diet, your lifestyle, genetics, stress level that affect that and, you know, make you get diabetes or not get diabetes type 2. But yes. You know, actually I have an example of my own. So in when I started… I just graduated from university, I started to work at a school, at a secondary school which was horrible. It was very stressful time, a lot of kids, a lot of problems. Really, I hated my job, at the same time I was getting another degree, so and I started to eat so much sugar. Like, do you know the Cinnabon rolls? So I would eat like 3 per day, I would drink like 4 cups of coffee per day with several shots of syrup in it. That was bad. I think I gained like 17 kilos at that time within a year. I went to a doctor to check my health and she said do you know you are in pre-diabetes state? Like, you have to stop eating, you know, all this sugar, you have to start exercising. You know, get rid of the stress, try to. So and I was…. I think I kinda woke up at that moment and realized how much sugar I had been eating all this year. How many, you know, Cinnabon rolls, chocolate, drinks, sugary drinks and coffee. Your body was very tolerant of this because I know from my own experience in ballet I could not have any chocolate because it would make me shake. And a little bit that I had which was a teeny tiny little square. And actually, you know, speaking of tolerance, last summer I was a little bit ashamed of it, but last summer we had a day when we ate, my friend and I we just ate so many things, you know. We went for drinks which were also quite sugary, because alcohol has a lot of sugar in it. Then we went to the bakery, ate something else. By the nighttime I just felt so terrible, I just had to spend the night with the bucket in my arms. You know, I was hugging the bucket and puking all night. Cause I had way too much sugar. So and now if I eat, you know, too many sweet things, I feel so bad. Yes, yes. So when I want, you know, have a glass of something, that would be dry wine and not, you know, these oversweet drinks. And in general, you know, I try to cut down on sugar, you know. To choose more quality maybe, you know, over the quantity. So I would rather go to this good bakery and have a little piece of a cake which would be more filling than the chocolate bars. I do, but you know, every time I think oh I have apples in my fridge, btu I have to go, wash them, cut them. I guess, yeah. You should treat the… You should treat the fruit like methadone to heroine. I thought you would say you should tret your body as a temple. As a temple. So you understand what I mean. So methadone and to heroine are fruits to your sugar addiction. Whereas it came out in the US at the beginning of s. And this was one of the points there. And I was horrified like oh my goodness, do you really get that for children as a lunch? But then I remember my school years hen my mom would give me money, you know, to get something for lunch, and I would just buy candies, chocolate, everything. Which is why now at the age of 28 I have to get an implant. Not like you, but like me as well. So do you believe in such a thing as sugar withdrawal? Only once I had to go one month without any kind of sugar, so and that was the moment when I realized how much sugar is in everything — bread, sauces, ketchup — every single thing we eat has sugar. Cause I had a terrible food poisoning, like, it was really bad and…. You mean food poisoning from eating too much sugar or from bad food? From bad food. So I ate something spoiled or something like that. So for me it was, you know, everything was plain, without salt. Something like that. Then you are more likely to fail. Oh wow I feel so much better, how I could have done that to myself. You know what I noticed when I went one month without sugar? That everything started to taste differently, brighter maybe. So I have realized that usual things were so, you know, so much tastier than they used to be, because sugar is kinda…. Then I came back to what I had been before. So, and what about salt? How much salt is in your diet? But then again you have to be careful how much you can consume. But you said that we have to be careful with salt — why? What can the overconsumption of salt lead to? Kidney stones I think. So huge, because, you know, the saltier the food, the more stress it is, the more work it is for the kidneys, so thus if you eat three packs of chips per day every day, your kidneys are not going to handle that well most likely. And the garlic is such a great flavoring. So the scientists say that the level of sodium, well, salt-sodium that we should have per day, well, maximum should be mg. So which is like the healthy norm. If you eat less than that - perfect. And you know, again, when I was reading this book and after reading this book I started to pay attention, I became really, you know, attentive to this nutrition information. And again, what I like the US is that they put the sodium amount and I thought okay, can I actually do that with mg of sodium? I could not because I realized that…. And do you know anything about types of salt? Have you seen the, you know, the variety of salt in the spice aisle? Do you know any difference between them? And I think — is there really any difference? Cause Himalayan salt is so expensive. So there has to be some kind of a difference, right. And then lower you see expiration date, like, January But yeah, it turns out