Tips on How to Make a Puppy Pen

Tips on How to Make a Puppy Pen

With the right tips, you can build a puppy pen if you want to. Your four-legged friend likes staying outside, and you want to give him a cage that is resistant to all weather conditions? You can build a cage for him with skill, a hammer, and some nails. In this article, you will find tips for making a dog cage. Therefore, you are free to try making one yourself, or if it seems too complicated or needs too much of your free time, there is always the alternative: go to the pet shop near me and buy one.

See the Pet Shop Near Me

A cage is necessary if your dog likes running freely throughout the yard. At the pet shop near me, you can find everything you need to make one. An animal that likes to be outside a lot will need a comfortable shelter. Even owners with a dog must offer it all the conditions for healthy living, especially if it is a puppy. Make sure your home garden is a safe environment for your dog, and by all means, create an environment where it can live and play without getting hurt and being protected from the cold and ugly weather.

What Type of Material Is a Puppy Pen Made of?

An outdoor puppy pen should be sturdy and durable. The material you use has a decisive role in this case. Larch is resistant to weather conditions. So it's no wonder that so much garden furniture is made from it. The only inconvenience is that it is more expensive than other materials. Spruce wood is also a good option, and many opt for it because, comparably, with the lurch, it is way cheaper, and many look at the price when choosing materials. Pine is considered a universal wood among wood types – at a great price.

What Is the Right Size for a Cage?

"The bigger, the better!" doesn't do the dog any favours, not in the cold season. If the animal's shelter is too big, it only offers a little protection against the cold if it is still a puppy. It's best to take a dog's measurement to determine the right size, not do it thinking that it will grow anyway. Record the following measurements: length and height, and then consider how much space the pet needs to turn around because this matters a lot. For example, if it is lying in a crouching position.

It now adds 20% to the measurements obtained. All these will help you determine how much material you need to buy. To calculate the size of a cage entrance, measure the height of the animal's shoulders. Ideally, the door should be about one time the height of the dog's shoulder. There are many instructions online on building a cage, but you can also ask for information at the pet shop near me when you buy what you need. It may not seem easy, but you will see that it is relatively easy.

Start Doing it Step by Step

Look at different cage models when learning how to make a puppy pen. Think about what features you like the most, and get to work! Take it easy, step by step; in no time, you will see how it starts to take its form. The house's walls should be made of slats or wooden boards - except for a particular construction made of pallets. The entrance in the front wall must be cut large enough with a hacksaw. First, carefully screw in the floor and side pieces. Any inaccuracy means instability. It is best to pre-drill all the holes.

Considering the wood will be worked on the outside, there are better ideas than dowels. If the cage you are making is for the cold season, putting many layers of polystyrene on the inner side walls is recommended. It insulates well, but the quadruped cannot eat it. Flat or pitched roof? The choice is only yours! A significant role in this entire project is your talent, imagination, and skills without being able to get the job done. As for the roof, it must be resistant to rain. As for design, you can go to the pet shop near me and see what you can find.

Build a Pallets Cage

When deciding to do a puppy pen, many opt for pallets because they are easier to use. You can opt for the disposable ones because they are way smaller and comparable to the standard pallets. Also, disposable ones are cheaper because you don't have to pay for a warranty. Building a dog house out of disposable pallets is also faster. They constitute a perfect choice, but check the pallets for nails or staples before work. Whether the material you make is the cage, remember that an impregnation protects the dog house from fading. Take care that the impregnation is not toxic to animals.

You cannot keep your dogs inside; therefore, be sure that even if it is winter, they are well protected from the cold. You can build the insulation in polystyrene in advance. If you want to be sure that your dog has a warm cage where he can live, buying insulation for the cages is easiest. Straw or warm dog pads are perfect for laying on the ground of the cage. You can find them at the pet shop near me. Another tip: the dog's shelter must be outside the ground, especially in the cold season.

Alternative: Buying a dog crate. Only start building a puppy pen if you like doing this project. If you have skills and talent for cage design, the process could take anywhere from five hours to three business days. The costs of the materials are added to these. Do you find it challenging to make a dog cage and prefer to go to the store for a ready-made one? No problem! The online store has lots of models, no matter the dog's size; therefore, do not worry; even if you do not get to do one, you can buy one.

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