Toilet Masturbate

Toilet Masturbate


Toilet Masturbate
It feels so good masturbating when I have to poop. Was wondering if any females had ever done this before. Sorry to be gross.
Girls have you ever masturbated while on the Toilet?
The reason that masturbating when you need to take a sh*t feels good to you is because the "fullness" puts pressure on your prostate and makes your orgasm better. Not the case for females.
No I don't think I have... or wait... no maybe not. I've done some weird and f***ed up things but this is not one of them.
lol no. Pretty much the last thing I think about when I'm pooping is masturbating
Haha that's great. I can't say I've ever tried, it and I highly doubt I'd even be able to while taking a dump. The smell alone would keep me soft. lol
Okay, just get yourself a butt plug so you can quit associating feces with an orgasm!
Girls, Have u ever masturbated with someone (not online) or while someone (not ur boyfriend or husband) was in the same room? ?
Have you ever masturbated while in class? How?
Girls, do you ever masturbate while you're giving your man a bj?
Girls, have you ever squirted while wearing clothing?
I've never masturbated while USING the toilet but I have while SITTING on the toilet. I had my period and with all the blood and stuff... the toilet was really the best place to be sitting.
no, I would never do anything sexual near a toilet, they gross me out, definitely a turn off
i touched myself but didn't continue beecause lying down feels better
this could have waited till later tonight.
I've turned my bathroom into a whack shack.
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Thanks for explaining. I thought maybe that might be why.
so you've researched this before lol
Nope, just know the human body well and it seemed to make sense, no?
its kind of common sense if you think about it long enough
Everyone does weird fucked up things

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Masturbation, for many people, is a thing that they do not feel like talking often. However, it is not a bad thing. Many people have different beliefs about masturbation, as well as difficulty knowing how to do it. If you do know how, it can become monotonous leaving you unsatisfied. It is also important to note that there are many things that you can masturbate with and they do not have to penetrate.
First thing first, although it is commonly done and usually safe, there are a few precautions that you want to use.
A bathroom faucet is one of the things you can use to masturbate with; however, it is not referring to the sink or tub faucets, rather it means the jet spray or removable shower head. They are great for stimulating your clitoris. You can sit or stand as you do this, plus you have the ability to control the force of the water so that you get just the right pressure for an orgasm.
When using the shower head or jet spray, remember to aim the water at the top of your clitoris, not the opening. Getting water in the opening may cause an infection. You also want to be sure to wash the sprayer before you use and pee when you are done. These precautions will help you avoid bacterial infections.
A pillow is actually a great tool for masturbation. It is soft and flexible making it easy to hit the right spot. You can rub it between your legs or directly against your clitoris for the perfect orgasm.
Make sure you stop when you begin to notice irritation to avoid any damage. It is also highly recommended that you dedicate a pillow specifically for this purpose to help prevent any infections.
Among the list of great things to masturbate with is the electric toothbrush. This is another item which allows for extra vibration sensation. It is best to remove the bristle end, if possible and cover with a condom. The condom will help the ease of use. You can then rub on your clitoris or insert into your vagina for an orgasmic stimulation.
It is important that you do not use the bristled end of the toothbrush as you can hurt yourself. You also want to make sure that toothbrush is dedicated solely to masturbating, use a different one to brush your teeth.
Your hands do not have any cost to them, and are not as intimidating as other items. You are also in complete control of your hands. Using one or two fingers will be your best bet if you are just starting out. Move your fingers around and find which orifices you are comfortable having penetrated or you can stay on the exterior locations.
Using your hands is a great way to find the best spots for creating orgasms and makes it easier when you are trying to help your partner find that perfect spot. Do not be afraid to experiment with different amounts of pressure, directions, and locations.
The washing machine vibrates on the spin cycle making it one of the most interesting things to masturbate with. Simply sit on the machine and allow the vibration to help you masturbate. You can also spread your legs and rub against it while it is vibrating to achieve an orgasm.
It does require practice to ensure you are not injured. Make sure you sit so that you will not fall off while it is vibrating. You also want to make sure you sanitize it prior to and after masturbating.
A banana is one of the most common things to masturbate with among boys. You can either peel the banana or cut off one end and squeeze the fruit out; either way eat the banana so that you do not leave any traces. Clean out the skin and fill with your favorite lubrication.
Then, you can either wrap the skin around your penis or insert your penis into the end that you cut off. Proceed to masturbate. The skin will give you a different sensation than your hand and you will have a receptacle for your cum.
Melons are actually the most popular of homemade masturbation toys for men. Once you have your melon, but a hole in one side that fits the circumference of your penis. (Do not over exaggerate as it will not work properly.) Next, hollow out some of the melon so that your penis fits inside the melon.
Then, on the opposite side cut a pencil sized hole to adjust the amount of suction. As you pump the melon, place a finger over the hole while you are masturbating to increase the suction.
Find a cup that is large and long enough to fit your erectile. Then, get two sponges wet with warm water and place inside the cup. You want each sponge to fill about half the cup.
When you are ready to begin masturbating, squirt lubricant into the cup, then place your penis between the two sponges. Now you have a homemade vagina to help you masturbate. Be sure that you use enough lube though so that you do not rub it raw.
Use that toilet paper roll that only has one sheet left in a new and creative way. Most of the time a toilet paper roll is just the right size to accommodate most men and among the top five things to masturbate with for men. You can also use a paper towel roll or wrapping paper rolls if you need a different size.
Place a condom inside the tube flipping the open end over the edge of the tube. Secure the excess condom to the tube by using tape or a rubber band. Fill the condom with lubricant and begin to masturbate. You can hold it with your hand or place it between your couch cushions.
You need a Ziploc bag, scissors, and lubricant for this. Then, follow the steps below to create a masturbation technique that simulates real sex.
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Last Updated 30 June, 2022.

