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By Guest | 24 posts, last post a month ago

Robert Rister
answered this
Penis Size And What Men Can (And Can't) Do About It

morning fellow homo sapien, i am an african male 36yrs old and live alone as i have my entire life.u know africans are known to well endowed, i am not.my penis never changed from childhood,i as result decided not to propose girls because it will lead to sex at some point; i discourage myself from dancing, any action that will lead to her feeling or touching my small penis. i dont make friends, i cant pee with other men, i have had to get used to not feeling,i have done so for so many years i now dont know how to love someone else or myself,i resorted to prostitutes because i convinced myself that they only need money and that since its a once off we will never meet again,my shame will not haunt me daily.i find myself planning my old age and my death especially these days. i have denied my feelings for so long that i now know that am damaged,i find no joy in being alive,i am just too coward to end my life and rest for good.like u i have been told of my small penis,i am not willing to put up a fight anymore,i have accepted and live like a hermit.no girlfriend,no possibility of a wife,no possibility of one or try wo children, no possibility of marriage,will die alone and i shall have suffered humiliatingly so at the hands of other human beings.this is how i started to be angry with GOD.i shed a tear in my office this morning while writing this because it is a brutally honest account of my existence.i do not wish my circumstance on my enemies.WHY WAS I BORN WITH SUCH AN EMBARASSING DEFECT


I think it's horrible what happened to you. My boyfriend has a small penis and I'm fine with it. He's a wonderful man, and while I was a bit shocked at first, I realized it didn't matter ;) Don't worry so much, it's really not a big deal! What happened to you is, and you hopefully you will get therapy to deal with it. You could have PTSD.

In reply to Guest on 2013-04-24 - click to read

God took the rib from Adam and made a women. The rib can be explained as the perfect fit for adams body because adam body was perfect before the fall. Right.. Thus the woman metaphorically can be assumed to be his perfect fit. Like wise did you not know that their are women who have this same problem. " A small vagina--- research it" So what I am saying is put your trust in Jesus Christ and the Lord can bring your eve to you just like he brought eve to adam. In other words he can bring your rib defect and all back to you HENCE THE PERFECT FIT. I know it to be true my friend, from experience.

I am a woman and I have always said that size doesn't matter. My boyfriend is barely 3 1/2 inches, but I still love him and I wouldn't give a damn if he was 1 inch. He all the time talks about how he hates his size and he should kill himself bc of it... it breaks my heart to see him criticize his body like that bc I know he's perfect jus the way he is. This story seriously made me want to cry and I am so sorry for what those women did to you

In reply to Guest on 2013-04-24 - click to read

Dude, get over it. That's no excuse. What women care about is if you are confident (not arrogant, not a penis; just confident). Take a poll and I'm sure 75% of women would take a guy who is confident and nice with a 4 incher over a guy who is insecure with a 7incher. From your post you sound very insecure. That is your problem, not your penis. If you have access to a counselor or psychologist that might help. But without doubt, even a man with a mircopenis (less than 2inches) can find a woman who loves him.

In reply to anonymous on 2015-11-11 - click to read

Con't re the confidence issue:....for your information, I'm 6'5" and have a 4.25" penis. So that's similar to being a black guy with a small one. I have absolutely no problem in the ladies department. I've slept with about 15 women. And never once had a problem with size or losing a girl because of it. Sure obviously some women have considered it small, but unless you're some super hot guy and the girl is only going after you because of your physical appearance, it shouldn't matter.

In reply to DMC0502339090 on 2015-04-14 - click to read

You are so sweet and your boyfriend is a lucky man. It gave me hope reading what you said. This world can be very cruel, dark and lonely for men with smaller penises.

hihihi you americans are really funny

In reply to DMC0502339090 on 2015-04-14 - click to read

you are such a sweetheart. Your boyfriend is so lucky to have such a wonderful, loving woman in his life. I wish the majority of women felt like you do, There are millions of lonely men who are so afraid to date a woman or get close to a woman because they have a small penis. They are so afraid of rejection and having their hearts broken. If there were more women like you (who truly understands what love is about) then men's penis size insecurities would be eliminated. Sadly, special women like you are a rarity these days.


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