Tips for Pulling Parts in Cold Weather

Tips for Pulling Parts in Cold Weather


Florida may be the Sunshine State, but that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t get its fair share of cold fronts. Winter has officially settled in across the country, and the temperatures continue to drop. Still, if you find yourself in need of a car part for a repair, self-service junkyards are the most affordable option available to you. If you’re a bit hesitant to pull parts from an outdoor salvage yard when it’s cold out, check out these tips that may help.

Wait for the Warmer Parts of the Day

Naturally, you want to get to the junkyard early, so you have the rest of the day to work on your car repairs. While this is perfectly reasonable, you may want to reconsider that idea in the winter. The early morning is going to be one of the coldest parts of the day, and it’s better to wait until it’s warmed up a bit if you’re going to be pulling parts. Go in the late afternoon, around 4:00, and you’ll likely be much warmer.

Check the Weather before Going

Unless getting this part is urgent, it’s a good idea to plan ahead and check the weather to find the best day to go to the junkyard. Make sure you go when there’s plenty of sunshine and very little wind. This can help to take some of the bites out of the cold weather.

Bundle Up for Warmth and Safety

Bundling up is an important thing to do when going outdoors in the winter. However, if you’re going to pull parts, it’s essential to put a little extra thought into the cold-weather gear you’re putting on. For example, the junkyard is not the place to wear a scarf, as it could snag on sharp corners or get tangled in car parts. Better yet, avoid any overly baggy clothes—yes, that includes your favorite hoodie.

Wear closer-fitting items that still provide plenty of warmth, and pull on a knit cap to keep your ears warm. Grab some gloves that can keep your fingers warm while still providing enough skill to use your tools. You may even need to take these off if pulling small parts, but they can always warm your fingers while hunting for the right items. And of course, wear jeans and sturdy close-toed shoes to protect your feet and legs in the salvage yard.

Pulling parts at junkyards in Fort Meyers, FL doesn’t have to be an unpleasant experience in the winter. Follow the tips above, and you’ll be back in your warm garage, fixing up that old car in no time.

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