Toilet Slave Stories

Toilet Slave Stories


Toilet Slave Stories

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β†’ Fetishes
β†’ Toilet slaves

H as any women out there used a toilet slave & how did it feel.

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by Anonymous 3 hours ago



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S omeone answered that for you here:
I want to be a toilet slave to drink pee whenever and wherever required. In public or in private. I have the equipment to make this work. Billie
Q uite interesting that all women have horny feelings after using a human toilet and I think most of them feel like a queen.
L ike I'm so special that people would even beg me for the honour to serve as my toilet slave! The feeling is great!
H ere are the views of two Women who use toilet slaves.

The first one said,

"The first time I heard of a man wanting to become a full-time toilet, I thought the idea was preposterous too. Eventually, once I got over my initial disgusted reaction, I slowly began to realize beauty in it. There is such a Marquis de Sade appeal to reducing a man to such a pathetic device... No fate is more pathetic than this. To strip away all of a man’s dignity by transforming him into my full-time permanent toilet... is a pleasure that can't adequately be articulated in words. For me, witnessing this transformation and knowing that I am 100% responsible is possibly the most intensely erotic sensation I have ever experienced.

Beyond the power trip and positive relative perspective that a toilet slave gives you, there are many other subtle luxuries you'll begin to appreciate. Consider how inviting a pair of soft warm lips are compared to a modern toilet. No longer will you have to worry yourself about cleanup (wiping/washing hands) as your slave will take care of this for you much more efficiently and comfortably than you could ever do yourself reaching blindly behind your back with a clump of dry toilet paper".

The second one said,

"One thing I haven't seen listed here - a plus for toilet service: many of us understand a certain "spiritual" side to this - I become a PART of every slave I feed - I'm within them forever afterwards. This creates an intimacy that's undeniable".

To which I replied,

This, "intimacy", you mention, is exactly what I experience whenever She who's property I am uses me as Her very own personal human toilet, I feel that my body is no more than an extension of Her digestive system.. It is indeed a great honor to be allowed to swallow all the same food, and drink that has previously entered Her mouth.

I am if only for a short while a part of Her, no doubt about it, "an intimacy that's undeniable".

faceunder1, a Woman's toilet slave.
I have been used a toilet slave and it felt great to me . I would have to say the women enjoyed it as well as a warm mouth is better then a cold toilet and a tongue is way more thurough then a peice of paper . They did it more then once so I'm assuming it was good for them .
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It's a good thing I mostly take dumps at work, because my feces are so big and masculine my garbage little apartment toilet can't handle it; I have to poop in pieces and flush like a total of 3-4 times if I go at home. And I'm not even a big f'ing fatty, I'm a skinny little loser.

When I'm in the middle of expelling the feces from my anus I like to yell, "I'm crowning!"
If you want real sex, send me message here:)
I like sex. See my naked photos here >>> (my Nick Grace2002)

every person in my family has seen me naked. I don't really care though. it's usually when I'm pooping. I don't bother saying occupied. that's all I guess.
If you want real sex, send me message here:)
I like sex. See my naked photos here >>> (my Nick Grace2002)

I confess I love shit and piss.
I went to a public toilet in a services earlier to farm for shit. I ended up on my knees licking a strangers pee from a toilet seat and eventually found a nice big shit which I put in my panties then sucked my fingers clean after. U know its sick but I get off over it don't care what u catch. For the last 20 years I've been enjoying dildos I have found and not washed. Its my fantasy, I've even sucked a giv positive guy off before. I love taking risks. I'm currently covered in that poop I found and eaten some. I meet up with a married guy that loves using my mouth as his toilet and loves watching me eat it and sometimes up the woods he likes to poop down my panties and watch me fill mine. I love eating and smearing. Hope u liked my story. More to come soon
Wow um yes I would get with you anytime and do anything you ever could imagine for you
I like sex. See my naked photos here >>> (my Nick Grace2002)
If you want real sex, send me message here:)

I love when I have my period sitting on the toilet and looking between my legs watching the stringy blood coming out and falling into the toilet. It’s so satisfying.
If you want real sex, send me message here:)
I like sex. See my naked photos here >>> (my Nick Grace2002)

