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On Thursday, a trial date was set for a Virginia woman who, along with her boyfriend, allegedly sexually abused her 2-year-old son before his murder in January 2019.
WDBJ reports that Kayla Thomas’ three-day trial is scheduled to begin on January 20, 2021. Thomas, 26, is not charged with Steven Meek II’s murder , but she is accused of using her son to create child pornography.
Meek was found to have died of head trauma in January 2019. Thomas’ boyfriend, McKenzie Hellman, 26, reportedly called Christiansburg police claiming Meek fell and was unresponsive. However, forensic nurses discovered evidence suggesting Thomas and Hellman were sexually abusing the toddler , according to WSET.
Police reportedly located a second child in the home who was also being sexually abused. Thomas was pregnant at the time of Meek’s death.
Thomas is facing the following charges in regards to her deceased son:
Hellman is charged with felony murder in addition to child abuse or neglect, producing and reproducing child pornography as an accessory, object sexual penetration as an accessory, and possession of child pornography. His trial is scheduled to begin on October 5, 2020.
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[Featured image: Steven Meek II/Christiansburg Police Department]

Evil paedophile filmed himself raping terrified toddler wearing a nappy
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WARNING: DISTRESSING CONTENT: In video footage, Robert McGregor can be seen raping a boy who repeats 'no' and 'don't' while another victim is almost physically sick
An evil paedophile who filmed himself raping a toddler in a nappy has been jailed for the "most serious" cases of child abuse .
Sick Robert McGregor, who filmed his horrific attacks and made videos of it for others to watch, was jailed for 10 years today after grooming and exploiting youngsters for 13 years.
He was caught with a cache of child pornography by police which led them to identify three victims he had sexually assaulted, the Daily Record reports.
In video footage McGregor was seen raping one distressed boy who repeats "no" and "don't".
The 36-year-old also shot film of a three-year-old with his nappy undone as he raped the vulnerable little boy who had no speech.
He also recorded footage of a victim almost being physically sick after he perpetrated a sex act on the boy whom he subjected to years of abuse.
A judge told McGregor: "Your sexual offending is of the most serious and appalling nature."
She said that McGregor's youngest victim was "extremely vulnerable".
The judge said that the material recovered in the case not only demonstrated what he had done but that he had persisted in it despite the obvious distress of victims.
Lady Carmichael told McGregor that she would have jailed him for 15 years but for his early guilty pleas to the catalogue of offences.
The judge also ordered that he be kept under supervision for a further five years on his release.
Lady Carmichael said she was not satisfied that the risk criteria were met for imposing a life sentence on McGregor under an Order for Lifelong Restriction.
One man branded McGregor an "animal" as he was led off to start his sentence.
The child abuser's home was raided by police in May last year and laptops and other items were seized for analysis.
Advocate depute Jo McDonald said a search warrant was granted to police after intelligence was received from the National Online Child Abuse Prevention Agency.
More than 2000 indecent photos and 899 videos were recovered many of which were found to contain material at the most extreme level of abuse.
The prosecutor told the High Court in Edinburgh: "Some of the images showed children who appeared to be as young as 12 months old."
Some of the videos were found to feature McGregor raping and sexually abusing three victims who were later identified by police.
McGregor had uploaded five videos to a peer-to-peer internet app which allowed others to view the footage of his abuse of one of his victims.
Police computer experts found that the files had been accessed by users in America, Germany and in the Czech Republic.
McGregor, a delivery driver, made an initial court appearance charged with possessing indecent images of children and was freed on bail but was then assaulted.
Following further police investigations it became possible to identify one of his victims and he appeared again in court facing further charges, including child rape. Bail was then refused by a sheriff.
McGregor subsequently pled guilty to six offences when he appeared at the High Court admitting three charges of raping three boys, sexually assaulting one youngster, making indecent photos of children and distributing or showing indecent photos.
His sex assaults on children spanned more than a decade between 2001 and 2014 and all the attacks occurred in the Inverness area. His youngest victim was aged just three.
Another boy was subjected to nearly a decade of abuse from the age of six and the third child victim was 12 when McGregor assaulted him.
The child pornography offences took place between 2011 and March last year.
The advocate depute said that McGregor's offending had had a profound effect on some victims. She said that the scale and nature of his crimes has "scarred families for life".
Defence solicitor advocate John Keenan said: "On any view this is an extremely serious catalogue of offences in a variety of different ways."
Mr Keenan said that it had to be acknowledged that McGregor's crimes had had "a significant impact" especially on his two older victims.
He added that "mercifully" the youngest victim appeared to have no recollection of what happened.
The defence lawyer said McGregor seemed willing to take part in programmes to address his behaviour and it was considered that if that happened it would lessen the risk he posed.
