Tips for photographing Amazon products

Tips for photographing Amazon products

They are right when they say we buy with our eyes, which means only if we like it, we buy it. Many decisions - whether to buy a product or not - are solely based on its visual appeal.

It's no wonder you should focus on nailing your product images! Images of your products serve an important purpose - they capture a buyer's attention while they are searching.

When you are able to make your listing invoke positive emotions, you have a higher probability of converting those shoppers to customers.

The kind of buyer you are marketing to can tell you a lot about your brand and how much your product costs.

It's common for sellers to be overwhelmed with the list of priorities related to Amazon product photography. The process begins with taking several shots of the product from different angles in order to get that perfect shot.

There's still more to come. You have to spend hours selecting and editing the best photos in order to achieve consistency throughout all of your product photos.

In order to streamline the entire product photography process, how could you eliminate the longest portion of the process?

1. Create a consistent plan

Obviously, if you are only selling one item on Amazon, it is quite straightforward. Nonetheless, if you have a large catalog of items that you sell at the Amazon Marketplace, it will take a while.

Branding is where you should start. Prepare how your product pictures will look and how you will relate them to your online presence. This can include your logo, settings, and colors. A photo should not appear as though it belongs to some other website since potential shoppers are navigating to your listing. Maintain consistency between all your photos.

2. An explanation of the magic of white backgrounds

On most eCommerce websites, the items are displayed on a plain, white background. Do you wonder why?

There are three simple reasons for this:

  • It reduces unwanted distractions
  • As a result, the product becomes the center of attention
  • Creating a consistent look and feel

The plain, white background gives a much cleaner, and more professional look. Colorful products also stand out more.

By using a photography tent or curved backdrop, you can eliminate shadows and cancel sharp angles from your image.

As far as in-context product photography is concerned, there is definitely a dispute. Certain products look better in the natural environment than others.

Rather than assuming what will make the most sales, it is best to experiment to see what is most effective.

3. Make sure the lighting is right

Having taken selfies before, you know how the right "lighting" can make all the difference. The same goes for taking pictures of products. Even dull-looking products can be made more attractive with the right light. As a result, sales can be converted more easily.

Items look best when photographed with natural light, preferably in a soft setting that is evenly distributed across the item. Even though it may not always be possible, you can try using artificial lighting with umbrellas/reflectors or DIY light boxes. Trying these out will help you determine what works best for you.

4. Use high-resolution images

Use a good camera with a high-resolution lens when taking photos of your product. Ensure that all photos you upload are of incredible quality and never blurry.

A product image must convey details about the product when viewed. As for lighting, it should not be too dim nor too bright when you shoot the product. Make it mediocre, so buyers will have the ability to make an informed decision.

5. Make sure the product is the right size

The product's size is something every seller must consider. You shouldn't shoot it so small or big that it looks out of proportion.

If you click the product in such a way that its size appears very small, you will notice plenty of white space surrounding it and the likelihood is that some details might be missed.

Alternatively, if you click it so that the product appears very large, you may miss some of its features.

As a result of these problems, you will eventually have a poor shopping experience and your ratings will suffer. Therefore, when planning a shoot, it is important to keep in mind the Amazon image aspect ratio guidelines.

6. A variety of angles should be shown of the product

A few pictures of your product is always better than just one or two. This is because the people who you are selling it to might not have experienced it in person. Since they have no idea how your product looks or feels, it is crucial that you provide them with an abundance of images.

Among Amazon's product & search pages, the first image displayed is known as the "main image." It always depicts the product's front view. Showing the product's back view is therefore unnecessary.

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