Tomi Lahren Amiri King

Tomi Lahren Amiri King


Tomi Lahren Amiri King

The goal of this subreddit is to point out the hypocrisy of the centrist types who often align with (sometimes extreme) right wing views. Discord server:
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First I'd like to say she wouldnt even have 1/4 her viewers if she wasn't pretty.
I dont watch her videos all that often, I think I recall vehemently disagreeing with her on something BLM related. We have extremely violent police, we are the incarceration capital of planet earth. These are facts with empirical evidence behind them. Per capita, extremely violent police and ultra high incarceration rates impacts Black peoples lives the most.
And she chose to heavily criticize BLM for their communities having to eat police shit day in and day out for the past several decades and they're trying to finally put a stop to it.
I remember it was a video like that that caused me to quit watching her, and really I only watched her because she had a cute face. Like I said she wouldn't have 1/4 her viewers ig she wasnt a good looking girl.
And then, there was a video where she downplayed Trump/Pence's hostility to the LGBT movement, in fact she even argued that Trump was going to be socially progressive FOR LGBT Americans. Sure as shit, not even a year into his presidency he starts trying to ban transgenders from the military. I'm not really sure what ever gave her this impression that Trump/Pence would be socially liberal except that she's mentally incompetent in some areas.
I haven't seen the video, but she finally eats crow and has to apologize to her fan base for her bullshit appeals to Trump turning out to be based on a mountain of horseshit, that unfortunately she didn't discover until after the damage had been done and Trump got elected and started nominating SCOTUS justices hostile to social progress.
I see a lot of her videos focus on "SJWs" and "Feminists". Like I dunno to me she's pretty stupid. She attacks the feminists, but if it were up to the Christian Right, she would be legislatively forced into living like Mrs. Duggar on 19 and counting, under threats of incarceration. Real Hand Maiden's tale shit. I know. I've talked with ProLifers for years at this point.
So what's this forums take on her and her channel?
Just at a brief glance, she just seems like your typical vacuous, narcissistic "youtube personality" suffering a serious case of cultivated identity. And that's without being familiar with her politics. Other than that she identifies as "liberal", which I typically read as "Warning: Shallow analysis, spineless centrism, and denial of larger systemic problems ahead."
First I'd like to say she wouldnt even have 1/4 her viewers if she wasn't pretty.
Can we not immediately assume that the only way a woman can be held in a certain regard is due to her appearance?
There are plenty of men who produce content as half-assed and ignorant as shoe0nhead, Sargon of Akkad, Paul Joseph Watson, ect. for a few examples. You would never say that they amassed their audience due to their looks, because while you can address that they are idiots, you don't tie their value to appearance.
This is a misogynistic trope you are invoking, and one I'd like to get rid of.
It is, but let's be honest: the female version of sweatboy Sargon would never be as popular. The alt-lite/alt-right movement holds women to much different standards than their male counterparts.
Her political views aren’t in any way compatible with Sargon’s or PJW’s. She’s not a right winger, whether you agree with what she focuses on or not.
Sex appeal sells, it's a fact of life. Theres a video on YouTube, of a pretty twitch streamer getting $12,000 in donations from viewers for taking a few moments out to talk about her boobs.
I made the observation I did because it has some degree of accuracy. Not every viewer she has watched her for her sex appeal. But a significant portion do where she wouldn't without her pretty face. Why did I click on her YouTube channel? Because she had a cute face.
I don’t think she’s a bad person , or alt right. And definitely no need to make this whole thing about her appearance or gender.
No, she definitely is a bad person. She called Leslie Jones a fucking gorilla, laughs at plights of queer people. She is an awful human being.
I'd say she is a perfect fit for this sub. Treats politics all as a big game as it doesn't really impact her and is very much a "both sides" person. Annoying students or clickbait buzzfeed articles are equivalent to politicians in all branches of government in the most powerful country on earth.
I don't think she is a bad person, but do feel she does more harm than good. She wants to be friends with everyone, though seems to not understand why some of her lefty pals get upset that she chums around with the likes of Lauren Southern. It's easy for her as she isn't really impacted by any of the alt-right stuff and Lauren in nice to her personally. I wouldn't be surprised if she has been the first step down the youtube reactionary rabbit hole for many a teenager.
All that being said I don't think she's as bad a someone like Boogie as she does possess enough self awareness and maybe Trump will actually be a wake up call.
mods should remove for sexism t b h
If I may go against the grain here and defend June for a second
No, she’s no as far left as I wish she would be sometimes, but she’s definitely not right wing and she’s definitely not alt-right, fuck no.
I follow her on Twitter and I’m subscribed to her on YouTube. Her older videos are definitely worse than her new ones, she had much more questionable takes back in the day, and did have a little too much of a positive outlook on the Trump/Pence administration. But she did say that if Trump came for the Trans community? She’d be up in arms and she absolutely was on Twitter when that news came out. She’s apologized for participating in some cruel behavior towards Milo Steward and Riley Dennis, and she has absolutely taken shots at the right recently. I enjoy her humor.
