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15 Of The Creepiest Women Of Walmart

Chris Flynn
Dec 01, 2017

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With nearly 12,000 stores worldwide, Walmart has seen its share of creepy people since its inception in 1962. Hundreds of thousands of people visit Walmart stores and hypermarkets every single day: the young, the old, the vegetarians, people shopping on the budget, people just passing by, mothers with their children. Basically, no matter who you are or what you do, if there is a Walmart near your home, you will probably go there shopping from time to time. Of course, whenever you have a place that gets visited by so many people on a daily basis, you are bound to run into some pretty weird people there as well.
The world is a crazy place and you might have noticed that before, if you spend a lot of time with different people. You can’t even imagine all the crazy behavior out there until you get to see it in person. However, public places are true gold mines when it comes to mining for creepiness and Walmart is no exception. And while the majority of people visiting Walmart are seemingly normal, from time to time, you get to see a real weirdo or two there firsthand. Let’s take a look at the 15 creepiest women of Walmart:
If you have seen at least one episode of The Walking Dead , you probably know what a zombie bite looks like. If you don’t, take a look at this woman’s leg and you’ll get a pretty clear idea. Questionable tattoos are really too big of a topic to be discussed here in detail, but people should seriously think twice before putting permanent ink on their body. That being said, there are those who will argue that this tattoo is really cool and there is no reason to hide it. On the other hand, there is really no reason to pull up your shorts just to make sure that everybody gets to see the whole picture. Some longer pants should probably be considered in this particular case for more than one reason.

WHAT IS THIS THING? It is really hard to believe that this creepy looking tail is actually somebody’s hair. If there were a competition for world’s creepiest hairstyle, this would be a clear winner because this really is something you get to see once in a lifetime. It looks like one giant dreadlock that has just been growing and growing for years. Try not to think what is inside that thing since something like this is impossible to wash properly. Seriously, don’t think about it, it will make you sick to your stomach. Also, how much do you think this huge rat’s tail weighs? It can’t be easy to carry something so big, long, and heavy on your head everywhere you go. It really takes some serious determination not to cut that thing off.

People want to stay young for as long as possible so they dye their hair, undergo plastic surgeries, work out, and carefully choose the clothes they wear. However, some people just don’t really know how to balance their real age and the age they wish they were. Here we have a woman who could be in her 50s, but who is dressed like a teenager, and not a classy one neither. Everything about that outfit is just wrong, from the neon bra to the super short shorts, not to mention the lower back tattoo in addition to all of that. There is no right place to go dressed like this, except maybe your own home when there is no one around to see you. On the other hand, we should all learn something about confidence from this woman.

The first thing we need to say now is that it is really hard to tell whether the person in the picture is really a female or not, but let’s just roll with it and say it is. Now the question for the big bucks: what is she wearing and why would anybody willingly wear that? The combination of her long golden locks and the weird golden suit really makes one wonder whether this person just recently lost some of her marbles. Hopefully, she was a performer of some sort and this whole outfit was just some kind of a costume she had to wear for work. It would probably be smart to bring spare clothes with her to avoid appearing in public places like this. Of course, there is a chance those are her regular clothes…

Who needs a professional tanning salon when you have Walmart? Bringing a deck chair with you and getting a tan right in front of Walmart seems like a much easier and cheaper solution, doesn’t it? On the other hand, you could probably just as easily get a tan in front of your own house where people wouldn’t look at you wondering whether you’re nuts or not. However, there is a possibility she didn’t actually visit Walmart for the purpose of lying there in the sun. Maybe she was just waiting for someone while they were shopping. That would make the whole thing a little bit less crazy, but still pretty creepy. There is a right time and place for almost everything in life and let’s just say that this really wasn’t the right place to pretend you were on the beach somewhere.

Lady undergarments are great to wear in the bedroom. In the middle of Walmart – not so much. On the other hand, it is also possible that the person in the picture wasn’t a woman at all, but a man who didn’t really know the difference between lady undergarments and a dress. Either way, all that is missing from this picture is a few red drops of fake blood and it would make for a great horror movie poster about a vampire hunting down people in the Walmart. “Attention shoppers! We have a vampire in aisle 3!” Wouldn’t you just run in the opposite direction if you saw a person looking like this in your favorite grocery store? This really is a whole new level of creepiness, especially when you take the look on her face into consideration.

One of the greatest things about this century is the fact that everybody is able to express themselves in any way they see fit as long as they don’t break any laws while doing so. That being said, some people should really reconsider their way of doing that because they might come off as pretty creepy. We’ve gotten used to seeing heavy metal fans, Goth people, hipsters, and all other sorts of subcultures with their specific styles, and most people don’t consider them weird anymore. It took some time, but we’ve learned to accept people’s differences. One might even think we’ve seen it all and nothing can surprise us anymore. Well, this girl managed to surprise us after all. She really needs to think about some serious makeover because, let’s be honest, nobody could pull off that outfit!

