To Have the Great Life You Deserve, Do These 6 Things

To Have the Great Life You Deserve, Do These 6 Things

Инглиш ридинг
Nurture great thoughts. For you will never go higher than your thoughts.”—Benjamin Disraeli

Do you aim high?

It sounds like an obvious(очевидный) question — and maybe it is — but if you do, that’s great. Because most people set their sights below their capabilities(ставят цели ниже своих возможностей). Most people play it safe.

I get it. Amidst the turmoil(посреди суматохи) of a global pandemic, this doesn’t exactly seem like the time to push the boat out. The safe option seems like a pretty good one.

But we too often play small because we’re afraid of being judged(осужденными). Or laughed at. Or failing. Or — sadder still — because we don’t think we deserve it. Which is wrong.

To Have the Great Life You Deserve, Do These 6 Things.

1. Believe you are worthy(достойны).

Seriously, if you don’t believe you deserve good things — and a good life —they won’t come to you. You will (unconsciously) sabotage what’s good in your world — and you’ll end up settling for less. This is true of work, money, relationships — everything. You deserve good things and good people in your world. Own it.

2. The Universe is your ATM(вселенная это твой банкомат).

If you sit back and expect the Great ATM of Life to keep spitting out(выплевывать) the goodies at you (without you putting in any hard yards), you need a reality check. Life is a give, as well as take. More give. So aim to do some good in the world. Be a friend. Or do a favour. A kindness. An act of service. In one way or other, it will return to you.

3. Create time to think and dream.

Thinking and dreaming doesn’t just mean staring into the void(взгляд в пустоту) — although most of us have done plenty of that in the past year. Active thinking and dreaming is more productive. So set aside some time to think and dream into a notebook, your laptop or your phone. Capturing your ideas is important. They won’t always be great ones, some of them will be awful, but — somewhere in there — you’ll find a golden nugget.

4. Minimise the toxic input.

We all devote(уделяем) too much time and energy to things — and people — that aren’t good for us. So run a critical eye over your own landscape and note what, and who, is hurting(делает больно) you or holding you back. It may be hard to wipe toxicity out altogether but at least point yourself in the right direction by cutting back on it. You’ll be amazed at how freeing it is.

5. Get off the couch and act.(встань с дивана и действуй)

Over-thinking is rabbit hole. As humans, we have a tendency to spend too much time in up our own heads and paying attention to our own wayward(переменчивые) thoughts, which, ultimately, just spins us around in circles. Action is the best circuit-breaker(выключатель) for this. When we take action on our ideas or goals, we drag our thoughts and feelings along for the ride. And that ride takes them to a healthier and more productive destination.

6. Know who the real judge is.(знайте кто настоящий судья)

We too often limit our lives by worrying about what others think of us: Whether they will criticise us or talk about us behind our backs. Which is weird because people will do that anyway, even if we do nothing much with our lives. But the sad thing is worrying about the opinions of others stops us from dipping into our curiosities, and venturing into the unknown.

So throw off the shackles(отбротсьте кандалы) and live the best, and biggest, way you can. The only person you should allow to judge you is you. And, even then, you shouldn’t be too mean.

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