I wish her politics were a little more progressive, but she’s said before that she isn’t really trying to do anything besides make jokes about low hanging fruit on both sides. I don’t think she embodies “enlightened centrist” attitude and extremely well. If anything, I think her fiancé is the worse one when it comes to this. And if nothing else, her comments section isn’t a breeding ground for alt-right ideas like I see with proper “enlightened centrists”. I’ll probably get downvoted to hell for this take, but I do not think she’s nearly as problematic as someone like Boogie and she shouldn’t be chastised for her associations with him either, she’s even criticized his takes on Twitter.
And again, it’s shitty to being up her appearance so much. Keep it on the words being said, not the looks of the person saying them. Same with attractive blondes in conservative circles. I’m not denying to certainly has something to do with their fame, but it’s shitty to use it as something against them.
I'm a criminal justice major. I'm from St. Louis, my degree was right in the Ferguson area. I've been to fuck tons of St. Louis traffic courts. Looking back at all my experiences in St. Louis traffic court, I could kind of see how this shit needlessly pissed people off, didn't contribute to public safety, and made people hate our local police.
I specialized in matters of race crime and justice, I have a small library of criminology books I like to reference when discussing these topics. I've even been to a few community policing meetings but 1 1/2 years before the riots happened.
I've watched Shoe 0n Head, Amiri King, and Tomi Lahren. Now these people didnt grow up in St. Louis. They dont have 4 year degrees in criminology.
Basically in St. Louis, we didnt have cops growing up, we had a violent paramilitary group of glorified tax collectors parading as police for our cops.
And our traffic courts would inflict unaffordable fines on the poorest of citizens, so that their punishment for doing 12mph over the speed limit was a de-facto future warrant out for their arrest, over unpaid traffic tickets and failures to appear in traffic court.
It was an apartheid system. Out of 21,000 Ferguson residents, over 16,000 had warrants out for their arrest. When discussing the Ferguson riots the question isn't "Why did they riot?", the question is "Why didn't they riot SOONER?".
I listen to these blowhards who know less than fuckall what they're talking about, Amiri Kingz Tomi Lahren, Shoe 0n Head, and I understand their appeal, often enough it's a pretty face, but they are misinforming their audiences, and directing their audiences towards being hostile to the victims in the situation.
These are her views on BLM. She is in fact 100% wrong, and by default justifying hyper violent police inflicted on African Americans, and mass incarceration of African Americans, when she seems to direct her audience towards being hostile towards BLM.
I understand that talking heads who talk out of their ass and don't know shit about what they're talking about has an appeal to a lot of people, but she is 100% categorically wrong on this topic that I hold near and dear to my heart, and basically shes cultivating the mindset in this country with her channel and viewers that mass violence, and mass incarceration against African Americans is acceptable, and for that matter to be encouraged.
Why are you asking this subreddit? She's some degenerate who's managed to grift a bunch of idiots into patreoning her by being pretty and using standard alt-right talking points under guise of centrism. I'm not sure anyone on this subreddit (at least of the people who know this place is ironic, because apparently many intellisirs don't understand that) would have a positive opinion about her.
100% agree on the first statement I started watching her because I find her attractive. I don't usually watch her stuff but find when I do I usually agree with what she says. To sum it up she's pretty and we agree but she's relatively unimportant.
She seems ok even if I don't necessarily agree with everything she says.
I like her but, then again, I’m not a huge fan of the Black Lives Matter movement or the current “progressive” ideology in general.
You don't know shoeonhead at all do you? She started off as an internet persona named Boxy. She was REALLY popular just because of that character she made.
Also, I don't think you watch her videos at all, you said she was shitting on BLM, that's not what she did, she was shitting on specific people on BLM who were advocating for violence and killing cops while others were saying "nobody in BLM said that" and she just linked to the ones who were. More of a "don't ignore the sinners among you before it grows out of hand" which could also be equated to the problem in police corruption for generations now.
And to the point; I disagree with trump's policies and he's an awful person, but he didn't BAN transgenders from the military, it just was a side effect so to say. During Obama's era, Obama lifted a ban on trans people who were using PSYCHE ALTERING DRUGS. IF you weren't trans and on those drugs, you couldn't serve. IF you were trans and on those drugs, you could serve. That was the only change directly she spoke of. There were other things like trump refusing to change policies to make transgenders have an easier time with the barrack living, but shoeonhead hasn't touched that as far as I'm aware of.
Also, you must be aware that she's been shitting on christian and right wingers far longer than she has been on the SJWs right? Oh wait, this is enlightenedcentrist, so you just gotta focus on thinking centrists are bad just because they don't take to your brand of shit and somehow that makes them just as bad as the side you're against too. :/
This whole subreddit makes little goddamn sense.
That's a nice alternative story you've made. It makes my position look indefensible. The only problem with your argument, minor caveat, is it's not true. I mean if you want to write fiction to make her look good and my arguments look bad, that's fine, we just need to bear in mind that your defense of her is divorced from reality and the facts at hand.
Now check that link I posted. It quotes her, her own words my friend. It says right there, in black and white, that she believes (incorrectly) that BLM is full of racists, Black Supremacists, race baiters, and is looking to start a race war.
