Tiny Penis Tranny

Tiny Penis Tranny


Tiny Penis Tranny

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These are only a year or two old Chocó's don't wear these much i never liked the way they make my feet look. and not very comfortable either. they are really hard!
Cheepo sandals but i like them and wear them a lot, lol
These are what i wear to the salon when i have my toes painted. They are easy to put on afterword and don't mess up the fresh paint ... $5.00 at the grocery store LOL about 10 years ago almost wore out.
These are fun to wear and really soft cushion. I wear these out sometimes.
he was bound earlier while I fitted him with the cage. it was my first time and a difficult and painful procedure (for him).
he was twitching and jumpy the whole time I was stuffing his cock and balls into that apparatus...LoL
mmm... now I know he's in for a hard hard night...
I thought I would return to a favourite moment.
When I returned to where I had left him tied, I had a good laugh. It was so funny seeing him there like this. I swear his shorts weren't supposed to have come right down. It was pretty cold (obviously LoL) but really I worry more about being arrested than him being embarrassed by his wee willy being seen by the neighbours.
This is the view that drivers got of my little pet as they approached a corner on the road. It really was a bit chilly and I had left him with one piece of clothing on (almost on anyways). His shorts are too large and were easy to slip down, so I pulled them just to the point of no return. It was all in good fun and meant to expose him just enough (for a bit of nervous fun). When I left him, the shorts were down enough to see his pubic bush (the low end of his pubic bush) hahah. Apparently they were slipping down further every time he moved and he couldn't do anything about it. At some point they fell all the way down. He said that he stood there like this for most of the hour I was gone and was petrified as each car went by.
When I came back to untie him and saw him like this, I laughed like hell (and took a bunch of pics of course). It wasn’t what I expected to see and I thought maybe someone had pulled them down for him. Unfortunately they just fell down on their own.
He could hear the cars drive by and see the light cast by their headlights through his hood, but nothing else. He says it was frightening for him and felt like he was standing there naked and exposed forever (especially after his shorts had completed their journey to the ground). His cold little cock was out and getting smaller for all to see. He couldn't see it, but he knew his penis was tiny and it was very humiliating.
Good!! That's what he wanted when he began all this.
Though the cars slowed down for a good look, no one stopped for long or got out of their vehicles for a closer inspection. Too bad! He told one of them that he was alright when they called out. He could hear a man and a woman laughing. He thinks that they took pics. I told him not too worry, that his cold little penis was so small that they probably couldn't see it in the photos anyways. He knew it was true so couldn't say much in response.
No not really, the little fucker isn't allowed spill anything until I say.
he's tired and rubbery and numb. a little bit of bondage with ongoing sexual pain and anguish will do that to you. now that i'm spent, he gets to stay that way for the rest of the evening (naked and unsatisfied i mean).
later when it was late enough not to bother the neighbours (we think) and cold enough to be a challenge for him, i watched while he finished himself off in the backyard. it took him a while. i think he was still pretty sore.
Sakya Muni Buddha Gaya Temple, Singapore
you know how i loved catching him getting out of the hot tub with that shriveled wet penis? the lake is even better for highlighting him in all his glory. here he is skinnydipping with others nearby and able to see him if they wanted. he was being careful but of course i wanted everybody to see him. i had him swim out into the open with all the boaters and where he could be seen by those on shore too.
of course, i actually really like this shot. it makes me want to do more.
I like it on him. he better get used it.
well, you can't blame him (or me) if he decides to carve off that little twig.
i love all those that i've met that have control of their men their cocks. i want my little puppet to do whatever i ask of him, even to the extremes of devotion and sacrifice.
Funny illustration I created about using "penis" as a password. The computer responds that it's too short.
I apologize for the watermark! I added it to all my work to defray others from using the images as their own.
goddess! that thing is hard to get on him as squirms and twitches. he has a little cock which fits the cage nicely, but he has big balls. they are hard to get into the cage and are usually swollen and purple by the time i finish. on the plus side, a little flick of the finger to his balls has him cringing and crying out... and very obedient.
who knew it would make me wet to abuse him sexually like this. i would never have guessed it.
next time i think i will spread his legs and suck hard on his balls. they're so tender they will hurt but he will get aroused and the cock cage will strangle his erection and hurt even more.
can we start the bidding on this older, slightly used male slave.
his belly is soft and his cock is small (but it's ready to be removed so he shouldn't be a problem)
Located on the corner of corner of Second Avenue and Madison Street in downtown Seattle, Washington.
The mess i created from showing you guys part of my footwear collection...LOL
Car Shopper: I have a very small penis, but I don't want anyone to suspect... what have you got for me?
Car Salesman looks into Car Shoppers Shorts and pauses.
Car Salesman: You're going to need something like this
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Simple infographic with some basic stuff about the micropenis condition. Micropenis is a medical term used to describe an abnormally small penis. An adult penis is considered abnormally small if it measures 3 inches (~8 cm) or less. For more info about the condition you can visit my site: www.micropenis.info/p/micropenis.html
this car just rocks, my god, how awesome is this? look at the awesomeness it exudes. Just simply, awesome.