A spokesman from NSPCC Scotland said: “McGregor is an extremely dangerous offender who preyed on young children before sharing footage online. It is right that he has been handed a long prison term to protect others from his offending.
“Attacks on children by someone in a position of trust are every parent’s worst nightmare. The impact of McGregor’s vile actions on the children involved cannot be underestimated.
"These are real children and behind every single one of these pictures is a vulnerable young victim. Abuse can ruin childhoods and affect individuals into adulthood so it’s vital his victims are now given the help and support they need to recover from what has happened to them.”
Any adult concerned about the welfare of a child or young person can call the NSPCC helpline for free, 24/7, on 0808 800 5000. Children can call Childline at any time on 0800 1111.
McGregor was told he would be on the sex offenders' register indefinitely.
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A female juror looked to the ceiling, brought a tissue to her face and wiped tears from her eyes.
She couldn't bear to look at the injuries sustained by a 5-year-old girl abducted last year from her elementary school and raped with a sharp object.
"Gruesome," said attorney Tom Kline, who is handling the civil case on behalf of the now 7-year-old victim. "The photos are shocking and disturbing."
The evidence was so disturbing that Common Pleas Judge Jeffrey Minehart asked the public to leave the room.
The images were shown Tuesday as part of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's case against 21-year-old Christina Regusters. The woman, who allegedly committed the depraved acts on the girl over a 19 hour long period last January, stands as the only person charged in the case.
As the photos were flashed on a large projection screen in Criminal Justice Courtroom 1101, Regusters also diverted her glance -- looking down as her cheek rested in her left hand.
Police officers, jurors and media allowed to stay for the display were visibly jarred as Dr. Cindy Christian, a Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) pediatrician who specializes in child sex abuse, detailed the damage done by the violent assault.
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The doctor said the object used in the rape, which could have been a wooden broom handle, prevented the girl from controlling her own bowels.
"I can’t imagine it being any more severe," said Christian, who also testified about injuries to the girl's vagina.

After being found partially clothed in an Upper Darby playground, the girl was transported to CHOP's emergency room where she was examined and forensic evidence collected.
The girl was also given anti-retrovirals to try and protect her body from any exposure to sexually transmitted diseases like HIV. Some of the drugs caused illness and vomiting, which the child endured for days after treatment in the ER.
Christian testified that the child’s mother called pediatricians days after leaving the hospital because the child remained in immense pain, had difficulty walking and was still not able to go to the bathroom.
The girl was taken to the hospital's Child Abuse, Referral and Evaluation Clinic where she was surgically examined under anesthesia. Christian said the internal exam helped them determine the need for a temporary colostomy bag to give her body time to heal.
That procedure was reversed in May, four months later, with another surgery, the doctor testified.
Christian said she has conducted “thousands and thousands” of exams on children who had been sexually abused. She said she can’t think of more than two handfuls of cases where the trauma and injury to the anus had been as severe as what the child went through in this case.

“Children shouldn’t have to have colostomies. They are very rare,” Christian said.
Regusters has maintained her innocence in the case. Her attorney has argued that prosecutors have the wrong person, despite the introduction of DNA evidence on the T-shirt the child was wearing when she was found.
Earlier in the day, the victim's brother and sister took the stand to recount the day of the abduction. The victim is expected to face her alleged rapist in court Wednesday.
Contact Sarah Glover at 610-668-5580, or follow @skyphoto on Twitter.

The Blacker the Content the Sweeter the Truth
The Blacker the Content the Sweeter the Truth
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( The Root ) — Eight years old was far too young for me to lose my virginity. And I certainly didn't have the opportunity to lose it at that age. But if I could have, I would have. It was all I could think about, and it was all any of my teammates on my little league team talked about. Some were telling the truth about doing it, most were lying, but one thing was for certain: We thought it was normal.
When Chris Brown told the Guardian that he lost his virginity at the age of 8, I wasn't shocked. His story sounded familiar: He was a kid having sex with a girl who was 14 or 15. That was how most of my friends, the ones we all considered lucky, usually lost it — with someone older who had an easier time getting out from under their parents watchful eye, usually because their folks worked nights or went out of town for the weekends. And when Brown said, "It's different in the country," I knew exactly what he meant. Even though my small town of Seaside, Calif., isn't country, it's still small like most country towns you'd find in the South.
What did shock me: the responses to Brown's admission. " Why Is No One Talking About the Fact That Chris Brown Was Raped " read one headline. " Chris Brown Didn't 'Lose His Virginity at 8.' He Was Raped " read another. No he wasn't , I thought. Not if he said yes, and wait, what? Where I'm from that's a rite of passage. "Rape" is a highly charged word, and the use of it here seemed to be over the top. But then I read the articles. And sure enough, everyone who used the word "rape" was right.