No, what BLM is against is hyper violent police, which affects both Blacks and Whites btw, and mass incarceration. They believe if a cop wrongfully kills a Black or White person for that matter, Kelly Thomas for example, that cop should wind up in prison and be held accountable for their actions.
Remember this is a racist country. After the Jim Crow era, we turned to our police, prisons and courts to enforce a new Jim Crow against Black Americans. As a society we chose to increase the incarceration rate by 700% between 1970 and 2005.
We pursued a policy agenda of turning the quote unquote "land of the free" into the incarceration capital of planet earth.
Free countrys dont mass incarcerate their own citizenry btw.
For that matter, people like Shoe0nhead doesnt seem to have an issue with hyper violent police. When cops choke black men to death for selling loose cigarettes on the corner, shoot 12 year olds for playing with a toy gun in a park, beat to death with their bare fists homeless people like Kelly Thomas her advice to us is we're overreacting when we want to put an end to this unaccountable hyper violent police force. Police should be able to kill us at will, and we're not suppose to do shit about it, otherwise we get that detestable and scary "SJW" label.

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Audrey Murdick was born on 29 August 1980, in Norco, California USA, and is a nutritionist, personal trainer and competitive bodybuilder, but perhaps best known for being the wife of ventriloquist Jeff Dunham. Her husband became famous for his stand-up comedy act, which made use of his ventriloquism skills through puppetry.
A post shared by Audrey Dunham (@audreyedunham) on Feb 5, 2018 at 2:47pm PST
How rich is Audrey Murdick? As of late-2018, sources estimate a net worth that is close to $1 million, earned largely through a successful career in fitness. Her wealth has also been elevated thanks to the success of her husband, who has a net worth estimated at over $60 million. As she continues her career, it is expected that her wealth will also continue to increase.
Very little information is available about Audrey’s childhood and her family. It is known that she grew up with her parents, though no details about any siblings have been shared. As a teenager, she discovered her passion for fitness partly to combat weight problems she was experiencing, which resulted in her trying to eat healthy, and look for other ways to help her reduce her weight, such as yoga and spin lessons. However, this was not enough, and she then discovered bodybuilding as a means of helping her attain the weight and physical image she wanted. Concurrently, she discovered that nutrition had a big part in developing the body and her interests went there as well, working with a personal trainer, and eventually entering bodybuilding competitions. Her fame increased over the next few years – she also studied nutrition which led her becoming a certified nutritionist, and her experience in bodybuilding led her to work as a personal trainer. Aside from her fame in the fitness industry, her popularity increased even further through her association with Jeff Dunham. She’s subsequently featured in a few specials, and has also appeared in support roles in movies.
Jeff has appeared in numerous television shows, thanks to his ability to blend comedy and ventriloquism, including “The Tonight Show”, “Comedy Central Presents”, and “Late Show with David Letterman”. He’s also created numerous comedy specials, such as “Jeff Dunham’s Very Christmas Special”, “Jeff Dunham: Arguing with Myself”, and “ Jeff Dunham: All Over the Map ”. He has been credited with reviving ventriloquism, with his characters being described as politically incorrect and gratuitously insulting.
He has been voted as America’s favorite comedian, and is the top grossing stand-up in North America, being ranked as the third highest paid comedian behind Jerry Seinfeld and Chris Rock, as well as one of the most successful acts in Europe. He’s reached high numbers of sales, with more than 350 million hits on the website YouTube. One of his most popular puppets is Achmed the Dead Terrorist, which is a part of one of his most watched videos of all time. He holds the Guinness record for most tickets sold for a stand-up comedy tour when he performed in 386 venues during his “Spark of Insanity” tour. He does occasional acting too.
Murdick is not Dunham’s first wife – he was first married to Paige Brown in 1994, and they have three children including one child adopted from Paige’s previous relationship. However, time away performing put a strain on their relationship, and he filed for divorce in 2008. The following year he started a relationship with Murdick, which blossomed for the next three years, leading them to become engaged. They married in 2012 and three years later she gave birth to twin boys.
She shares his enthusiasm for comedy and his love for various collections. With their marriage, his collection of muscle cars, apple products, kit helicopters, and ventriloquist dummies were also shared with her. Since their marriage, there have been no rumors of any strain or tension within their relationship; she has been seen supporting her husband in the background during his shows, and has also made a few live appearances herself.
One of the reasons there is very little information available about Audrey’s past and current endeavors is due to a lack of any online presence; she does not have accounts on any of the major social websites. Her husband on the other hand is very active online, which is normal for most stand-up comedians. He has accounts on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, and uses them to promote some of his recent and upcoming projects, including video specials, tours and television appearances. He also uses the platform Twitter to express some of his daily thoughts and comedic ideas.
His photos often consist of him posing with his puppets – Murdick rarely makes any appearance there, with their children often found in more photos than her on Dunham’s account. There are a few pictures of her on the website Instagram, including her posing with the family for Halloween photos. Aside from social media, he also has an account on YouTube, on which he posts videos and shorts to help promote his tours. He also has a personal website which sells tickets, merchandise, and upcoming events. He is featured in other YouTube channels and websites too, thanks to his popularity through his continued work on the comedy circuit.
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