From Banksy's exhibition in Bristol
Maybe the reason he is a sick freak is because he has the smallest penis on earth.
Shot taken near intersection of Nelson and Granville, Vancouver
The only know antidote is red wine and Pink Floyd.
Mostly human penis is in a grow state at the age of 17 by latest and the mean length of an erectile penis is of approximately 13.12cm or 5.68 inch if a man having penis size below 13.12cm but greater than 10cm called below average penis, but if in case size is below 7cm (2.8inch) it’s a cause to worry about.
If you have a penis size problem you may have probably noticed that it’s a quite interesting point of discuss on the net, fortunately only 10% of men suffering with it and the most drastic thing is they can’t dare to consult a doctor because of being embarrassed in the society.
What happens when you have a few too many. I especially like his satin sheets...
Not too bad in the video. You can see driving in the bike lane and some loud noises when one of the drivers pops some mini wheelies. Before I got the camera out all four of them rode in the crosswalk on Seaman and Dyckman against a red light and cross traffic.
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Being sick is very frustrating but do not let your illness bring you and your body down when You might not be the most endowed person when it comes to size but you don’t really have to worry too much about it. It ain’t about the size of the boat, but what matters most is the motion of the ocean. Women have several erogenous zones and when it comes down to it, being a guy with a small penis is not much of a deal.
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Statue in The Fountain of The Centaurs
Saw it in the afternoon rush hour traffic... haha hehe heh heh haha "#Compensating" !!!! :D

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The "Small Dong March" took place in Los Angeles over the weekend.

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It’s not the size of the protest — it’s what you do with it.
Dozens of men have hit the streets for a “Small Dong March,” seeking to end the so-called “shame” associated with having an undersized penis.  
The demonstration took place Saturday in Downtown Los Angeles and was organized by YouTube stars Chad and JT.
“Some people are embarrassed to show up. If you have a small dong, the truth will come out. So own that truth,” the organizers pleaded while promoting the penis protest on Twitter.
Activists assembled in the area at 10 a.m. — although the length (and girth) of the march wasn’t publicized online.
Participants paraded through the streets, brandishing eye-catching placards and chanting in unison.
“All dongs are created equal!” one participant’s sign exclaimed.
Others held up homemade posters claiming Jesus Christ and Tucker Carlson both had small penises.
Unsurprisingly, several signs were crude in nature, including one which read: “My dong is not a choking hazard.”
Several demonstrators insisted they were simply attending the march as “allies” and claimed they were actually well-endowed. A number of women also hit the streets in support of the cause.
One startled passerby recorded footage from the protest and shared it on TikTok .
The video featured passionate participants chanting “Motion of the ocean!” as they made their way through LA’s Downtown area.
“This is my kinda movement,” one quipped, while another dryly remarked, “People really be protesting anything these days.”
Though men with smaller-than-average appendages may face some shaming, it’s not all bad news.
Last year, an OnlyBuy survey found that the biggest earners tend to have the smallest penises.
Men packing 3-inch penises — apparently the threshold for a micropenis — made an annual income of about $76,780 on average, according to the report. Not only that, but males with 4-inch penises were more likely to be promoted.