When im really horny and the campus is less crowded, i go into the bathrooms and lick the toilets and urinals. One time there was a pube in the urinal and i sucked on it for my whole next class. I also like to lick the floor under the urinals, they are always loaded with piss.
If you want real sex, send me message here:)
I like sex. See my naked photos here >>> (my Nick Grace2002)
If you want to see me naughty... Im Wait YOU HERE >>> (My Nick Grace2002)
So hot!!! I lick the splash guards of my gym’s urinals
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****WARNING**** this story contains extreme toilet torture! turn back now if that is not your thing
Jimmy laid in his new home/coffin beneath the bathroom floor staring up through the toilet. The plastic tube running down to his mouth and nose was terribly uncomfortable! It took a while but he dozed off and fell asleep. he awoke when a wet blob smacked into his face! He opened his eyes wide to see brittany??? Staring down at him.. she gathered her spit and slowly dropped another large loogie down onto his face!
"Wakey wakey slave boy, your my new toilet"
She had a devious smile..
Shw spun around dropping her tight black yoga pants and slammed her ass down on the seat. Her ass was so big it overlapped the sides a bit! Jimmy started to panic! "No not brittany" he though to himself... anyone but her!
She grunted a bit and released a short but very loud and extremely smelly fart! PRRRBTT jimmy gagged immediately, it was like rotten eggs and dirt!
Brittany leaned over and continued to fart! All of them short and loud! Until finally her first log started to emerge! It was going to be a big one!
Jimmy gagged profusely as the bowl filled with her gas almost making him lose consciousness! He started up hazily as a huge log 4 inches in diameter crept down! It snaked down towards him until it got to heavy to support its own weight and broke! The first half was 8 inches long! It dropped to his lips with such force that it slid right into his mouth, prying his lips open! The other half fell from her ass smacking the first log and forcing it further into his mouth and throat!
The taste was like dirt and ammonia! It was impossible to eat, he tried chewing but let out a loud dry heaving gag and almost puked in his mouth. He could hear brittany laughing above him! She pushed out a few more soft logs that filled the tube almost half way!
"Better start eating jimmy boy" she instantly started peeing and she hadn't gone all day! As her pee ran down the toilet bowl into the pipe it merged with the shit making a brown liquid that filled all the air pockets. Jimmy hadn't even swallowed once and now he could no longer breath! If he didn't eat soon he would die!
He swallowed over and over, tears streaming from his eyes! The liquid pee and shit mix was so strong! After countless gulps the liquid was gone and a few big chunks of her shit remained! Jimmy gagged and choked trying to keep the liquid down! He hesitantly chewed some of the shit, it was hard and chewy at times, then other parts were mushy and had bits of corn! As he got the last long down he pleaded!
"Please brittany.. don't do this too me"
He heard her laugh and watched her asshole open as it released another long and smelly fart!
"My ass says too bad" brittany said while laughing!
She hit the flush lever as a warm spritz of water sprayed her asshole, letting the shitty water run down to jimmys mouth. It was actually a nice relief compared to what he just ingested!
Brittany stood up and pulled up her pants leaving the bathroom and turning off the lights, jimmy cried.. how long could he last like this?
As brittany left the bathroom her family arrived home! They just got back from the hospital! Her eldest sister was 8 months pregnant! She had a beautiful mom! And 6 sisters! All of her sisters had slight differences having come from different male sperm donors! They shared one similarity that they had acquired from their mom, huge asses! And a talent for taking huge shits and clogging toilets! Her mother was a goddess, like a curvy blonde miranda kerr! She was 6'5 and had a massive ass, her blonde hair was curly and she usually wore it in a pony tail! Her eldest sister sarah looked just like the mom, only being pregnant she had a huge tummy! And her ass had doubled in size! Then there was annabelle, 23 she had wavy red hair, was 22... 6'1 and had the bubbliest ass in the family, next was her twin sisters annie and sasha 19 years old! Both of them were identical and hard to tell apart with the exception that sasha was much more of a bitch! They both had straight blonde hair , were 5'11 and had cute upturned noses! And then there were the younger twins, nicole and tessa! Age 16, they had straight black hair! And little bubble butts (little compared to the rest of the family.. but still growing) they were both very spoiled and cared for no one but themselves!
Brittany ran to the door to tell her family about the new toilet she acquired, but before she could get a word out her younger sister tessa pushed past her
"Move it shitbrit" she screamed as she rushed into the bathroom holding her stomach!
She pulled down her sweatpants letting her wobbly butt pop out! She had to go so badly! She didn't even realize that the toilet was new! Or see the boy underneath! She slammed her ass down letting out a terribly wet fart
Instantly her ass opened spitting out a flood of diarrhea! It was hot and burned her asshole coming out! She gripped her stomach while leaning over, her cute toes curled and gripped the marble bathroom floor!
