To Rule the Earth

To Rule the Earth


(5 May) All the so-called "contradictions between China and Hong Kong" can be boiled down to a single word, "rule".


"Rule" is the first word you come across to understand communist China. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has a tremendous ingrained "desire to rule the people". This fondness for ruling people stems from a strong desire for power. The pursuit of power is a desire of human nature, especially among remarkable people. Otherwise, there would not be any naturally talented leaders in this world.

While the Communist Party enjoys ruling people, they also enjoy micro-managing*. And once power is obtained, the pathological desire [for more] expands infinitely. After the great patriarch Mao Zedong gained power, he deliberately used the leaders of workers and peasants' neighbourhood organisations - who were [uneducated] women - to represent himself. They ruled over intellectuals who studied in US and graduated from Yenching University or St. John's Universities from the Republic of China [now Taiwan]. These neighbourhood organisation leaders seated on bamboo chairs in alleyways and kept their eyes wide open to oversee* not only the "Stinking Old Ninth"+ but also their wives and children. These women not only criticized* critical thinking, but they also inspected* these professors' daughters to see if they were secretly wearing lipstick and fancy dresses. If discovered, these illiterate lower working class hillbillies would immediately start a crazed struggle session++. Mao was psychotic. He deliberately used "bad money to drive out the good" all while laughing about it. His people detested China and civilisation. They abhorred all the beautiful and amazing things in the world.

In 1977, Deng Xiaoping's discovered that the Communist Party's pathological desire for power ruled the economy too strictly and the economy was not going to survive; Township and Village Enterprises were created as a result. Hu Yaobang found that intellectuals were being ruled too rigidly and there was absolutely no cultural entertainment. Deng decided to "ease restrictions" in the economy; the culture-loving Hu also called for "relaxation" of arts. These policies contributed to what the Chinese people consider a reformed Golden Decade+++ of the 1980s.

The CCP's genes of control, however, were never erased. Chinese literature has critiqued China for a long time, dancing around a system of evasive vocabulary like "hard-line" and "open-minded", "crackdown" and "release restrictions", "restrict" and "relax". You don't have to say that being Chinese is very tiresome; watching the tiresome existence of Chinese people is yawn-inducing and tiresome.

In 1955, while encouraging a foreign correspondent who worked for Xinhua News, Mao revealed that he "sought to rule the earth". Mao's era endeavoured to lead* the faction of world revolution but it came to be impossible. Deng and Jiang Zemen's era further altered the political line, concealing their capabilities and avoiding the limelight. But at present, constructing a "community with a shared future for mankind" requires the restructuring of the world's social order and international organisations, like WHO. The persistent desire that "sought to rule the earth" was there all along.

The meaning behind the so-called issue of Hong Kong and Taiwan are precisely down to: "Why can't I rule them?" Some have asked, "Why don't you take back the great swath of land north of Heilongjiang and rule that?" There are two reasons China is not going to do that. First, that territory was divided by the USSR; China can't offend big brother Russia. Secondly, it is an uninhabited frozen wasteland. The purpose of claiming back a territory is to rule its people."Taiwan has 23 million ethnic Chinese people that, somehow, I cannot rule. Keelung and Kaohsiung [Taiwan cities] somehow, have no Chinese Party Committee Secretary and neither do National Taiwan University and Tunghai University. This is very upsetting."

Renew the world's confidence in China's "rule".

If, one day, the British Museum in London and the Louvre in Paris were curated by Chinese people - Chinese people as Party Committee Secretaries - would you say you are happy? On the issue of China, all its politics, start by first understanding its animal instinct.

Editor's Note:

* The Chinese word, 管, possesses multiple meanings. While it is translated into "rule" for much of this piece, certain contexts require a different English word. In such cases, a star (*) is placed to denote the usage of 管in the original article.

+ Stinking Old Ninth is a derogatory term for intellectuals used during both the Yuan dynasty and the Cultural Revolution.

++ A struggle session was a form of public humiliation and torture used in the Mao era. The victim was forced to admit various crimes before a crowd who would verbally and physically abuse the victim until they confessed.

+++ The original Golden Decade, or the Nanjing Decade, began when Chiang Kai-shek took over Nanjing. The years 1927-1937 provided sufficient stability to allow economic growth and the start of ambitious government projects.

Source: Apple Daily陶傑/daily/article/20200505/20912087/

#CCP #RulePeople #WHO #Taiwan #MaoZedong #DengXiaoping #MircoManaging

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