that different types of salt differ in taste, in texture, in mineral, in sodium content, so and sea salt for example. So depending on the source and what kind of a sea it was taken from, so it usually contains various trace minerals, like potassium, iron, and zinc. But and I remember Barbara, you and I and Alyona talked about it in our ecofriendliness podcast. That nowadays we, the humanity, faces the huge problem of plastic in the ocean. So then Himalayan salt, so it comes from the salt mine in Pakistan, so the second largest salt mine in the world. And usually they say that it has a smaller amount of calcium, potassium, which is… which makes it slightly lower in sodium than regular table salt. But then again — rust. I need to look up at the iodine, to see if I have any. Then we have kosher salt which has larger, you know, flakes sizes. But it has a little bit of different texture, so and it tends to be less salty than regular table salt. So yeah. It turns out that no. Like wow. Well, you know, microplastic, rust, things like that. Okay, they just found plastic, snowing plastic in Siberia. In Tomsk the scientists were discovering it and looking at it. Really bad. So and remember I told you about the book Salt, sugar and fat? So maybe I should reread it. But I remember that what was shocking is that, so this book has chapters, each devoted to each element, so salt, sugar and fat. If we eat too much, we feel bad. We have a limit for salt. But our bodies do not have a built-in limit for fat. So which means that we have taste buds for salt and sugar, but our taste buds do not react to fat. I think it was Kraft. So the company that produces the chicken broths…. The Philadelphia cheese. Campbell I think is also theirs. So anyway, so and they at some point decided to be responsible and lower the level of sodium in their soups. And the result? The consumers started complaining and they said your soups are not as tasty as they used to be. Because people are not used to low sodium amounts. The problem, the problem. Do you think you are going to change something about your diet? About how much salt or sugar or fat you consume? I guess the takeaway is move to Japan or move to Italy and eat Italian or Japanese food. Oh wait a minute, that soy sauce has a lot of salt in it. So which country lives the longest? Or have the highest life expectancy? I guess Japan. Not the whole of Japan, but Okinawa which is an island. Mediterranean diet. You know, it actually has a lot of fruit and vegetables but not much salt. Nothing, you know, extra fat. Well just like I said — olive oil with the garlic. So what else? Some parts of Puerto Rico that are said to have the highest amount of centenarians. Maybe not… Well Italy would be good, you know, still Mediterranean diet. Ah, yes, damn it! Way too much fat actually. Barbara, what would be your takeaway you said? I wonder what my takeaway would be. I think the main one is that I definitely need to do something about my diet, but on the other hand — do I want to? Yeah, I gotta think about it. I also remember by the way how shocked I was about cheese production in the US when I was reading about it in the book. Cause they have to do something with all the fat they get from the milk as most people now prefer low-fat milk and non-fat milk. So and they make cheese with the fat, with the extra fat, and then they have too much cheese. Mountains of cheese, rivers of milk. I heard that somewhere. Well dear listeners that was the BigAppleSchool podcast and today Barbara, Ben and I discussed salt, sugar, a little bit about fat. So thank you for listening and remember, if you struggle to understand our conversation, you are always welcome to our website which is BigAppleSchool. So you can find full scripts of each episode there and you can read while listening. Cool, right? Also if you want to get more content which will help you learn English, you can follow us on the social media such as Instagram, Vk, Youtube, Telegram and so on. Just search our name which is, again, BigAppleSchool. So that was Katya and my guests for today were…. Hosts for today: Katerina , Benjamin , Barbara. Different diets and what they are like: vegetarian, pescatarian , vegan, fruitarian, carnivore diet. Nutrients in our diets. Intermittent fasting. How much salt and sugar is in our diet? Why is sugar so addictive? How did sugar spread around the world? The concept of 'bliss point'. Different tastes of the same products in different countries. Why is sugar bad? What problems does too much sugar cause? Sugar withdrawal syndrome and its symptoms. Salt how much salt we actually consume. What overconsumption of salt leads to. Pink salt, black salt, Sea salt, Himalayan salt is there any different between different types of salt or is this just marketing? Discussing how companies use these three ingredients to get us hooked on their produce. What is the main idea we can take away from this episode? We are responsible for our diet no matter where we are. Изучаете английский язык? Оставьте заявку и мы подберём вам подходящую программу обучения и преподавателя. Программы по изучению английского языка Английский для взрослых Курсы английского языка для студентов и взрослых. Английский для детей Программы изучения английского языка для детей. Обучение за рубежом Программы и курсы международного обучения. Заказать обратный звонок. 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