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What Does It Feel Like To Have A Penis But No Balls?
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For those of you who've had an orchiectomy: Can you wear a bikini? Does it still get erect? Does it just feel weird? Do you like it?
I was born intersex and have only one ball. But I'm used to having only one ball. It's small and doesn't get in the way but I was wondering what it would feel like if it wasn't there? Just wondering....
After my orchi I just halved my dose of spiro as per dr’s instructions. So I still get the little bit of annoyance of taking one spiro a day. For me the knowledge I will never actively masculinise was the main reason.
I have reduced genital dysphoria now too. Lacking those testosterone spheres makes me feel like my junk as a whole isn’t as ‘male’. So I’m more comfy with it.
Having said that, for some reason (reduced spiro?) It’s actually easier for me to get an erection than before the orchi. But I’m not sure that’s universal at all. It’s still rare that it would happen, and it never happens randomly or anything.
As for clothing- I never had much of an issue tucking personally using a homemade gaffe. It’s just comfier now and I forget I’m wearing it until I go to the bathroom or whatever. I’m pretty sure I could wear bikini bottoms without issue- but I’d have to use some waterproof tape. It would be relatively comfy tho. Unless your junk is big ig, idk. I usually just wear womens board shorts and a bikini top.
Crossed legs never bothered me but it’s especially fine now I guess.... think that’s it. Feel free to ask follow up Q’s.
If you don't mind me asking, I'm curious why your doctor kept you on spiro at all after orchi? I know that occasionally some people's adrenal glands can still produce a slightly high amount of T, but most people can drop AA's entirely after orchi.
Thanks for sharing your experience. This is the route I'm taking, simply to stop the AA's. I'm too old to go the whole way but believe me I would have done even just ten years ago but now, nah. I've got my boobies to look after. Best wishes to you and thanks.
I'm glad you're doing well. Why do you even need to take any spiro at all? It has some negative side effects.
6 months post-op orchi. Had the testicles and scrotum removed. I'm one of those girls who likes her penis. My penis is still fully functional, but the whole area is much more compact. I don't even have to wear underwear and I don't have a bulge. It feels really nice to have the testicles gone - for the first two months, every time I moved I was reminded they were gone and it felt amazing. Now, it just feels normal. I don't have to take any more spiro, which is a huge plus. I all around feel more confident and easier going in public now that I'm never worried about a bulge. It's great, and if you want to keep your penis, I can't recommend an orchi enough.
I think a scrotectomy is best if you keep your penis. There aren't very many photos of scrotectomy and I think if more people knew about it they'd get it. I talked to one girl who had no clue what it was and she had an orchie but had all that skin hanging down there. She didn't want GRS either. I'm glad you're doing great!
My penis is still fully functional, but the whole area is much more compact.
This is exactly 100000% what I want. I've been on the fence about the scrotum though for aesthetic reasons? Like I don't know if having the she-twig but no she-berries would look weird on me. I know the scrotum shrinks once the testes are taken out, so I'm not sure if it's worth getting the Sackville-Baggins taken off too.
I've heard erections are still possible and without spiro much more likely.
I had my orchi 5 weeks ago. Prior to surgery my testicles were very atrophied and spent most of their time inside of me. I never had much issue with them, just aim everything down when putting on underwear, instead of to the sides, and there was no evidence. I never understood the obsession with tucking or gaffs. I apparently have a slightly larger than average penis, but *shrug*.
I can and do still get hard when aroused, but due to EXTREMELY FRUSTRATING circumstances, I can't actually do anything with my partners at the moment (they both live with me, but my ex is on my couch, long story.) Masturbating is better IMO, I've been doing that since 5 days post-op. I've also stopped completely stopped spiro since the day of surgery (was only taking 50mg/d before.)
Recovery was very easy for me, 2 days of pain, another week of soreness, and then another week or so of intermittent achiness, I've been at about 100% since 3 weeks post-op (I went back to work after 10 days, and probably could've done half that but my partners were moving in at the time too, so it was very convenient to have some more time off.)
I have not worn a bikini yet, but I might in about a month at a private pool party. I've never cared as much about how my genitals look in swimwear as much as how my abdominal fat looks.
I have no plans whatsoever to have vaginoplasty, and I'm very happy with the results. People have told me I have "a glow" since my surgery but I think they're either pulling my leg or misinterpreting my enthusiasm for my new relationship as being surgical in nature. I'm also extremely happy to know that I'm 100% sterile, as I've never wanted to have children and one of my partners is a cis woman.
Financially, the net cost to me was $1750, after insurance and deductible reimbursement, but a friend of mine had hers 2 weeks after me and said it was about $2300 cash price.
Did you have scrotectomy since you aren't interested in vaginoplasty? Thanks for responding and I'm glad you are doing well.
Im only 6 days post op for an orchi and already I can tell there's more room down there. I've always been able to cross my legs but I know it will be way easier now. Since Im still healing I haven't tried to do anything else but for me personally, it feels like a huge relief.
I had an orchie in March '17 and GRS in Feb '18. So for 11 months I had the configuration you describe.
My primary reasons for getting the orchie were to lessen genital dysphoria and to get off Spiro asap. I knew I wanted GRS someday so I kept my scrotum. I had thought that I'd want vaginoplasty in like 5 years; but about a month after the orchie I realized that I wa
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