People often choose to wear some pretty questionable pieces of clothing, but what about the people who decide simply not to wear them at all? Here we have a woman who didn’t put her pants on before going shopping and she was just walking around in her panties. Is there a chance she somehow forgot? Probably not. You don’t just forget to put the pants on. Wearing pants is probably way too mainstream so she decided to try a new approach. However, it is not a pleasant view at all and people around her must have had a laugh or two, not to mention the number of pictures that must have been taken at Walmart that day. Seriously people, please wear your pants when leaving the house for everybody’s sake.

Trying the clothes on before buying them can be such a drag sometimes, especially if there is a long line of people waiting in front of the changing rooms. This woman didn’t have the time to wait to try on the clothes behind a curtain like everybody else, so she decided to just do it in the middle of the store. If she was hoping nobody would see her, that plan obviously didn’t work. It takes a lot of guts to just take off your clothes without worrying about the people who could see you. Good for you, lady! On the other hand, people don’t get naked in public not only because they are ashamed but also out of the respect for the other people passing by. That would have been a good reason to wait for an empty changing room if nothing else.

Take a moment and try to come up with at least one reasonable explanation why a person would visit Walmart looking like this? Nothing? Not one? You are probably right. There is no good explanation for this look. The only thing that comes to mind is the possibility that it was Halloween that day but that doesn’t make this outfit any less terrible. The other possibility is that she was working as an exotic dancer that night and didn’t have time to change. Anyhow, from head to toe, this woman’s look is the ultimate disaster, from oddly colored hair to the terrible stripper-like boots. It is really hard to find at least one thing here that looks all right, so let’s just stop trying and agree that no one should look like this, not even for fun.

Everybody enjoys a nice-looking cleavage but this was really taking things one step too far. Not only is this woman wearing an unbuttoned shirt with nothing but a bra underneath, the bra also seems to be a couple of sizes too small. Fun fact: some stats show that around 80% of women wear the wrong bra size and, with no doubt, this girl is one of them. So the first step for her would be to find a bra that actually fits and then to pick something to cover the bra with, for example, a deep V-neckline to show off that cleavage that she obviously really enjoys showing. On the other hand, maybe she was man-hunting and she thought this would be the fastest way to catch someone’s attention. She obviously succeeded at that, somebody took a photo of her after all.

When you see a person walking something on a leash, you expect to see a dog on the other end. Well, this is one strange looking dog indeed! Do you remember the film Roald Dahl’s Esio Trot about a woman who only showed affection to her pet tortoise? It seems like we have a similar situation here. It is quite common for people to have all kinds of pets but walking a tortoise on a leash is really something you don’t get to see every day, especially if you do that in a store. It seems super creepy, and it also seems quite dangerous, because somebody could easily step on the little guy. Also, how long does shopping take if you wait for a tortoise to follow you everywhere?

We’re not sure if this is a real person or a cartoon character that just recently came to life; it’s really hard to tell. First of all, the proportions on this person seem to be a little bit off. We have a tiny little person with quite big head and HUGE hair. We’ve seen some pretty huge hairstyles back in the ‘80s, but nothing like this. It is also almost impossible to tell whether the hair is real or if it is a really, really bad wig. If it is real, it probably takes a lot of time to style it like that and why would anybody spend so much time just to look like this? Jim Morrison really got some things right when he said that people were strange.

If you are a sci-fi fan and if you have read your share of comic books, you probably don’t think this person is creepy at all. On the contrary, she could easily be a superhero in disguise, so let’s call her a Wolf Girl who was just taking her favorite dog-like wolf for a walk through Walmart. On the other hand, if you are more of a non-fiction fan, the whole superhero theory probably doesn’t really work for you and you don’t find our Wolf Girl adorable at all. In fact, you think her whole look is weird and, truth to be told, a little scary too. We can’t blame you; she kind of does have that whole “I’ll kill you” look in her eyes that would make it pretty hard to meet her and not run in the opposite direction.

You might not have yet realized the real importance of the magic little thing called the belt. Apparently, if you have gained some weight recently and you can’t fit into your favorite pair of pants anymore, don’t worry, there is a simple solution to that! No need to buy a new pair of pants, all you have to do is pull up your old pants as high as they get (obviously, not high enough) and then just tighten them as hard as you can with a belt. Sure, it won’t look so great, but imagine how much money it will save you in the long run. Just kidding, don’t you ever do that! Why? Well, just take one good look at this pic because that is really all it takes.
... but it costs a lot of money to get that done.
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15 Super Bizarre Pictures Taken Of Women At Walmart