Girls have you ever masturbated on a public toilet? Do you still do it? Where did you masturbate on a public toilet?
Girls have you ever masturbated on a public toilet?
NOOOO. Have you seen girls bathrooms? They look like post apocalyptic worlds. Girls make bathroom toilet seats disgusting because they try to do the hover shit and FAIL AND PISS ALL OVER THE TOILET. Like.. the toilet seat is only fucking dirty because you pissed all over it.. what the fuck are you trying to accomplish. Just stop it.
Why would you ask such a questions? Do YOU do it? I'd sooner pee myself than even USE a public toilet! Let alone pleasure myself in there..! Yuk!!!
I won't even pee on a public toilet let alone masturbate on one
It never ceases to amaze me how men are so distant from women. No woman, unless she is so high on crack, and her body used up- who values herself as little more than the fecal stains on the ground of a bathroom- is going to masturbate on a public toilet.
No girl (or guy) would do that on a public toilet. It's too smelly and dirty.
Girls, have you ever masturbated in a public place?
Have you ever masturbated in a public place before. And did you ever get caught or not. If you got caught, what happened?
Girls have you ever masturbated in public?
Girls have you ever masturbated in a public place?
no one sits on public toilets. what does sitting on any toilet have to do with masturbation?
Lol I have actually at work. When I get stressed out masterbatingb helps
I won't even sit on a public toilet!
I think that's mostly an invention of p*rn.
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what the fuck are you trying to accomplish. J _not_ contracting diseases that you can touch but can not see.
Why not just use those paper seat covers try provide?
You don't catch diseases from toilet seats. Period. I know there's a paranoia about it, but honestly, you don't. You're more likely to catch something from the door handle that you just opened after you washed your hands leaving the bathroom to go back to your fucking table and eat your french fries with.
ROTFLMFAO! And that's why they make soap.
Cause no one would do that... Or if they did they wouldn't admit to it
I would and have. Who cares? It's barely 'public' anyway seeming it's partitioned
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Written by Pavitra Sampath | Published : July 13, 2015 6:46 PM IST
Masturbation is healthy, and there is nothing wrong with the practice (despite what many might think). But it can become a little monotonous, and despite common notions, the act does not have to involve penetration. Read more about how to masturbate, a step-by-step guide for women .