"Ahhhhhh" she sighed in relief as her ass continued to decimate the toilet! She had cramps all day and it felt wonderful to let it go! She pushed again letting it flow out, in between farts spurts of shit sprayed from her hole!
She finished and flushed as her asshole was sprayed with water! She almost jumped off in surprise and it was then she realized the toilet was new!
"Cool, no more wiping" :D she thought to herself
She stood up and looked into the toilet, the bowl was filled with a pool of shitty diarrhea! Little bubbles rose from the pool!
"Shit.. mom will kill me if I broke this brand new toilet already"
She grabbed the plunger, let it sink to the bottom of the bowl, then began to push it up and down! She thrusted the plunger hard forcing the shit down the pipes! Slowly inch by inch it began to lower! Again and again and again she pushed, eventually the shit was gone and she rested the plunger beside the toilet. she had no idea the pain she was inflicting on the boy under the toilet, but she also might have saved his life, because there was no way he would have consumed her waste on his own without force.
as tessa put the plunger down she saw jimmy, her eyes widened and she dropped to her knees on the bathroom floor!
After brittanys terrible feeding session for jimmy, he lay at the bottom of the toilet, crying, while bits of shit that clung to the sides of the tube fell onto his face! He closed his eyes and pictured a beach, waves crashing, the smell of the salty sea water in the air! He could almost feel the heat of the sun on his face as he smiled... but his thoughts were interrupted!
The bathroom door slammed and jimmy looked up! All he could see was the words juicy! And then purple sweatpants being pulled down to reveal the meatiest most wobbly butt he had ever seen! The girls ass smashed onto the toilet seat. Her cheeks pushed deep into the hole on the toilet seat, she leaned forward and spread her ass cheeks revealing a tight pink puckered asshole as she sat heavily again! Then the flood gates opened! She let loose a torrent of shit, with the consistency of water that flowed down the tube into jimmys mouth! He gagged as his eyes bulged! There was no way he could eat this! Unlike brittanys shit, he could not take his time! The watery shit filled his mask covering his mouth and nose. He swallowed a big mouthful as his body rejected it. He immediately through up in his mouth! He could taste brittanys thick earthy shit again!
He looked up as shit continued to flow from this strangers asshole! This was it... he would die here... he started collecting his thoughts, he coughed and accidentally inhaled through his nose, filling his nasal cavity with her soupy diarrhea! This was truly the worst way to die! He slowly started to fade out from a lack of oxygen as he saw a faint outline of the young goddess holding a plunger!
"No" he though to himself!
She pushed the plunger down and thrusted it! The diarrhea was forced deep into his lungs and up his nose, then again... and again... and again... it burned going down his throat, he could feel her shit dribbling into his lungs from inhaling too much! She continued to pump the shit down the toilet, pump! Pump! Pump! Finally with one last gross soupy amount on his face! She thrusted one more time as jimmys body convulsed and he let out a terribly sick sounding gag and cough! Bits of her shit sprayed from his nose! When he breathed deep his lungs bubbled! They were undoubtedly filled with her feces!
He had so much shit in his stomach he couldn't see straight! Tessa gazed down and realized what she had just done! How much shit had she forced on this boy! And how roughly she thrusted it into his body with the plunger. She immediately fell to her knees on the marble floor and fingered herself to his gagging and coughing! It only took 9 seconds.. she had the most amazing earth shattering orgasm she had ever experienced! She rubbed her stomach and knew he would be receiving a second helping in an hour or two.. before leaving she gazed down at him. He was sorta cute! Where did this boy come from, she wondered..
As tessa left the bathroom brittany had just finished explaining to her family about how she acquired jimmy!
"Ohhhh your so special to me" said her mother as she embraced her daughter for a long hug
"Finally your done" explained sarah! The oldest and pregnant sister! "I have to take the biggest shit" she said while slapping her MASSIVE ass.
"Be careful in there" said tessa "I might have just killed him" she fanned her nose jokingly
Brittanys mom hurried into the kitchen and yelled to her daughters
"Tonight is a time to celebrate! I'm going to cook some of my famous chili"
Sarah made her way to the bathroom.. she could already hear the wheezing sound from the toilet, man tessa really did a number on that poor thing! She thought to her self. As she slowly leaned forward and took off her yoga pants jimmy could see this massive girls ass! She was enormous! As she sat down the toilet creaked under her weight! Her thighs and ass spread out hanging over the sides of the small toilet. She spread her legs and looked down at jimmy through the clear toilet while rubbing her belly
"Its nice to meet you slave! Today your eating for two... I have a goddess in training in my tummy"
Jimmy started to pray, he had never believed in god, what kind of god would do this to him? He cried as he prayed, for anything to remove him from this scenario, even death! Sarah strained and
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