Chris Flynn
Dec 07, 2017

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With the price of entertainment being so high these days, there are plenty of people that are looking for cheaper alternatives. After all, not everyone can afford to pay the $25 per head price of admission to see the circus or to enter an amusement park. Taking a family of 4 to the movie theater to catch the latest crap offering from Hollywood will surely dent your wallet – that’s before you buy the tub of greasy popcorn and the soft drinks!! Let’s not even mention the outrageous cost of seeing your favorite professional sports team. It’s a good thing that Walmart came along.
You might initially think of Walmart as a place to find cheap prices on everyday items or as an all-in-one venue to do your last minute Christmas shopping on December 24 th . This retail giant also happens to be one of the best places in the world to get your entertainment fix as well as finding your dream companion. You don’t need to shell out a single penny to roam around your local Walmart and take in all of the interesting sights, sounds, and smells. Walmart doesn’t even really have a dress code. Don’t feel like changing out of your pajamas? This is the place for you!! Don’t feel like wearing underwear? Come on in!! No shoes? No Shirt? No problem!!
Here are some prime examples of the delicate flowers that you can expect to meet when you dare venture into one of these stores. You’ll never even think of going to Disneyland again after you check out the 15 most disturbing pictures taken of people at Walmart.
If you are looking for some of the latest and trendiest fashion ideas then you can always take a trip down Walmart’s ever-popular fresh produce aisle. It’s not quite like one of those fancy fashion shows where wafer-thin supermodels strut their stuff on the catwalk, but the bold designs that you can see at Walmart will definitely turn heads. Do you ever have one of those days where you just can’t decide whether you want to wear long pants or a pair of shorts? Why not have the best of both worlds like this innovative Walmart shopper? There aren’t many better ways to tell the world that you just don’t care about your appearance. Unfortunately, this custom creation is not yet available for sale at Walmart but it is a line of clothing that will soon be in demand.

Why pay those high admission prices to see the freaks at a circus when you can simply gather up the kids and go to your local Walmart? Granted, the smell of fresh buttered popcorn and cotton candy that wafts through the air at the circus might be a little more appetizing than the stench of body odor and flatulence that is so prevalent at the latter but Walmart freaks are a lot more entertaining than any circus freak that you might come across at a Ringling Brothers show. There aren’t too many things that will scare the daylights out of the young‘uns like a 250-pound pale-skinned behemoth in a revealing two-piece bikini and high heels. A sight like that is more than enough to haunt the kids for years to come.

There is no such thing as a half-measure to a lot of people. They believe that they should go all out or don’t bother trying at all. These people have a great point. After all, should we not be motivated to do our very best? If you are going to climb a mountain, then climb the highest mountain. If you are going to jump, then you jump as high as you possibly can and if you are going to dress like a goof then you dress like the biggest goof on the face of the Earth. It doesn’t get much more goofier than a rainbow-colored onesie, warm fuzzy moccasins, and a fanny pack. The biggest drawback isn’t the curious looks that you get from fellow shoppers as much as the life-scarring embarrassment that will surely affect your children.

It’s really too bad that you can’t go anywhere without being confronted by those pesky crack dealers. They are everywhere these days and Walmart is certainly no exception. That is why it is so important to keep a close eye on your kids. You don’t want your little darlings to be exposed to this cruel reality at such a young age. These crack dealers blend in with the crowds quite effectively, and they are hard to spot unless you learn to identify some of the more obvious signs. One such obvious indicator is somebody with an empty cart. It’s empty because they are not really buying anything. They’re selling their evil and addictive wares. Of course, the biggest give away is when they have their product out on display for everyone to see.

Maybe you’re not the most attractive person that’s ever graced a Walmart, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t stand out among the rest of the riff-raff. One way to show your unique beauty is to get a couple of really cheap tattoos that magically appear to vanish and return with each and every step you take. Aside from delighting and amazing the kids, these tattoos are also a great way to disguise that unsightly cellulite that plagues so many women these days. If you can’t afford to get a bit of permanent body art, then you can always head to the stationery section where you can find an assortment of ink colors with which you can draw on your own tattoo. Now you are a true Walmart patron!!

Sadly, some people struggle with their sexual identity. For those that have the financial capability and a good surgeon, making the transformation from one gender to the other is a piece of cake. Unfortunately, there are many others who lack the means to do so. They must live with their assigned gender until they can save enough money to complete the transition. They cut back on such necessities as nice shoes, hair brushes, and razors blades. Thankfully, Walmart’s low prices allow these people to save their money a little faster. They save loads of money by taking advantage of the cheaper dresses, fashionable purses, and those sexy black bras that are all the rage. Before long, the savings add up and those stuck in gender purgatory can finally get that critical operation that they so sorely need.

Walmart shoppers are sometimes treated to something really special such as a visit from their favorite celebrities. Yes, even celebrities that are thought to be dead. Michael Jackson was recently spotted at Walmart and he was accompanied by Madonna’s less-famous but much trashier younger sister. It turns out that The King of Pop is a lot more normal than previou
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