Chris Brown was raped. The law says so.
In Virginia, the state where Brown was raised, the age of consent is 18, which means Brown was a victim to someone else who was under the legal age of consenting herself. I was a little embarrassed by my lack of knowledge about not only the law, but how unhealthy and hazardous my mentality was back when I was 8. I thought about Brown's revelation, and how he reportedly grinned and chuckled in the telling.
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The saddest part in Brown's story is that grin and chuckle. I heard it a lot growing up among my peers, as they told stories of having sex at 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. My peers and I weren't even teenagers when we were talking about sex, and sure, some of us were lying about what we did. But many of us weren't — and all of us knew sex was way more fun than what our parents were telling us.
At my school, Ord Terrace Elementary, formal sex education took place in fifth grade. Everyone had to get their parents' permission, which implied a certain forbidden element to what we were going to learn. It was a big deal, and I was excited, especially when our first exercise was to get into groups and write down all the slang terms we used to refer to male and female anatomy and acts of sex. That was the most fun assignment I had in elementary school.
But everything was a snore from there, mostly because everything we were being taught about sex were the most boring parts of it. They told us abstinence was the only way to ensure of not getting and STD and taught us how babies are made — but no one was talking to us about sexuality — and certainly not rape.
According to Jennifer Marsh, vice president of victim services at Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network , children need to be taught even younger than the age of 8 about their bodies and what to do if they're participating in activities that make them uncomfortable. "That conversation needs to start as early as 3," says Marsh. "It should be an ongoing conversation that evolves as the child grows older."
I have a 3-year-old niece, and I certainly would be shocked and scared if the word "sex" ever came out of her mouth. But the point is, a conversation should be happening sooner rather than later. Who knows what preschoolers are picking up around others outside of the home?
Three-year-olds will become 8 in no time, the same age of many kids Kyle Bacon helps as the mentor program coordinator at U.S. Dream Academy in Washington, D.C. He says some kids have their innocence still intact, but many of them don't. "I've heard everything from kids having threesomes to oral sex," he says. "And these are fourth graders."
Such cases would sound extreme only to outsiders who aren't familiar with the social dynamics of places like Tappahannock, Va., where Chris Brown was raised. The word "abuse" or even "rape" would sound extreme only to insiders who come from places where having sex well below the age of consent is common behavior. As Brown said, it's "different" where he's from, but it's a lot more common than even he or anyone else may think.
Of course, I'm only speaking from my experience and what I observed as a black man who was once a black boy growing up around other black boys. Precocious sexuality isn't unique to black folks, and God knows, we've been stereotyped about our sexuality for far too long. (There are few statistics out there addressing this, but the Kinsey Institute places the average age for sexual activities among blacks of both genders at 15.8, compared to 16.6 for whites.) As black parents, aunts and uncles, we need to make sure that our children are being protected — and that they understand that they have a right to say no to sex. And why they should say no.
David Walton is a director of student affairs at a school in San Jose, Calif. He works with students as young as 9. Where he works, students are taught sex education in seventh grade, with permission given by parents. But he has also seen many times where a discussion about sex needs to happen with kids much sooner because of special circumstances, circumstances that are familiar to him.
"I wasn't 8 when I lost my virginity, but I was 12," he says. "I understand where Chris Brown is coming from, because growing up in Mississippi, if you didn't have a girlfriend or you weren't at least making out in the fourth or fifth grade, something was wrong with you.
"Imagine what sex does to your psyche, and you're a kid, having sex with an older woman," says Walton, who is now a happily married father of two. "The same way they say weed is a gateway drug and it makes you want to chase the next high, things just escalated and got crazier after that. It's like when you're in college, and you date a fine girl, the next girl you date, you want her to be even more fine, but imagine what that does to you as a young man, if that's the life you've been exposed to since before you were a teenager."
For kids, sex is nothing more than a game, in some cases literally. Walton recalls how a round of hide-and-seek would quickly turn into a game of hide-and-go-get it. I knew exactly what game he was talking about, where a group of girls will hide, and guys will look for them, and if we find them, we're going to make out. No one had to play if they didn't want to play, but looking back on it now, I'm not sure everyone who participated did so because they wanted to.
Which is why states have consent laws in the first place.
But what do kids know about consent? Nothing. Kids need to be taught the law, just like they're told it's illegal to drive before a certain age, smoking under the age of 18 is prohibited and they can't drink until they're 21. Why not tell them that it's against the law for them to have sex — and there are consequences if they break the law? When I was 8, my mother put the fear of God in me about having sex. I knew it was wrong, but if a girl wanted to make a man out of me, I would've gone for it, just like Chris Brown did. But maybe if I knew it was against the law, that would've stopped me.
We are all taught sex is wrong, but we're not told why, beyond fear of pregnancy
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