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Tilf Tube
MIS TLIF: Minimally Invasive Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion
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Lumbar surgery refers to any type of surgery in the lumbar spine or lower back. Lumbar surgery is often performed to treat compressed nerves in the lumbar spine caused due to spondylosis (a type of arthritis spur caused by wear and tear of the spine), herniated or slipped disc and spinal stenosis which is a narrowing of the spaces within the spine, resulting in an increased pressure on the nerves that travel through the spine. These spine conditions usually cause pain that are often described as sharp, numbness or tingling. Pain usually radiates from the back to the buttocks and the legs. Weakness of affected leg might be also present with inability to stand or walk for a long distance.
Microdecompression surgery of lumbar spine is usually performed through a small surgical incision by using microscope. The purpose is to access the affected part of spine in order to create more space within the spinal canal and remove the degenerative disc and bone spur. This procedure aims to alleviate the nerves from compressing pressure causing radiating leg pain and numbness. This procedure, however, may provide minimal benefits in patient with severe or chronic back pain due to unstable spine such as ‘spondylolisthesis’ or bone slip. In this group of patient, additional procedure of fusing the lumbar spine segment may also be needed to enhance the stability of the spine and at the same time to reduce back pain.
In the past, traditional surgery called open laminectomy was widely conducted via large surgical incision at the back to remove the lamina — the back part of a vertebra that covers the spinal canal. In order to access the affected part of the spine, the spine surgeon needs to make long incision in the back over the affected spine and dissect large part of the back muscles. The surgeon also removes the herniated portion of the disc and bony part of spine causing nerve compression. A metal screw is then inserted to stabilize the spine (Posterior pedicle screw fixation).
Biomechanic studies later indicate that 70-80% of the body weight is transferred to the frontal part of the lumbar spine which consists of bony part and disc in the middle. Therefore, to achieve better outcomes with improved spinal stability, fusion in the disc space (Interbody fusion) in which the disc is removed and replaced with spacer (filled with bone graft or bone substitute) should be performed concurrently with posterior pedicle screw fixation. The most commonly used technique is called open Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion or open TLIF. During open TLIF with open incision, facet joints which are a set of joints between two adjacent vertebrae will be cut and the slipped or damaged intervertebral disc is removed. Then spinal fusion connecting two or more damaged vertebrae using spacer with bone grafts, metal rods and screws is done. Major drawback of open TLIF approach, however, is the extensive muscle dissection and retraction, leading to significant muscle injury, resulting in more postoperative back pain.
Minimally Invasive Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion (MIS TLIF) is a technique developed to make lumbar fusions less invasive compared to Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion or open TLIF, yielding more favorable results both intraoperatively and post operatively. MIS TLIF technique includes:
Minimally invasive interbody fusion (MIS fusion at disc space) can be done from the front (anterior- or ALIF ), the side of the body( lateral – or LLIF) or the back (posterior-or transforaminal TLIF). In contrast to ALIF and LLIF which requires the surgeon to adjust the position of the patient two times: (1) first supine/oblique position to fuse disc space then (2) second to a back position to place pedicle screws at the back, TLIF does not require repositioning of the patient since the patient already lay on his/her back. The entire TLIF procedures can thus be done without repositioning, resulting in shorter operative time and less intraoperative risks.
In conclusion, advantages of MIS TLIF procedure over traditional spine surgery include smaller incision resulting in less pain, less muscle disruption, less blood loss (no blood transfusion require) and fewer postoperative complications including lower infection rates. Patients undergo MIS TLIF require less pain medications than those who have traditional surgery. In addition, MIS TLIF allows patients a faster recovery time, quick return to daily life and often an ability to stand and walk the following day.
MIS TLIF largely helps to improve surgical outcomes and patient safety. However, preferred surgical technique might vary among individuals, depending on different conditions. More importantly, MIS TLIF should be performed by highly experienced spine surgeons supported by advanced technology, including microscope, the O-arm imaging system, navigator system and minimally invasive tubular retractor system as well as percutaneous pedicle screws and rods. In order to achieve the best possible outcomes, patients should receive treatments provided by expert specialists in certified hospital.
Orthopedic Spine Surgeon, Spine Center, Bangkok International Hospital.

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In my day, the only thing we had to look forward to with school was an uphill walk both ways through the snow in the scorching heat of summer. Well, not really, but we certainly did not have the teachers like we see today! Now, I do not condone what they have done. I am sure these young men have been scarred for life and will probably never be able to have sex again without the need for a little strict discipline or perhaps will never be able to get "in the mood" without first giving his partner a nice shiny apple. But I still cannot help but wonder... If only Mrs. Skinner had been so open minded...
At Brighton
Charter High School in Brighton, CO, Carrie McCandless was a social studies teacher and cheerleading coach. She was accused of having sexual contact with a 17-year-old male student during an overnight camping trip. She was never actually charged with have sex with the lucky lad, but her arrest affidavit stated the couple "did everything except having sex". Maybe the kid got really lucky and they were using Bill Clinton's definition of sex. Personally, I think Carrie is the hottest of the naughty teachers, but she does lose points for not being naughty enough.
Hope Jacoby was a high school athletic trainer at Tustin High School in Tustin, CA. She was arrested on suspicion of oral copulation of a minor and unlawful sex with a minor and eventually pleaded guilty to six counts of sexual contact with a minor. In this case, the minor was a boy who was 16-17 at the time. The judge reduced the charges from felonies to misdemeanors stating the young fellow was not only a willing participant but even practiced some deception in an attempt to keep the affair going.