So if you have been looking for ways to masturbate without having to illegally buy sex toys, we have just the solution for you.

First things first -- the precautions
Do not use anything sharp or pointed as you are likely to hurt yourself.

Never use anything that has small parts that can fall out or get stuck inside you.

Always wash and clean the objects with soap and hot water before and after the act.

Never insert fruits and vegetables into your vagina. Not only can they break off inside you, but they can also lead to a number or infections due to the bacteria they carry. You may also like to read about how to recognise if you have orgasmed.
Bathroom faucet (jet spray or hand held shower head) : This fixture is great to stimulate your clitoris. Just take a seat on the edge of your tub, toilet seat or stand (if you prefer that) and use the water jet to stimulate your clitoris. One of the fastest ways to reach an orgasm - using a jet spray is highly effective. What's more, you can moderate the pressure of the water stream as you prefer, increasing the pressure when you are about to climax. Here are some facts about f emale masturbation that will shock you.
While using the jet spray makes sure you direct the stream of water to the spot on top of your clitoris and not on its opening. This can lead to UTI and other infections. Also, make sure you pee after the act so as to wash out any bacteria that might be present. And most importantly wash the spout before you use it, and just to be extra safe never use one present in a common bathroom.

Spoon: This handy utensil can be used to masturbate too. No, you don't insert it into your vagina. Instead, you use the back (smooth, shiny part) of the spoon to rub against your clitoris. For added pleasure, you can even use a little bit of petroleum jelly to lubricate the spoon, so it doesn't hurt you when you are rubbing yourself with it.

It is essential that you do not try to insert the spoon into your vagina as it can hurt the delicate inner lining of your intimate area. Apart from that, make sure you wash the spoon well with soap and water before and after you are done.

Washing Machine : This machine vibrates when on the spin cycle and using it to masturbate can be interesting. All you need to do is sit on the machine when it is on the spin cycle, and let the vibration help you orgasm. Another way is to spread your legs and rub up against the machine when it is vibrating.

If you do decide to sit on the machine, make sure you do not fall or hurt yourself. Using a washing machine to masturbate requires practice, so be careful while you try this tip out.

Pillow: Cuddle it, sleep on it or use it to masturbate, the pillow can be a great prop to hit the big O. Its soft texture and easy availability makes it the perfect prop. All you need to do is rub it between your legs or even against your clitoris for a great orgasm.

The cover of a pillow can cause chaffing due the lack of moisture, which helps lubricate the rubbing action. So make sure you are gentle and stop when you feel any irritation when you are using this prop.

Anything that vibrates (electric toothbrush, razor, body massager): The vibration that an electric toothbrush or razor provides is perfect for clitoral stimulation. Just take off the brush end/razor top and use the bottom, vibrating part of the brush to stimulate yourself.

Make sure you wash the bottom half of the toothbrush well before you use it. If it isn't water resistant, you could also use antiseptic wipes to clean it. One of the best ways to ensure you do not contract an infection is to cover it with a condom before you use it. Not only will this help lubricate the area it will also keep you safe from infections.

Your hands: The cleanest and safest ways to masturbate is using your hands. You can use your fingers to penetrate yourself, stimulate you G-spot ( here's how you can find this spot ) and clitoris. All perfect for an orgasm you won't forget.

Make sure you have short well-filed nails so as to avoid any injuries. Also, wash your hands well before you use them on your genitals as the area is quite sensitive, and dirty hands can cause infections and irritation to the delicate skin.

Once you have orgasmed, it is great just to lie down and allow that amazing feeling to wash over you. Once you are ready to get up make sure you:

Wash up : Cleaning up after you have masturbated is essential to avoid contracting an infection. So take a little time off, and wash your vagina and clitoris with some warm water.

Clean your prop: Washing the things you have used to masturbate is also important, so invest some time in cleaning and putting away the things you have used.

Cuddle: A great way to end an orgasm is to cuddle right after. If you do not have anyone who you can do that with, simply hold on to your pillow or blanket and drift off into a deep slumber.

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