Titchester Chronicles - Michelle Ch. 07

Titchester Chronicles - Michelle Ch. 07

"That struck a nerve, and there is that look again! Oh, I love that look," laughed Ms Brody.

"What look?"

"That look that says 'careful old woman or I will snap your neck'!"

"Nonsense! You don't know me, you have no idea about me!"

"True I don't know you, I have only just met you, but I am rarely wrong. Over fifty years of seeing man and women as they really are, you get an instinct for these things."

"Maybe, but you are wrong about me," replied Michelle sulkily, this woman was spoiling her perfect afternoon.

"As I said, perhaps. But Harita sensed it, sensed there was something not quite adding up. She ended her playtime with you rather abruptly."

Michelle had belatedly realised this. "Perhaps something came up that needed attention," she offered, then regretted saying it as the old woman mocked her.

"Oh, please, you disappoint me now. Harita bailed because it wasn't going the way she wanted, you confounded her. She wanted to work through her distaste for you, strut around in her own cleverness and then crush you." Ms Brody gave a magnificently contemptuous snort. "Stupid woman! And don't give me that shocked look. You heard her. If I did, you did!"

"Yes, alright I did, happy now?"

"Thank you, and did it throw you? No, you just fed her dislike, debasing yourself before her, so what were you getting out of it? What was your game?"

"There was no game I was just doing what I was told. Like a good subbie girl."

"You lying cunt."

It was said calmly with no emotion. Michelle blinked at Ms Brody and then laughed. "Yes, I had my own agenda. Is that wrong?"

"No, of course not. I'm just pleased I was right. Are you going to tell me?"


"That's fair. It's none of my business."

"No. It isn't."

"Mind your manners, girl!" Ms Brody said sharply.

After a brief hesitation, Michelle bowed her head. "Yes, Ms Brody."

"Better, now I take it you want to return here, chain yourself to the wall and beg to be used by passing gentlemen, or some such romantic nonsense."

"Yes, Ms Brody."

"Well, I will sleep on it. I am not convinced you are the right sort of girl for my club. I watched you on the monitor. You changed the dynamic. Blindfolded, three on one, yet you set the mood, you drove it. Our girls are not here to do that."

"But I enjoy it. I enjoy all of this, McCraddocks, the new rules. I want it!" Michelle protested.

"Yes, and by all means enjoy it, embrace it, wallow in it. It's fun for you. It was fun for me. I just think you are more than that."

A slightly mulish expression set in on Michelle's face. "You're wrong I just enjoyed the best sex of my life this afternoon. I want more of that. I want to serve, be used, reduced to nothing!"

But they served you in the end, Ms Brody thought, as she looked at the young girl's earnest face.

"Yes, dear, "she patted Michelle's hand. "As I said, enjoy it as much as you like, I know I did, but right now, I'm not sure you are a good fit for us," she raised her hand to quell the girl's protests. "But you are welcome to come and see me, we can talk, and I will be happy to arrange some 'entertainment' for you. Okay?"

Reluctantly, Michelle agreed. "Do I phone you?"

"Good heavens, no. Contact Ms Masters, who will arrange things. I have better things to do than chat over the telephone to a trashy tart like yourself."

Smiling, Michelle nodded. "I appreciate that, Ms Brody." She liked the woman's dismissive manner.

"You're welcome and remember, If you're going to do a thing, you should do it thoroughly. If you're going to be prey or predator, you may as well be prey or predator beyond all hope of redemption."

"Yes, Ms Brody."

"Good. I can help you, teach you even, see if we can unlock your potential and if I am wrong and there is nothing there, then we can toss you back into the pit with the rest of the pretty girls and I will forget you ever existed."

"Thank you, Ms Brody."










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