Pamela Rogers was charged with 15 counts of sexual battery by an authority figure and 13 counts of statutory rape on February 4, 2005 for her three month relationship with a teenage student. She ended up pleading no contest to only four charges of sexual battery by an authority
figure on August 12, 2005. You would think she got off easy (no pun intended) and in fact she did. She received an eight year suspended sentence and only had to spend about nine months actually incarcerated. But oh what a naughty girl she was! She soon found herself in more trouble for sending text messages, sex videos and nude pictures of herself to the same young man. The judge sentenced her to seven years in prison for violating her probation.
Now this girl may actually be a bad seed. At first glance, you might think well, so what... a 23-year-old student teacher having sex with a student? Big deal, right? I mean a few years ago they would have been in class together, right? Well, no. Because she was teaching at an elementary school! Her victim? A 14-year-old. Must have been a manly 14-year-old to get in this babe's panties. I mean, let's face it... evil corrupter of America's youth or not, this girl is H-O-T !
Almost certainly the most notorious and arguably the hottest naughty teacher, Debra Lafave, who was a teacher at Angelo L. Greco Middle School in Temple Terrace, FL, is the name most often associated with educators gone bad. Like Lindsay Massaro, the then 23-year-old Lafave had an affair with a then 14-year-old boy. Again... HUH? While most men would have gladly switched places with the youth, it is hard to understand why a woman like this would pursue a child. Lafave was eventually sentenced to three years house arrest and seven years probation causing many to protest that a man found guilty of similar charges would have gone to prison.
Kristen Margrif, a Michigan high school English teacher, was initially charged with seven felony counts and one misdemeanor count over her relationship with a 17-year-old male student. Though Michigan's age of consent was only 16 and the young man had indeed consented, the teacher ended up in hot water due to a state law making it illegal for a teacher to have sex with a minor student. Ultimately, however, she only received a one year suspended sentence. After all, it's not like she was seducing 14-year-olds...
One of the common characteristics of our bad teachers is they are usually younger -- most often in their 20's and occasionally in their 30's. But every now and then a naughty MILF comes along to either add to the hotness factor or amp up the creepiness depending on your point of view. Of the older ladies, here are two that were especially sexy...
Beth Geisel was an English teacher at Christian Brothers Academy in
Albany, NY -- an all boys academy. The 42-year-old MILF (or would that be TILF?) did not just get down and dirty with one boy, but with several in a variety of places including the school's football field. Though facing a possible 16 years incarceration on three rape charges, in the end Geisel only served six months in county jail and was put on probation for ten years.
Janelle Batkins, also a 42-year-old sexy mama, was a French teacher at Roseville High School
in Mount Clemens, MI. She was charged with having
sex with a 17-year-old male student. Her sentence? Three years probation and 240 hours community service. Once again, this was only considered a crime in Michigan because of the teacher-student relationship since the state's age of consent is 16 and there was no doubt the youth consented. But then, how many men have really said no to their high school French teacher? Can you say "ooh-la-la"?
Angela Comer was a teacher at Tompkinsville Middle School City in Tompkinsville, KY, who was
originally charged with two counts of sodomy, four counts of unlawful
transaction with a minor and custodial interference. She eventually reached a plea bargain that included a ten year prison sentence. But the thing that probably got her the jail time was not the sex with the 14-year-old student but more likely the running off for Mexico with the 14-year-old student.
Maggie Laughlin was a math teacher at Shore Junior High School in Mentor, OH, when her affair with a 15-year-old student came to light. It seems every morning for the last couple weeks of class, Maggie would perform oral sex on the lad. What a way to start your school day! Laughlin pleaded guilty to eight counts of unlawful sexual conduct with a
juvenile and was sentenced to three years in prison.
So what have we learned from this review of the hottest naughty teachers? Well, probably not much but then I did not really have a lesson plan. Generally these women seem to get light sentences and, though I did not make an official tally, I would bet most of these ladies were not reported by the young men they were involved with. Usually it is the mother of the victim that reports this sort of thing or word gets around when the victim tells his friends of the horror he is enduring. But the fact that most men would probably have loved to have had any of these babes as their sex ed mentor does not excuse what these women have done. So all you hot teachers out there... keep your hands off your students. If you absolutely must have sex with a student, give me a call. I'll be glad to enroll for a semester.
She should not date any one in the school .
in school i would've love go to school and gotten laid!so i congradulate all those students
dusy7969 from San Diego, California on February 17, 2011:
I knew of several teachers at my school dated students. It's been 20 years, but it didn't seem like a big deal then. It was both men and women. In fact, two of the teachers ended up marrying each other. I always thought it odd, but not that big a deal. The students were seniors, not 11 year olds, so that probably helped.
I got that van halen song in my head now!
sabrebIade from Pennsylvania on September 04, 2010:
I would love to see a deep psych profile on that woman and see what it was that made her do that.
She looks like she could have had her pick of appropriately aged men.
Maggie's sentencing was light compared to Shelia Granger(although not a teacher) received 60 years for having intercourse with 2 eleven year old boys.
You are right that in many of the instances we guys wonder where these techers were back when we were in school. Well they were there indeed, and back then it seems no one made a fuss about a little fling going on on the side so long as it was all consential. Wasn't anybody else's business, really. Unfortunately I was not one of those to get lucky with a hot-hot teacher but I have no doubt it went on back then. Many times. It was no big deal and the whole affair was benign to the degree that the student got a little education on adult life and we all managed to grow up normal and healthy as anybody else.
The laws are backwards in that they don't do enough to protect the public from murderers and violent criminals and they emphasise waaay too much on programs that work to prevent anyone who has ever had a sexual thought or notion from ever having any kind of future.
Now! What's this I hear about school boards wanting to impliment graphic sexual education to students in as early as the sixt grade? With all the concern going on now about student-teacher sexual affairs, what the devil are these crazy school board members thinking?!?!

TILF means Teachers I'd Like To Fuck
TILF is an acronym for Teachers I'd Like To Fuck
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