Tits To Play With

Tits To Play With


Tits To Play With
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I don't mean this question to be crass in the least.
It's just something I've always wondered. Do ladies sometimes like to sit around in their underwear and play with their breasts? I'm not talking masturbation. I'm talking about absentmindedly juggling them or something similar.
I know that men sometimes play with their genitalia when they are bored or thinking, and was wondering if women had an equivalent behavior.
Wow, I'm kinda surprised by all the replies to the negative.
As a man i can attest to absentmindedly fondling my junk. I'll just be sitting around in my underpants watching TV, reading, browsing reddit, or whatever only requires one hand and i'll just be playing with my testicles like some sort of Chinese exercise balls. I'll sometimes catch myself and think, "What the hell am I doing? I'm not masturbating or trying to arouse myself. What is this instinct?"
Anyway, reminds me of an old Rodney Dangerfield joke. "I was so poor growing up, if i wasn't born a boy i wouldn't have had anything to play with."
I saw Al Bundy put his hand in his trousers and decided that, yes, that does feel kinda nice.
oh my god, thank you for that quote
I just want to let you know that your 'chinese exercise balls' reference made me laugh out loud. Thankfully I had just swallowed my mouthful of beer.
I too find myself absent mindedly messing around with my junk. Occasionally I will look at it and think it has a life of its own.
Yes, just randomly, like when I'm reading. Not typically in an arousal-inducing way. Wow, I would have thought more women did this. Hmm.
I have a friend who says she likes to touch her breasts when she's stoned, because then she has a dissociative experience, as they don't feel like her breasts, just these things on her chest. I don't so much get that feeling.
Yeah, i thought more girls played with their boobies. I think it's really important to be comfortable with your body and know what they're supposed to feel like just in case one day you notice something different.
Playing with your boobs could save your life.
Agreed. With Kirsten not her friend....
I'm a girl, and I do think there is a female equivalent behavior. Not necessarily in a sexual way, not even often, but just absentmindedly and occasionally.
I wonder what it would feel like if your boobs fell asleep?
I've sat a certain way and made my cookie fall asleep and it was NOT PLEASANT when it woke up. Pins and needle sensations do not belong there.
I'm in the same category - I play with them more for the playing part, rather than being played with (if that makes any sense).
Yes, all the time. I have to make sure I don't do it in public because it's not so lady like. I don't really juggle them more than I just touch and squeeze. I don't get off on it. I just like the way my boobs feel.
I love how almost everyone else has said no, but the one poster that said yes got a million upvotes immediately, because every guy that read it went "That's hot."
Seconded. They're squishy. I don't do it very often. But I tend to if I'm at home reading or doing something monotonous.
Seconded. The best is standing in front of a mirror with on on each hand, and making them alternately go up and down. Or lifting them up and letting them crash down on my sweetheart's head when he's ignoring me. ;)

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What does it mean when girls push their breasts against you, or brush their breasts against you, when in conversation or whatever?

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boobs , breasts

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